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Leslie Bowman. Preparing Students for Online Learning. Instructional Designer Online Faculty. Ozarks Technical College Walden University. Pre-Class Preparation. In-Class Follow Up. Practice. Reinforcement. Sustainable Habits. Steps to Success. LMS Technology Word Processing Email.
Leslie Bowman Preparing Students for Online Learning Instructional Designer Online Faculty Ozarks Technical College Walden University
Pre-Class Preparation In-Class Follow Up Practice Reinforcement Sustainable Habits Steps to Success Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
LMS • Technology • Word Processing • Email Goals Priorities Reading Writing Note Taking Outlining Practice Reinforce Develop Maintain Preparation for Online Learning Lacks accountability More in-depth but lacks follow-up Follow – up Accountability Credit Success Course Self Guided P R D M Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Study Skills • Completing work fully & • on time • Planning & scheduling tasks • Reading & following directions • Notes, outline, & studying Typical Excuses Organization Time Management Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Dear Professor • I had to work late last night and couldn’t get my assignment done. Please give me an extension. • My kids’ ball game was rescheduled for tonight because it rained last night. I’m not going to be able to get my assignment done for tomorrow. • My boyfriend took my computer to work and dropped it. Now it doesn’t work. What should I do? • I’m going on cruise to Fiji and there is no internet anywhere on the island because everything is so primitive so can I turn in my work in two weeks? • I left my jump drive at work so I need to turn in my work late this week. Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Online Learning • A User Friendly Approach for High School and College Students • How does it work? • Study habits • Communication • Class structure • Assignments • Learning activities • Time management • Writing • Research • Common mistakes • Maintaining good habits Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
What Students Say • These strategies help tremendously because this system provides a basic structure that is self explanatory to help college students keep track of assignments and due dates. • If used correctly this system could raise grades and lower the number of assignments turned in late or not turned in at all. • I know I struggled quite a bit with my grades until I used this system and now I have straight A's. It definitely has made a difference for me. Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Tasks/Calendars Notes/Outline/Summary Accomplishments Reasons/Excuses Improvement Plan Practice & Reinforcement Implement practice activities in Gen Ed courses Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Task List What tasks are due next week? How much time do you plan to spend on each? • Due date • Time needed • Task description • Date completed Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Outlines & Notes What concepts, issues, topics in the assigned readings apply to the discussion questions and other assignments this week? • Assignment description • Outline • Detailed notes Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
What Students Say • I double check to make sure I wrote everything on the task chart. Then I print the chart and post on my board by the computer. • Taking notes helped me with remembering everything that I had read and makes it easy to jot things down as I go along in my readings. • The weekly planning showed me how to get work done early so I have a few days to look it over and make it better before the due date. • The task list only took about 10 minutes. The outline and notes took a couple of hours but that’s study time well spent. Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Learning Summary • What did you learn this week? • How will you apply this to real life work? • What else do you still want to learn about these issues, concepts, topics? Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Planning & Scheduling • What is due next week? • When will you begin and complete each discussion or assignment? • How much time will you spend each day? • Standard calendar • Days of week • Hours of day Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Accomplishments • What tasks were completed on time? • What tasks were not completed? • Why were these tasks incomplete? • What is your plan for improvement? Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
What Students Say • Figuring out why I didn’t get some things done on time was a real eye-opener. I learned where I was wasting time. • Making a plan for avoiding the same mistake next week and then writing it down really helped me get assignments done on time. • Filling in the calendar weekly helps with organization to make sure I turn things in on time. • The learning summary and accomplishments took about 30-45 minutes and were a good review. • The scheduling takes less time each week as you get into the routine of planning. Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
In-Class Reinforcement Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Homework each week Grade study skills homework activities Choose activities to match assignments Use basic study skills activities the first weeks Use all study skills activities from midterm to end of term Implement Skills in Class Alternate study skills activities Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Midterm and Beyond All Activities Every Week Projects Tasks Notes Calendar Maintaining Effective Habits Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
What Students Say • Though many students may not realize it, organization makes up for a large portion of college grades. • Some students don't know the first thing about organizational skills or how to go about getting organized. • It is a fabulous idea and I do not know why more teachers don't make this available to students. • The time spent each week on this system is what you should be doing on your own anyway. It’s study time and reading and writing time. Leslie Bowman Online Learning http://elearningprof.net
Activity instructions, examples, templates available online • E-Learning Prof http://elearningprof.net • Teach Online Blog http://teachonline2008.blogspot.com/ Thank You !