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Description : single layer of flat cells

Epithelial Tissue:. Description : single layer of flat cells. Location : lines air sacs in lungs, eardrum membrane, and surface of kidneys. Function : secretion in serous membranes, filtration, diffusion, and osmosis. Skin: Your Birthday Suit. Steve Ardary Baby Picture 1987.

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Description : single layer of flat cells

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Epithelial Tissue: Description: single layer of flat cells Location: lines air sacs in lungs, eardrum membrane, and surface of kidneys Function: secretion in serous membranes, filtration, diffusion, and osmosis

  2. Skin: Your Birthday Suit Steve Ardary Baby Picture 1987

  3. prevents dehydration Prevents microbial invasion Prevents abrasion Stores blood Provides cushioning Insulation Receives stimuli Temperature regulation Produces vitamin D Functions of the skin:

  4. Skin (a little closer)

  5. The Epidermis • Has no nerves • Dead layers of flat epithelial cells; the very top is called the stratum corneum • Contains keratin: a tough protein that waterproofs the skin • Quite a bit gets rubbed off each day • Skin color is due to melanocytes (pigmented cells) as well as blood and carotene

  6. Made from mostly connective tissue Contains: Blood vessels Lymph vessels Nerve endings Sweat glands Oil glands hair The Dermis of the skin

  7. More on the dermis and sweat glands… • Sweat glands are present to control temperature, but respond to stress, pain, and sexual stimuli • Sweat is made up of water, salts, amonia, vitamin C, other wastes and possibly pheromones

  8. Oil glands…. • Otherwise known as sebacious glands • Lubricate hair and skin • Oil kills microbes • None present on soles of feet or the palms of the hands (but they are present on the fingertips)

  9. Hair…. • Keratinized cells that push up and overlap each other

  10. Lavoie Family Reunion

  11. Kim Kukawski & Husband 2010

  12. Tim O’s favorite band

  13. My Own Hair Issues (1999) Mr. Del’s ex in the white shirt Mr. Del in green shirt

  14. Description: a single layer of cube like cells Location: lines kidney tubules, surface of ovary, lens capsules of the eye Function: absorption and secretion Description: single layer rectangular cells without cilia Function: secretion and absorption Location: gastrointestinal tract

  15. Description: single layer of columnar cells with cilia Location: lines uterus, central canal of spinal cord, and some upper respiratory tract Function: moves particles and fluids along Description: two or more layers of cubed shape cells Location: sweat glands Function: to protect

  16. Description: several layers of cuboidal and columnar shaped cells Location: outer layers of skin Function: to protect

  17. Description: several layers of polyhedral cells Location: excretory ducts in some glands Function: secretion and protection

  18. Description: not all cells reach the surface and the nuclei are at different levels so not a true stratified Location: lines larger ducts of glands and in auditory tubes

  19. Connective Tissue • Does just about everything else that a body does: It binds, protects, and connects everything

  20. Connective Tissue

  21. Excellent view of connective tissue

  22. Bones support our weight and are the main tissue that protect delicate body structures. Bone is the main tissue that makes up our skeletons. Minerals and calcium are stored in here. Unlike most connective tissue bone is hardened and is full of calcium salts. Bone contains lacunae* and spaces which contain blood vessels. *small cavities in the matrix

  23. Connective Tissue: Bone

  24. Spongy Bone Description: full of holes,hard, needle like shards, filled with marrow Function: provides strength and internal support without the weight of a compact bone Location: found inside the ends of the long bones, breast bone, pelvis, also in the skull

  25. Function: to provide support and strength against stress due to the presence of collagen fibers Location: the exterior of every long bone Compact Bone Description: strong and dense bone tissue which makes up the outer parts of all bones

  26. Description: active-has a large golgibody complex and forms the bone matrix resting-flattened against bone and is small with a dark nucleus osteoblast Location: lie on the surfaces of compact bone in a layer of one cell Function: secrete collagen and other proteins to build bone

  27. osteocyte Description: mature osteoblast that surrounded by with matrix materials Function: maintenance of the cellular activities like the trading of nutrients and wastes with blood Location: on the surface of bone

  28. Connective Tissue: Blood

  29. Blood consists of plasma and many formed elements. These elements are white blood cells, red blood cells, and platlets.

  30. Thrombocytes Location: within blood vessels such as arteries, capillaries, veins, arterioles, and venules Description: platelet Function: to clot blood

  31. Erythrocytes Description: red blood cells Location: within blood vessels such as arteries, capillaries, veins, arterioles, and venules Function: to transport oxygen to cells and take away carbon dioxide

  32. Leukocytes Description: white blood cells Location: within blood vessels such as arteries, capillaries, veins, arterioles, and venules Function: involved in immunity and carry on phagocytosis

  33. Basophils Description: white blood cells that are fast acting and secrete substances during inflammation Location: in bone marrow Function: allergic responses

  34. Neutrophils Description: white blood cells that respond in inflammatory responses that act against bacteria. Location: bone marrow Function: follow chemical trails to inflamed, infected, or damaged tissue

  35. Eosinophils Description: fast acting white blood cells that take action in inflammation Location: bone marrow Function: and take part in allergic reaction attack invading parasites

  36. Non-granular blood cells Description: white blood cells lymphocytes Location: circulate in blood and enter in tissues Function: function in immune response Description: white blood cells Location: circulate in blood Function: engulf infectious debris and bring out of tissues monocytes

  37. Cartilage: Description: most commonly found type of cartilage with fine collagen fibers Location: on the ends of long bones, front of ribs, in the nose, and parts of larynx hyaline cartilage Function: flexibility, movement, and support to joints

  38. elastic cartilage Location: ear, auditory tubes, and larynx Description: made up of chondrocytes that are located in a mass of elastic fibers Function: support and shape

  39. Description: chondrocytes scattered about networks of collagen fibers fibrocartilage Location: intervertebral discs Function: fusion and support

  40. Connective Tissue Proper: Description: made up of fibers and several kinds of cells loose Location: mucus membranes, dermis, blood vessels, and nerves Function: strength, support, elasticity

  41. dense Description: is made up of collagen fibers and the matrix looks shiny white Location: tendons and ligaments Function: strength through attachment

  42. adipose Description: made up of adipocytes Location: around heart and kidneys, padding in joints Function: lowers heat, energy reserve

  43. muscle tissues: Muscle tissues move bones and joints by by contracting and relaxing. Muscles are controlled by the nervous and endocrine systems. The study of muscles is called myology.

  44. Notice the extended forearm muscles Could pin Ray in 3 seconds

  45. Well-Defined Pectoral Muscles

  46. striated muscle Description: muscles attached to bones of the skeleton Location: all voluntary muscles Function: voluntary muscle movement

  47. Smooth muscle Description: smaller than skeletal muscle fibers with one nucleus in center of each cell Location: arteries and veins Function: involuntary movement and blood flow

  48. Cardiac muscle Description: tissue of the heart Location: heart Function: synchronized contraction of the heart

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