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Domain name

Domain name. IP address: ~a long string of no. ~no meaning Domain name: ~meaningful words ~easier to remember ~e.g. www.yahoo.com.hk. Domain Name Servers (DNS). ~translates domain names to IP addresses

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Domain name

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Domain name IP address: ~a long string of no. ~no meaning Domain name: ~meaningful words ~easier to remember ~e.g. www.yahoo.com.hk

  2. Domain Name Servers (DNS) ~translates domain names to IP addresses ~the translation is known as name resolution ~interprets the information in a domain name and searches for the associated IP address in a database ~If the DNS does not contain the data requested, it asks other DNS on the Internet until it find the required domain name (IP address) www.yahoo.com. (domain name) DNS

  3. TLD

  4. Country-code TLD

  5. Network Solutions • Domain name need to be unique • Network Solutions in charge of ensuring no duplication of domain name The format of domain names www.yahoo.com.hk Host name Country-code TLD 2nd level domain Generic code TLD

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