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Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

This training workshop introduces the Energy performance and Carbon emissions Assessment and Monitoring tool (ECAM) as part of the WaCCliM project. The overall objective is to improve the carbon balance of water and wastewater utilities by reducing greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining or improving services. The training covers topics such as understanding GHG emissions sources, using the ECAM tool, and implementing GHG-reducing measures.

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Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Module 1: Welcome & Introduction TRAINING WORKSHOP ECAM Tool: Energy performance and Carbon emissionsAssessment and Monitoring tool

  2. INTRODUCTION Your Country& WaCCliM Overall WaCCliM objectives: Improving the carbon balance of water and wastewater utilities through the introduction of economically viable measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining or improving their services. Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  3. INTRODUCTION Project TitleWater and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM) Joint InitiativeBetween the Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the International Water Association (IWA) On behalf of German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) as part of the International Climate Initiative (ICI) Overall Objective (Outcome) Through the introduction of GHG-reducing measures, the CO2e balance of water and wastewater companies is improved Duration 01/2014 – 01/2019 (5 years)Budget 5 Million EURO for all countries for advisory services Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  4. WaCCliM PROJECT APPROACH Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM) Mitigation in the urban water sector Impact While contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Outcome 10 % GHG Reduction in 11 Water & Wastewater Utilities Outputs A | Pilot Measures GHG - reduction technologies in pilot utilities B | Framework Policy framework for GHG reduction in water sector C | Multiplication Know-How transfer and dissemination of experience Activities CO2 Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  5. HOLISTIC APPROACH Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM) … recognizing that all waters are interconnected Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  6. OVER 20 CITIES USING ECAM! Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  7. INTRODUCTION VIDEO • Watch video Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  8. Module 1: Welcome & Introduction TRAINING WORKSHOP ECAM Tool: Energy performance and Carbon emissionsAssessment and Monitoring tool

  9. RECALL • WaCCliMProject objectiveandtargets • Approach – 3 outputs • Pilot countries Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  10. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Overall learningobjectives of training: • Understandoverall global climatechange context and GHG emissionsourceswithinurbanwatercycle. • Apply web-based ECAM tool to assess baseline GHG emissions and identify opportunities for reducing emissions. • Understand and be able to explain to others the purpose and the approach of the Energy performance and Carbon emissions Assessment and Monitoring Tool Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  11. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning objectives: • Understand how ECAM is embedded in WaCCliMproject. • Follow the structure of the training. • Get to know each other and share expectations. Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  12. WaCCliM APPROACH • Technology • Baseline assessment • Enabling Environment • Option study • Baseline assessment • Competence develop-ment • Finance mechanisms • Institutional • Framework • Implementation of measures • Monitoring • Monitoring • Increasing the impact • Knowledge platform: tools and information (free!) • Catalogue of Solutions – contributions welcome! • Training on-going Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  13. KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM ‘CARBON NEUTRAL URBAN WATER’ Energy and Carbon Assessment and Monitoring Tool (ECAM) Roadmap - international guideline Library Catalogue of Solutions Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  14. TRAINING AGENDA • Introduction & Data preparation • Initial Assessment • Detailed GHG and Energy assessment Day 1 Day 2 • Water efficiency and sludge management • Overview of solutions • Next steps Day 3 • XXX Day 4 • XXX Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  15. TRAINING AGENDA Let’s focus on the ECAM-Tool in this training It will bring us to cover the following topics: • What are the specifications and structure of the tool and what can the tool be used for (objectives)? • How to collect and document the quality of the data needed? • How to perform an initial assessment and determine a baseline? • Which GHG emissions are included and how to assess them in detail? • How to understand where to improve, based on the baseline assessment? • How do I monitor the results of improvements? Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  16. LEARNING EXERCISE EXERCISE: LEVELLING OF EXPECTATIONS • Who I am? • {Name &Position} • How will this training be useful for you and your organization? Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  17. RECAP Whowill collect and share key-messages of thesessions? Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

  18. REFERENCES • WaCCliM project and country factsheets • Website: www.wacclim.org Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

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