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What is personalisation?. Personalisation means thinking about care and support services in an entirely different way. This means starting with the person as an individual with strengths, preferences and aspirations. They drive the process of identifying their needs and aspirations and makin
1. Personalisation and mental health Mike MurkinDevelopment Consultant Personalisation and Mental Health March 2011
2. What is personalisation?
3. Personalisation is more than direct payments and personal budgets It supports a
perspective in
mental health
4. Mental health left on the sidelines... Mental health is perceived as lagging behind.
Left playing in the garden whilst the grown ups get on with business in the house.
5. Progress in the West Country
Progress is variable
Often people dont realise how successful they have been.
6. Personalisation has a different emphasis within mental health It focuses more on issues
Related to social inclusion and
links with the recovery agenda
Our vision is of a future where
people with mental health
problems have the same
opportunities to work and
participate in the community as
any other citizen
7. Personalisation [The Policy Direction/Approach] Self-directed support/Right to Control [The System] Individual budgets [combining funding sources] Personal budget [single funding source] Provided Services Direct payments
8. Direct Payments and Personal Budgets Direct payments: One of a range of options for
people getting a personal budget. Direct payments
are cash payments paid directly to the person, for
them to buy their own support, rather than have
their support delivered by the council.
Personal budget: A clear, up-front allocation of
money that a person with mental health needs can
use to design and purchase support to meet their
social care needs.
9. Where have we come from and where are we going to within mental health? [A personal view of changes in prevailing themes!] From Robin Murray-Neill
10. Some examples of using direct payments and personal budgets Buying a mobile phone, artists materials, a bike, a dog or chickens
Driving lessons/buying a car
Gym membership
11. Some examples of using direct payments and personal budgets Playing in a band
Employing personal assistants during a crisis to avoid hospital
12. Some examples of using direct payments and personal budgets Employing someone to manage a small enterprise (six people together)
Renting a workshop (two people together)
Hiring an art teacher (four people together)
Participating in and running an independent leisure, sport and social group (twenty people together)
13. What about when its you on the receiving end? When you are in need of support would you want to be told whats available or would you rather be asked what works for you?
14. Key Challenges
Recognising that we
dont always speak
the same language
and we get
15. Key challenges Realising
there are
priorities for
16. Key challenges Organisations are
often moving at a
different pace on
issues and
change and
refocusing is very
hard and takes
17. Key challenges A duplication of paperwork and assessments
There are a variety of different systems in place the way we do it here
IT systems dont connect or talk to each other
18. Key challenges
Managing risk
Risk aversion
19. Key challenges
20. Key challenges
user led
21. Key challenges
At a time of change for
commissioners there is a
need to move from long term
commissioning and block
contracts that provide a
one size fits all approach-
whilst realising this can be
uncomfortable for providers
22. Key challenges
23. Key challenges Resources in a
time of
economic crisis
and a squeeze
on public
24. Key challenges Need for
25. How to address the challenges Developing a
common language
What does recovery mean for
an individual?
a process of changing ones orientation and behaviour from a negative focus on a troubling event, condition or circumstance to the positive restoration, rebuilding, reclaiming or taking control of ones life.
NIMHE Guiding Statement on Recovery (January 2005)
26. How to address the challenges Promoting enablement,
recovery and self
directed support through
the approaches we take
and the language we
Not outcomes, goals and targets
Dreams, hopes and aspirations
27. How to address the challenges Ensuring a fit
between CPA and
The heart of
personlisation is
person centred
planning, however
complex or simple
28. How to address the challenges Connecting CPA and personalisation paperwork (both outcome focussed)
Searching for IT solutions and
29. How to address the challenges
30. How to address the challenges Moving from
investment in large
block contracts to
imaginative, flexible,
commissioning that is
outcome focussed and
centres on meeting
individual needs
31. How to address the challenges
Ensuring we join up our
thinking about
commissioning and
that we commission from
mental health providers
based on user driven
32. How to address the challenges No easy answers to the
resource headache but...
A universal Resource Allocation System has benefitted mental health in some areas
It has seen access to resources tied up in employment, regeneration, sport, leisure, adult education
The cost of packages has reduced and has enabled better recovery
33. How to address the challenges By managing risk. Reducing the
difficulties that chaotic lifestyles,
fluctuating illness and erratic
behaviour can cause in accessing
self directed support.
By addressing safeguarding and
other concerns through use of the
Mental Capacity Act and
safeguarding guidance.
34. How to address the challenges
Ensure appropriate
approaches to
Develop an
interagency action plan.
35. Personalisation presents a real challenge
36. We need to learn together
This is a new direction
We will learn together on the journey
37. We need to learn together
Lots and lots of questions (and a few answers).
There is a clear sense of direction and the journey is underway for everyone.
Capture and
promote success
stories and examples
of change. This
stimulates demand.
Success breeds
success Celebrate the journey
39. It can make a real difference
40. It can make a real difference A year ago I was a day centre attendee and now Im a freelance artist.
I used to attend a floristry group at my local day centre. Now I am student of the year and Im starting my own business.
41. Finding out more information about personalisation and mental health Web page as part
of the SWDC site
to share resources.
42. Mike MurkinDevelopment Consultant Personalisation and Mental HealthSouth West Development CentreMallard CourtExpress ParkBristol RoadBridgwaterSomersetTA6 4RNTel: 07920711018 mike.murkin@swdc.org.ukhttp://www.swdc.org.uk/SWDC/en/mental-health/mental-health/personalisation--mental-health/