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María Paz Cigarán National Environmental Council Presidency of the Ministerial Cabinet - PERU

Towards a National Adaptation Strategy in Peru: Climate Change into Development . Paris, March 21 2005 . María Paz Cigarán National Environmental Council Presidency of the Ministerial Cabinet - PERU. Pisco - Paracas. THIS IS PERU. INCREASING TREND OF ANNUAL EMERGENCIES 1995-2001.

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María Paz Cigarán National Environmental Council Presidency of the Ministerial Cabinet - PERU

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  1. Towards a National Adaptation Strategy in Peru: Climate Change into Development Paris, March 21 2005 María Paz Cigarán National Environmental Council Presidency of the Ministerial Cabinet - PERU

  2. Pisco - Paracas THIS IS PERU

  3. INCREASING TREND OF ANNUAL EMERGENCIES 1995-2001 Number of emergencies Growing trend Source: Historical Data Bank National System of Civil Defense South Earthquake FEN 98

  4. ALUD ALUVION DERRUMBE DE CERRO DESLIZAMIENTO GRANIZADA HELADA HUAYCO (LLOCLLA) INUNDACION LLUVIA INTENSA MARETAZO (MAREJADA) NEVADA SISMO SISMO (EPICENTRO) (vacías) EMERGENCIES RELATED TO NATURAL HAZARDS 1995-2001 At least 84 % of declared emergencies due to climate risks Floods 47% intense rains 15%, Huaycos (landslides) 13%, landslides 9% Source Multisectoral Commission of Risk Reduction for Development

  5. Glacier shrinkage in the White Cordillera: Example of Artesonraju Glacier 1932 1947 1952 1984 1999 2002

  6. NATIONAL AGREEMENT FOR GOVERNABILITY AND DEVELOPMENT COUNTRY POLICY Nº 10 Poverty Reduction COUNTRY POLICY Nº 19 Sustainable Development and Environmental Management NATIONAL STRATEGY ON CLIMATE CHANGE LET’S CLEAN THE AIR Emission Info and control By supreme decree By supreme decree PROCLIM

  7. The process towards an Adaptation Strategy 1 NC Is Peru Vulnerable: Preliminary results BC (2003 – 2005): Bottom up/3 areas/different approaches US$ Disastres costed/ can cost HDI / GDP Sectoral V&A (infraestructure) Vulnerability map Sample: 3 other areas MEF involved: Regional Budget allocation/Ministries Budget/ PINS • National Adaptation Strategy • Policy: Regional/Sectoral • Research and climate info • Instrument: Budget allocation/PINS/EIA/LUP • GDP / HDI monitoring

  8. e avance: Piura (1) Integrated Vulnerability Assessment in Piura • Regional climate scenarios: • El Niño Event • Change in average intensity of rains • Impact on fisheries/coast: • Impacted species • Impact on population: • Disaster analysis • Land use • Extreme weather events Analysis on 5 crops: Lemon, rice, cotton, corn, vulnerable to intense rains and incrase in temperature • Low part of the river basin: Increment in floods (Piura city, Catacaos)

  9. POSTERS Alto y medio Piura

  10. POSTERS Litoral

  11. POSTERS Piura Ciudad

  12. The process towards an Adaptation Strategy 1 NC Is Peru Vulnerable: Preliminary results BC (2003 – 2005): Bottom up/3 areas/different approaches US$ Disastres costed/ can cost HDI / GDP Sectoral V&A (infraestructure) Vulnerability map Sample: 3 other areas MEF involved: Regional Budget allocation/Ministries Budget/ PINS • National Adaptation Strategy • Policy: Regional/Sectoral • Research and climate info • Instrument: Budget allocation/PINS/EIA/LUP • GDP / HDI monitoring

  13. Approach to Priority Areas for V&A assessment Piura: El Niño Selva Alta, Alto Mayo basin Sierra Cordillera Blanca, glacier zone, coastal area Mantaro Basin, Hydro and agriculture Sierra of Cusco, glacier zone Integrated map of climate risks (including droughts), agrobiodiversity and human development index Highlands, Titicaca Lake basin

  14. Barriers and needs • Socioeconomic conditions - poverty • Vulnerable to climate variability: no prevention culture • Insufficient information and management • Climate Change – still in the environmental comunity • Law = Budget allocation • V& As: sample of regions and sectors • Tools and info to convince/ to decide qnd prioritize • Capacity building: equipment/ human resources

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