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Chapter 2. Section 1. Do Now. Web device on your desk. Don’t have one? Get a laptop and log on. http:// www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/NTUwOTc2NDgx. Assignment. Monday: Reading Guide and Chapter Walk 2.1 Tuesday: Chapter 2 Vocabulary. Objectives.
Chapter 2 Section 1
Do Now • Web device on your desk. Don’t have one? Get a laptop and log on. • http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/NTUwOTc2NDgx
Assignment • Monday: Reading Guide and Chapter Walk 2.1 • Tuesday: Chapter 2 Vocabulary
Objectives • Categorize behavior as typical of a certain type of government • Design a tableau depicting a type of government • Identify who has power in a democracy • Summarize how a republic is also a democracy
Show me what you know • Grab a marker and go around to each poster hanging up and fill in as much information as you can, based on what you already know.
What kind of government is this? • What kind of government is this? • Where did it get its power from?
Non-democratic: Monarchy Absolute Monarch – use political or military or religious force to hold all power Monarch is a person who reigns over a kingdom or an empire. Great Britain, Sweden, Saudi Arabia
Non democratic: theocracy Pope Benedict The Vatican The Ayatollah Khamenei Iran
non democratic: dictatorship Gaddafi Libya Kim Jong Un North Korea
debrief • Describe my behavior today • Answer only to myself? • Complete and absolute power? • Took over suddenly and violently? • Ruled over people with limited rights?
Where governments get their power What process did I go through that allows me to be your teacher?
Gotta have a…… Two categories: generally non-democratic and democratic
Democratic: representative democracy • Representative Democracy (Republic) • People elect representatives to carry on the work of government for them. The people consent (agree) to be ruled by the elected
Which type of government exists most? • - which type of government exists most? • - how many governments actually practice what they preach?
Formative Assessment • http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/NDY4NjYwMzM0 • http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MjEwNzE4MTAxNA
Levels of government • Local • State • National • National trumps state trumps local • Constitution, Congress, Pennsylvania, local
Tableau • A snapshot in time • Tell a story – silently and without movement • Multiple levels – height and depth • Props permitted • Take on an EXPRESSIVE role • 3 – 2- 1 – strike the group pose • Freeze • 3 – 2 – 1 – move into second pose and freeze
Closure • On your white board • Who has the power in a democracy? • How are absolute monarchies and dictatorships similar? • In what way is a republic also a democracy?
Do Now • What government is present in the video clip I will show you? What is your evidence? • Take out your Reading Guide and Chapter Walk 2.1
From here to there • Situation: • In your notebook, create a list of everything you do in the morning from when you get up to when you get to school. • Be detailed! Teeth brushing, clothes, food, drink, hair, book bags, what you carry, what you ride, etc. As specific as possible! • Now cross out EVERYTHING that is provided for you by someone else in any way shape or form – everything that you rely on someone else to get or create for you.
1. Helping people cooperate • Modern day problems? • Recession • Global Warming • Terrorism Way to unite, solve problems, and cooperate – life safer and easier – government does this for us
Constitution – a written plan of government – highest law in the land. No man or law is superior. 3. Providing laws
4. Guaranteeing Freedom • A Republic (representative democracy) protects your freedoms with laws. • Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness – Dec of Ind. • Freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. • Can not be taken away, nor restricted except to keep people from using freedom to hurt others
Machine • Identify a topic based on any of the purposes of government (services, laws, cooperation, guaranteeing freedom) • Create an ‘assembly line’ of actions that portray that purpose. Connection between parts. • Example: education. Bus+locker+desk+teacher+notes • Movement & sound & EXPRESSIVE
Read this document • Read the document I gave you and complete the first four questions on the analysis worksheet • Identify • what this document is • what American values are in it and where • what purpose of government does it meet and why?
Read the Bill of Rights • This is what a Republic protects – the law protects YOUR freedoms. • Why might a direct democracy fail to protect your freedom? • What is the ultimate power in a direct democracy? • People • What is the ultimate power in a republic? • Law
Closure • On your exit ticket • Who has the power in a democracy? • How are absolute monarchies and dictatorships similar? • In what way is a republic also a democracy?