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Welcome to 2011 Open House Mrs. Cano & Ms. Jorge

Welcome to 2011 Open House Mrs. Cano & Ms. Jorge. 3 rd grade. FCAT ASSESSMENT RETENTION LAW. The FCAT is a test given to all Florida students to measure what they know and are able to accomplish in reading and math. FCAT is a mandatory assessment and retention is a Florida state law.

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Welcome to 2011 Open House Mrs. Cano & Ms. Jorge

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  1. Welcome to 2011 Open HouseMrs. Cano & Ms. Jorge 3rdgrade

  2. FCAT ASSESSMENTRETENTION LAW • The FCAT is a test given to all Florida students to measure what they know and are able to accomplish in reading and math. • FCAT is a mandatory assessment and retention is a Florida state law. • FCAT consist of five achievement levels and students must score a 2 or higher to be promoted.

  3. FCAT Content FCAT measures challenging content standards, called the Sunshine State Standards. Reading • WORDS & PHRASES IN CONTEXT • MAIN IDEA • PLOT & PURPOSE • COMPARISONS • CAUSE & EFFECT • REFERENCE & RESEARCH Math • NUMBER SENSE • MEASUREMENT • GEOMETRY • ALGEBRA • DATA ANALYSIS

  4. Important Information Please visit our websites for information such as: • School calendar / Projects & assignments • Class schedule • Wish list • Volunteer hours • Documents and files Parents MUST sign up for Mrs. Cano and Ms. Jorge’s mailing list.

  5. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS • Class work will provide students with a better understanding of the subject. • Students will be given class assignments for practice and comprehension purposes. • All class assignments are “EXPECTED” to be completed by the student. • Papers that are collected without name will automatically be deducted 5 points. If the assignment is multiple choice, a grade of 0 will be given. • Assessments are usually given at the end of the week.

  6. Home Learning Assignments • Home Learning assignments are an essential part to the learning process. • Homework is given “DAILY”, please follow Vocabulary and Spelling schedule that is located in their red folders. All other Home Learning should copied it in their agenda. • Homework subjects that are given daily are Reading and Math. • There will be a few Science, Reading and Social Studies projects throughout the year. • All students are “EXPECTED” to complete each Home Learning assignment and projects and turn them in on time. Late work will be deducted points or letter grade. • Students who do not complete a homework assignment will be required to have parent sign their agenda. • Please, monitor your child’s homework every single day and check their red folder for assignments and handouts that may be going home in the “Parent mailbox”.

  7. ATTENDANCE & TARDY POLICIES • Come to school daily! • Excused absences: illness, religious holiday or death in family • All absences require a note (maximum of 10 parent notices permitted, all others require a doctor’s note) • Students have 3 days after absence to bring a note. • Students entering class after 8:30 a.m. are marked “Tardy”. • Please do not take your child out of school early unless it is an emergency. We teach from Bell-to-Bell and your child will be missing a learning opportunity.

  8. GRADING SCALE • Students not turning in assignments will receive a “0”. • Students who were absent will receive a “X” for excused. Students are encouraged to take missed test if the absence is excused. • All grades will be accessible electronically under the “Parent Portal”. Username and password will be issued to the parent/legal guardian of the student. • Parents are encouraged to monitor their child’s grade. Parents can setup alerts that send an email if the student receives a specific letter grade that is setup. Scale: A – 90-100 B – 80 – 89 C – 70 – 79 D - 60 – 69 F - below 60

  9. CLASSROOM RULESCONDUCT CODE • Good behavior is essential to a productive learning environment. • Classroom rules “MUST BE ADHERED TO AT ALL TIMES”. • Consequences and rewards are implemented to ensure a positive learning atmosphere. • Students exhibiting poor conduct will change their behavioral card. Green=Good, Blue=Verbal Warning, Yellow=Written Warning; Parent will be notified of misbehavior and Red=Poor; Parent will be notified, student may have to serve detention. • Behavioral Problems will result in parent notification via phone call, note, email or conference. • Severe Issues could result in detention or a referral to the principal and may result in denial of field trips. • We need parental support to ensure the educational success of all students.

  10. Reading • Students will be completing Achieve 3000 assignments. (one in class and one at home) Assignments take 45 minutes and are in addition to that nights Home Learning. • Students will check out books from the media center and classroom library. Students will be expected to take a weekly AR test in class for each book. Students should take no more than one week to read their books. • Students should take good care of all the books.

  11. Math • Math workbooks should be kept in backpacks at all times. • Home Learning is “Practice Side” page only. • Weekly class work grade will be given for warm-up. • www.pearsonsuccessnet.com

  12. SCHOOL HOURSDROP OFF & PICK-UPPROCEDURES • Hours are M, T, Th, F 8:15-3:00 • Wednesdays Early Dismissal 8:15-2:00 • Students should be in school no later than 8:30 am. • Students go to the cafeteria. Students will be escorted by teachers at 8:15 to their class. • Parents should not be waiting for their child’s teacher at their door.

  13. UNIFORMS • Students should tuck in their shirts and wear a belt. Students may be sent to the office if they are not in uniform or consistently do not tuck in shirts. • Our logo is the “Stingrays”. • Elementary students should wear blue pants. • Jeans may be worn on Friday’s with a donation of $1.00.

  14. PARENTAL INVOLEMENT • Research studies have indicated that students’ whose parents are actively involved in their child’s education have higher successful rates. • We need your continuous support to maximize your child education. • Please, visit your nearest public library frequently and view our school’s website. • http://matergardens.com

  15. TEACHER/PARENT CONFERENCESStay in touch with your child’steachers. Parent conferences are by appointment only.Contact information: Mrs. Cano - Reading, L/A, Social Studies lcano@matergardens.comMrs. Jorge - Math & Scienceejorge@matergardens.comTogether we can work towards the success of our children!

  16. Parents, Please, Please…. Please remember to sign the attendance roster.

  17. Alone we can do so much, but together we can do so much MORE!!!School + Home = A+ Student Thank you for coming to Mater Gardens’ 2011 Open House

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