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Test Coordinator Training Fall 2013. High School Graduation Requirements. Graduation Requirements. Course Requirements Assessment Requirements. Course Requirements. 4 credits ELA 4 credits math including Algebra II or equivalent
Test Coordinator • Training • Fall 2013 High School Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Course Requirements Assessment Requirements
Course Requirements • 4 credits ELA • 4 credits math including Algebra II or equivalent • 3.5 credits social studies including US History and Geography, World History and Geography, Government and Economics, and 0.5 credit of NM History • 3 credits science, 2 of which must be lab sciences • 1 credit physical education • 1 career cluster course, workplace readiness or non-English language • 7.5 elective credits • 0.5 – 1 credit health (starting with 2017 cohort) HS or MS
Course Requirements At least one course must be Honors (H), Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Credit (DC), or Distance Learning (DL). Distance Learning is not: Online Course Credit Recovery
Assessment Requirements Based on Statute NMSA 22-13-1-1
NMSA 22-13-1-1-M Beginning with the 2010-2011 school year, a student shall not receive a New Mexico diploma of excellence if the student has not demonstrated competence in the subject areas of mathematics, reading and language arts, writing, social studies and science, including a section on the constitution of the United States and the constitution of New Mexico, based on a standards-based assessment or assessments or a portfolio of standards-based indicators established by the department by rule.
Assessment Requirements for HS Graduation Primary Demonstration of Competency Math, Reading, Science: Pass SBA/HSGA Writing and Social Studies: Pass 1 EoC
Alternate Demonstration of Competency (ADC) ADC: Provides additional opportunities for students to meet assessment requirements. ADCs include: EoCs CCR Indicators See Graduation Checklist for options and CCR cut scores.
Alternate Demonstration of Competency (ADC) • If students do not demonstrate competency initially, they may use cut scores for one of the following as an ADC: • ACT • PLAN • PSAT • SAT • Accuplacer • COMPASS • IB Program • AP • EoC
EoCs as ADCs for High School Graduation • ADC for all subjects • Two chances to pass an ADC • Two total attempts in math, reading, science • Three total attempts in writing and social studies • May take during any established testing windows
EoCs for High School Graduation—ADCs MATH Algebra I* Algebra II Integrated Math III Math ADC SCIENCE Biology Chemistry READING ELA III Reading ELA IV Reading SOCIAL STUDIES Economics NM History U.S. Government U.S. History World History and Geog. WRITING ELA III Writing ELA IV Writing Student must pass Algebra II course to use Algebra I EoC.
Standard Setting • NEED DATA TO SET PASSING SCORES • Will be conducted in spring 2014 • “Proficient”—passing • “Nearing Proficient”—not passing • Use “Body of Work Method” for writing. • Use “Bookmark Method” for all other subjects. • Establish Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) for Borderline Proficient based on NM Standards and Benchmarks. • Define cut score for Proficient based on PLDs. • Passing rates higher than SBA.
EoCs for High School Graduation—ADCs 2014 Graduates (H4+) 2015 Cohort and Beyond (H1, H2, H3) Use Spring 2013 EoCs (cut scores established) MATH Algebra I* Algebra II IMP III Math ADC SCIENCE Biology Chemistry READING ELA III Reading ELA IV Reading SOCIAL STUDIES Economics NM History U.S. Government U.S. History World Hist & Geog WRITING ELA III Writing ELA IV Writing MATH Algebra II IMP III SCIENCE Biology Chemistry READING ELA III Reading SOCIAL STUDIES U.S. History WRITING ELA III Writing ORIGINAL EoCs ALL UPDATED EoCs
District-Developed EoCs Districts may develop EoCs for any course for graduation purposes. Follow FULL SET OF Quality Criteria and submit for approval. http://www.ped.state.nm.us/AssessmentAccountability/AssessmentEvaluation/EOC/2013/EoC%20Quality%20Criteria%20V.1.1FINALpdf.pdf
District-Developed EoCs Required with Submission: Test Blueprint (item type by standard and DOK level) Alignment Analysis Answer Keys/Rubrics Quality Review panel results Bias Review panel results Translations (if necessary) Release of Assessment
EoCs for High School Graduation There is no composite math/reading score for EoCs. If students do not achieve the 73 composite score on the SBA, they must take EoCs in any subject(s) in which they did not achieve a proficient score.
Assessment Requirements A student must attempt ALL administrations of the SBA/HSGA (H2, H3, H4 retakes) before implementing a passing EoC or other ADC score. Students may bank passing scores proactively.
Requirements, Exceptions, Waivers for EoCs H5 students in the 2013 cohort, 2014 graduates, and beyond must pass SBA/HSGA (math, reading, science), writing EoC, and social studies EoC OR an ADC to graduate. EXCEPTION: 2014 graduates who passed U.S. History in 2011‒2012 or earlier may be waived from the social studies EoC.
EoCs for ELLs PED provides Spanish translations of all EoCs. There is the option to translate into other native languages on the district level. The first three continuous years a student attends public school in the U.S., the student may take an EoC in his or her native language. For the following two continuous years, the student may test in his or her native language if he or she still qualifies for ELL status and has submitted a waiver. (Same policy as SBA.)
EoCs for ELLs English Language Arts assessments may NOT be translated. ELLs with a native language other than Spanish may demonstrate competency in writing by passing their language arts courses and completing an EoC waiver. The EoC waiver is on the PED waiver website.
Students with IEPs, 504 Plans, ELL Plans Standard Pathway: meet all established cut scores with assessment accommodations. Career Pathway: IEP team can set cut scores after initial assessment. Student must meet individualized cut score on an assessment in each content area. Ability Pathway: Take NMAPA. IEP team sets cut scores. Student must meet individualized cut score in each content area.
Transfer Students • Held to same requirements (course and assessment) as NM students. • Passed an exit exam in a different state may use passing scores for all passed subjects. • Complete “Graduation Waiver” and submit to PED.