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Muscular System. Origin, Insertion, Action. Muscles of the Scalp. Occipitofrontalis Frontal Belly Occipital Belly. Frontalis. O: Galea aponeurotica I: Skin of eyebrows A: Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead skin. Occipitalis. O: Occipital Bone I: Galea aponeurotica
Muscular System Origin, Insertion, Action
Muscles of the Scalp • Occipitofrontalis • Frontal Belly • Occipital Belly
Frontalis • O: Galea aponeurotica • I: Skin of eyebrows • A: Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead skin
Occipitalis • O: Occipital Bone • I: Galea aponeurotica • A: Pulls scalp posterior
Orbicularis Occuli • O: Frontal and Maxillary bones • I: Tissue of eyelid • A: Blinking, squinting
Orbicularis Oris • O: Maxilla and Mandible • I: Encircles mouth, angles of mouth • A: Closes lips, purses and protrudes lips (kissing and whistling)
Masseter • O: Zygomatic arch and maxilla • I: Mandible • A: Closes jaw by elevating mandible
Temporalis • O: Temporal fossa • I: Coronoid process of mandible • A: Closes jaw (elevates and retracts mandible)
Buccinator • O: Maxilla and mandible • I: Orbicularis oris • A: Compresses cheek (whistling and sucking), holds food between teeth (during chewing)
Muscles of the Anterior Neck and Throat (Swallowing) • Digastric • All of the muscles that attach to the hyoid
Digastric • O: Mandible and mastoid process • I: Hyoid bone • A: Elevate hyoid during speech and swallowing, • Open mouth and depress mandible
Sternocleidomastoid • O: Sternum and Clavicle • I: Mastoid process of temporal bone • A: B/l – head flexion; unilateral – laterally flex towards and rotates away from itself
Scalenes • O: Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae • I: 1st two ribs • A: elevate first two ribs (inspiration), flex and rotate neck
Splenius Capitus • O: Ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7 – T-6 • I: Occipital bone, mastoid process of temporal bone • A: b/l – extend head; unilateral – lateral flex and rotate towards
Splenius Cervicis • O: Ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7 – T-6 • I: Transverse Processes of C2 – C4 • A: b/l – extend neck; unilateral – lateral flex and rotate towards
Erector Spinae (Sacrospinalis) • Iliocostalis (Most lateral) • Longissimus (Intermediate) • Spinalis (Most medial)
Iliocostalis • O: iliac crest (lumborum); inferior 6 ribs (thoracis); ribs 3 to 6 (cervicis) • I: ribs (lumborum and thoracic); TPs of C6-C4 (cervicis) • A: B/L - Extend spine, posture; unilateral – lateral flex towards
Longissimus • O: TPs of vertebrae • I: Superior TPs and superior ribs; capitis portion inserts on Mastoid process • A: B/L – extend spine; unilateral – laterally flex; capitis portion extends head and rotates towards
Spinalis • O: Spines of upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae • I: Spines of upper thoracic and cervical vertebrae • A: Extends spine, maintains erect posture
Quadratus Lumborum • O: Iliac crest • I: TPs of upper lumbar vetebrae and 12th rib • A: Unilaterally – laterally flexes spine; b/l – extends L-spine
External Intercostals • O: Inferior border of rib above • I: Superior border of rib below • A: Pull ribs toward one another, elevate rib cage; INSPIRATION • Fibers run down and anterior
Internal Intercostals • O: Superior border of rib below • I: inferior border of rib above • A: Draw ribs together and depress rib cage; EXPIRATION • Fibers run down and posterior
Diaphragm • O: Inferior surface of rib cage and sternum, costal cartilages, lumbar vertebrae • I: Central tendon • A: Flattens on contraction; Prime mover of Inspiration
Rectus Abdominus • O: Pubic crest and symphysis • I: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages ribs 5-7 • A: Flex and rotate lumbar region, stabilize pelvis during walking
External Oblique • O: Outer surfaces of lower eight ribs • I: Linea alba • A: B/L – aid in trunk flexion; unilateral – trunk rotation and lateral flexion
Internal Oblique • O: Lumbar fascia, iliac crest • I: linea alba, pubic crest, costal margin last 3 – 4 ribs • A: B/L – aid in trunk flexion; unilateral – trunk rotation and lateral flexion
Transverse Abdominus • O: Inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia, cartilage of last 6 ribs, iliac crest • I: Linea alba, pubic crest • A: Compresses abdominal contents
Pectoralis Minor • O: Anterior surface of ribs 3-5 • I: Coracoid process of scapula • A: Ribs fixed – draws scapula forward and down; scapula fixed – draws rib cage superior
Trapezius • O: Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spines from C7 to T12 • I: Acromion and spine of scapula, lateral 1/3 of clavicle • A: Superior – elevates scapula; middle – retract (adduct) scapula; inferior – depress scapula
Levator Scapulae • O: Transverse processes of C1 – C4 • I: Medial border of scapula (superior to spine) • A: Elevates / adducts scapula, flexes neck to same side
Rhomboids • O: Spinous processes of C7 – T5 • I: Medial border of scapula • A: Retract (adduct) scapula, stabilize scapula
Pectoralis Major • O: Sternal end of clavicle, sternum, cartilage ribs 1-6 • I: Greater tubercle of humerus • A: Flexes arm, medially rotates arm, adducts arm (climbing, throwing, pushing)
Latissimus Dorsi • O: Fascial connection to spines of T7 – L5, lower 3-4 ribs, iliac crest • I: Intertubercular sulcus of humerus • A: Arm extension, arm adductor, medially rotates arm (hammering, swimming)
Deltoid • O: Embraces insertion of trapezius; lateral third of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula • I: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus • A: Abducts arm; anterior fibers – flexion, medial rot.; posterior fibers – extension, lateral rot.
Rotator Cuff Muscles • SITS • Suprapinatus • Infraspinatus • Teres Minor • Subscapularis
Supraspinatus • O: Supraspinous fossa of scapula • I: Greater tubercle of humerus • A: Stabilizes shoulder joint. Prevents downward dislocation. Initiates shoulder abduction.
Infraspinatus • O: Infraspinous fossa of scapula • I: Greater tubercle of humerus posterior to supraspinatus insertion • A: Holds head of humerus in glenoid cavity, shoulder stabilization
Teres Minor • O: Lateral border of scapula (dorsal surface) • I: Greater tubercle of humerus inferior to infraspinatus insertion • A: Stabilize shoulder, adducts arm
Subscapularis • O: Subscapular fossa of scapula • I: Lesser tubercle of humerus • A: Medial rotation of humerus, stabilizes shoulder joint
Teres Major • O: Inferior angle of scapula • I: Intertubercular sulcus of humerus • A: Extends, medially rotates, and adducts humerus
Coracobrachialis • O: Coracoid process of scapula • I: Medial humerus • A: Flexion and adduction of humerus