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Discover the fascinating world of plagioclase feldspar, a versatile mineral used in various industries from ceramics to construction. Learn about its formation and practical applications.
Plagioclase Feldspar USGS by-nc: smiling_da_vinci by-nc-sa: Ron Schott by-nc-nd: Orbital Joe intermediate to mafic igneous rocks pegmatites metamorphic rocks
Over half the Earth’s crust is composed of a single group of minerals known as the feldspars. public domain This piece of plagioclase feldspar was retrieved from the moon by the Apollo 16 mission. It is 4.5 billion years old. NASA
by-nc-nd: courgettelawn by-nc-sa: listentoreason Plagioclase is in igneous and metamorphic building stones. by-nc-sa: Ben McLeod by-nc-nd: cottergarage by-nd: amishah
by-nc: astrovine by-nc: Dystopos Feldspars are processed to create a wide variety of ceramics, ranging from pottery to industrial uses by-nc-sa: amortize
by-sa: cosmic_spanner by-sa: plasticrevolver by-nc-nd: kevinthoule Ground into powder, plagioclases are also used in the manufacture of paints, rubber, plastics. by-nc-nd: R80o
Feldspars are used in the manufacture of glass and scouring powder. by-nd: savinca by-nc-sa: dachalan by-nc-nd: gsgeorge by-sa: afiler
by-nc-nd: Greenery by-nc-nd: Henryr10 Feldspars are in tarred roofing materials, as well as in glass wool insulation materials. by-nc-nd: Jamber
by-sa: tillwe by-nc: Simon Pearson Feldspars are used as sizing or filler in textiles and paper. by-nc-nd: Toloty_Tutunai by-nc-nd: telsky
by-sa: blmurch / Beatrice Murch by-nc-nd: jimmywayne22 Feldspars are used in the manufacture of enamel. by-nc-nd: rosefirerising by-nc-nd: *n*o*o*r* by-nc-sa: eshm
As feldspar minerals weather into smaller pieces, they form sand, clay, and mud. Once those sediments harden, they become sandstones and shales. by-nc-nd: Ryan Thomas by-nc-nd: Jason Abbott by: fatal Cleopatra
Water will react with feldspars to produce a host of clay minerals. In dry climates mud is used to form the walls of houses by-sa: Mike Pedroncelli by-nc-nd: Urban Penguin
Feldspars weather to clays that are used to make ceramics. by-nc-sa: asphaltbuffet by-nc: qu1j0t3 by-nc-sa: suttonhoo by-nd: geneome
Feldspar minerals are also important in glazes by-nc-nd: cake + pie creative by-nc-nd: Sidereal by-nc-sa: GeoWombats by-nc-nd: Magnus3D
As feldspars breakdown under the intense weathering conditions of tropical climates, almost all of the feldspar is dissolved away except for some hydrous aluminum oxide minerals that are left behind. These concentrated deposits of aluminum ores are collectively called bauxite and are our major source of aluminum. by-nd: rebeckymrg by-nc: guillaumee by-nc-sa: Ariz
by: new1mproved by-nc-nd: MrCuac As feldspars weather they produce aluminum ores by-sa: Velo Steve by-nc-nd: Jonnny by-nc-sa: Davezilla was taken by-nd: Armchair Aviator
Feldspars are often in concrete and asphalt as aggregate. by-sa: crouchingbadger by-nc-nd: Orbital Joe by-nc-sa: PPDIGITAL by-nc-sa: portfolium
Plagioclase Feldspar USGS by-nc: smiling_da_vinci by-nc-sa: Ron Schott by-nc-nd: Orbital Joe intermediate to mafic igneous rocks pegmatites metamorphic rocks