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Dewey Decimal Classification System. Review of Lecture 2. Bair-Mundy. 025 Library and information sciences 025. . 27 Acquisition of and collection development for materials on specific disciplines and subjects.
Dewey Decimal Classification System Review of Lecture 2 Bair-Mundy
025 Library and information sciences 025 .27 Acquisition of and collection development for materials on specific disciplines and subjects Add to base number 025.27 notation 001-999, e.g. acquisition of materials in the social sciences 025.273 Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading Selection and acquisition of materials about ballet and modern dance Number for Ballet 025.27
792 Recreational and performing arts 792 .7 Variety shows and theatrical dancing .78 Theatrical dancing .8 Ballet and modern dance Selection and acquisition of materials about ballet and modern dance 025.27 7928 Base number for acquisition Ballet & modern dance (schedule)
220 Bible 220 220.5201–220.5209 English Add to each subdivision identified by * as follows: 01-02 Standard subdivisions [03] Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances Do not use; class in 3 05-08 Standard subdivisions 09 Geographic and persons treatment Do not use…; class in 8 2 Standard editions 3 Concordances, indexes, dictionaries … 8 History, criticism, explanation of the translation
220 Bible 220 220.5201–220.5209 English … .520 6 *New English Bible and Revised English Bible .520 7 *Jerusalem Bible and New Jerusalem Bible Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading Concordance to the Jerusalem Bible Back to in-schedule table 220.5207
220 Bible 220 220.520 1–220.520 9 English Add to each subdivision identified by * as follows: … 05-08 Standard subdivisions 09 Geographic and persons treatment Do not use…; class in 8 2 Standard editions 3 Concordances, indexes, dictionaries … 8 History, criticism, explanation of the translation Concordance to the Jerusalem Bible 220.5207 3
372 Education 372 .1 Organization and activities in elementary education Go to general section on education … .11-.18 School organization and activities in elementary education Add to base number 372.1 the numbers following 371 in 371.1-371.8, e.g. administration 372.12; however, for use of drama as a method of instruction, see 372.66 Flexible scheduling in elementary schools 372.1base number
371 Education 371 Add to base number 372.1 the numbers following 371 in 371.1-371.8 .2 School administration; administration of student academic activities … .24 Schedules and school day .242 Schedules Including flexible scheduling Class here scheduling, school week Flexible scheduling in schools 371.242 Flexible scheduling in elementary schools 372.1base number 242
324 Political science 324 .24–.29 Parties in specific countries in modern world Except where specifically instructed to the contrary below, for a country or for localities within a country add to base number 324.2 notation 4–9 from Table 2 for the specific country, e.g. parties of France 324.244; then add to the number according to the table below, e.g. parties in Paris 324.24400944361, Communist Party of France 324.244075… Liberal Parties of Lithuania 324.2 Go to Table 2
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —479 Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia —479 3 Lithuania Liberal Parties of Lithuania 324.2 4793 Back to schedule
324 Political science 324 .24–.29 Parties in specific countries in modern world Except where specifically instructed to the contrary below, for a country or for localities within a country add to base number 324.2 notation 4–9 from Table 2 for the specific country, e.g. parties of France 324.244; then add to the number according to the table below, e.g. parties in Paris 324.24400944361, Communist Party of France 324.244075…
324 Political science 324 .24–.29 Parties in specific countries in modern world … 02 Historical parties … 03 Rightist parties 038 Fascist and Nazi parties 04 Conservative parties 05 Centrist parties 06 Liberal parties 07 Leftist and worker parties 072 Social democratic parties 075 Nonauthoritarian socialist parties 075 Communist parties Liberal Parties of Lithuania 324.24793 06
324 Political science 324 .24–.29 Parties in specific countries in modern world Liberal Parties of Lithuania 324.2479306 Political parties in specific country (from schedule) Lithuania (from Table 2) Liberal parties (from schedule)
Ten main classes • 000 Generalities • 100 Philosophy, paranormal phenomena, • psychology • 200 Religion • 300 Social sciences • 400 Language • 500 Natural sciences and mathematics • 600 Technology (Applied sciences) • 700 The arts Fine and decorative arts • 800 Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric • 900 Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
420 Language 420 420–490 Specific languages Class here comprehensive works on specific languages and their literatures Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number for each language identified by * notation 01–8 from Table 4, e.g. grammar of Japanese 495.65. The base number is the number given for the language unless the schedule specifies a different number
Table 4. Subdivisions of Individual Languages and Language Families The following notation is never used alone, but may be used as required by add notes under subdivisions of specific languages or language families, or with the base numbers for individual languages identified by * as explained under 420–490, e.g. Norwegian (base number 439.82 phonology (—15 in this table): 439.8215. A point is inserted following the third digit of any number thus constructed that is longer than three digits.
Table 4. Subdivisions of Individual Languages and Language Families SUMMARY —01–09 Standard subdivisions —1 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of the standard form of the language —2 Etymology of the standard form of the language —3 Dictionaries of the standard form of the language —5 Grammar of the standard form of the language …
491 Other languages 491 • Gujarati, Bhili, Rajasthani • ... • .479 *Rajasthani Speed reading Rājasthāni Go to Table 4 491.479
T4 Table 4. Subdivisions of Individual Languages T4 —84 Reading —842 Remedial reading —843 Developmental reading —843 2 Rapid reading (Speed reading) Speed reading Rājasthāni 491.479 8432 Rājasthāni (from schedule) Speed reading (from Table 4)
492 Other languages 492 .8 Ethiopian languages .81 *Ge‘ez language .82 *Tigré .83 *Tigrinya .87 *Amharic Amharic-English dictionary 492.87 Start with the language farthest from your own Go to Table 4
T4 Table 4. Subdivisions of Individual Languages T4 —3 Dictionaries of the standard form of the language —302 8 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials —31 Specialized dictionaries —32-39 Bilingual dictionaries Add to —3 notation 2–9 from Table 6, e.g. dictionaries of the language and English —321, dictionary of French and English 443.21. Amharic-English dictionary base no. for Amharic492.87 3 Go to Table 6
Table 6. Languages The following notation is never used alone, but may be used with those numbers from the schedules and other tables to which the classifier is instructed to add notation from Table 6…When adding to a number from the schedules, always insert a point between the third and fourth digits of the complete number. SUMMARY —1 Indo-European languages —2 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) —3 Germanic (Teutonic) languages…
T6 Table 6. Languages T6 —1 Indo-European languages —2–91 Specific Indo-European languages —2 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) —21 English Amharic-English dictionary 492.873 21 Base no. for Amharic (from schedule) Dictionary (from Table 4) English (from Table 6)
Second summaryThe Hundred Divisions 900 History 910 Geography & travel 920 Biography & genealogy 930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499) 940 History of Europe 950 History of Asia 960 History of Africa 970 History of North America 980 History of South America 990 History of other areas
910 Geography and travel 910 910 Geography and travel Class here interdisciplinary works on tourism, on travel Class general works on civilization, other than accounts of travel, in 909; class works on civilization… … 913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
910 Geography and travel 910 913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds… Go to Table 2 Add to base number 91 notation 3–9 fromTable 2, e.g. geography of England 914.2…then add furtheras follows: Travel in Tasmania 91
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —945 9 Mallee district —946 Tasmania Travel in Tasmania 91 Geography and travel 9.46 Back to schedule Geog. & travel (schedule) Tasmania (Table 2) +
910 Geography and travel 910 913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds 1 2 Add to base number 91 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g. geography of England 914.2… then add further as follows: … 04 Travel Class here discovery, exploration; guidebooks Travel in Tasmania 919.46 04 Geog. & travel (from sched.) Tasmania (from T2) Travel (from sched.)
Second summaryThe Hundred Divisions 900 History 910 Geography & travel 920 Biography & genealogy 930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499) 940 History of Europe 950 History of Asia 960 History of Africa 970 History of North America 980 History of South America 990 History of other areas
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds … Add to base number 9notation 3–9 fromTable 2, e.g., general history of Europe 940 … then add further as follows: 001 Philosophy and theory 002 Miscellany 00223 Maps, plans, diagrams 003 Dictionaries 004 Racial, ethnic, national groups Add to 004 notation … History of Tasmania 9 Go to Table 2
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —945 9 Mallee district —946 Tasmania History of Tasmania 9 94.6 History History (schedule) Tasmania (Table 2) +
Geography versus history Geography of Tasmania 919.46 History of Tasmania 994.6
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds … Add to base number 9notation 3–9 fromTable 2, e.g., general history of Europe 940 … then add further as follows: 001 Philosophy and theory 002 Miscellany 00223 Maps, plans, diagrams 003 Dictionaries 004 Racial, ethnic, national groups Add to 004 notation … History of Tibetan People in Tasmania Go to Table 2 9
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —945 9 Mallee district —946 Tasmania Back to schedule History of Tibetan People inTasmania 9 94.6 History History (schedule) Tasmania (Table 2) +
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 History of … Add to base number 9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., general history of Europe 940 …then add further as follows: 001 Philosophy and theory … 004 Ethnic and national groups Add to004notation 05–9 fromTable 5 … History of Tibetan People in Tasmania 994.6 Go to Table 5 004
Table 5. Ethnic and National Groups The following numbers are never used alone, but may be used as required (either directly when so noted or through the interposition of notation 089 from Table 1) with any number from the schedules… SUMMARY —05–09 [Persons of mixed ancestry…] —01 North Americans…
Table 5. Ethnic and National Groups SUMMARY —05–09 [Persons of mixed ancestry…] —1 North Americans —2 British, English, Anglo-Saxons —3 Germanic people —4 Modern Latin peoples —5 Italians, Romanians, related groups —6 Spanish and Portuguese —7 Other Italic peoples —8 Greeks and related groups —9 Other ethnic and national groups
T5 Table 5. Ethnic and Nat. Groups T5 —9 Other ethnic and national groups —91 Other Indo-European peoples —92 Semites —93 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic peoples —94 Peoples of North and West Asian origin or situation; Dravidians —95 East and Southeast Asian peoples —96 Africans and people of African descent —97 North American native peoples —98 South American native peoples —99 … Papuans, Australian native peoples; Malayo-Polynesian and related … Tibetans
T5 Table 5. Ethnic and Nat. Groups T5 —95 East and Southeast Asian peoples —951 Chinese —954 Tibetans History of Tibetan People in Tasmania 994.6004 954 History (sched.) Tasmania (from T2) Ethnic grps (sched.) Tibetans (from Table 5)
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 (Continued) 01-09 Historical periods ... Add to 0 the period division numbers following 0 from the appropriate continent, country, locality in 930-990… Unless others are specified, add to each geographical subdivision of a country the period notations for the country as a whole, but only for those periods during which the specific subdivision formed part of the country.
954 History of Asia Orient Far East 954 954 *South Asia India ... (.01) Ancient history to 647 (Optional number; prefer 934) .02 647-1785 .021 647-997 … .025 6 Reign of Jahangir, 1605-1627 .025 7 Reign of Shahjahan, 1628-1658 History of India during the reign of Shahjahan 954.0257 History India (place) 0 Reign of Shahjahan (period) *Add as instructed under 930-990
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 (Continued) 01-09 Historical periods Add to 0 the period division numbers following 0 from the appropriate country, locality in 930-990… History of Delhi during the reign of Shahjahan Go to Table 2 9
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —54 South Asia India … —545 6 Delhi Class here Delhi, New Delhi History of Delhi during the reign of Shahjahan 9 54.56 Back to schedule History (schedule) Delhi (Table 2) +
954 History of Asia Orient Far East 954 954 *South Asia India ... (.01) Ancient history to 647 (Optional number; prefer 934) .02 647-1785 .021 647-997 … .025 6 Reign of Jahangir, 1605-1627 .025 7 Reign of Shahjahan, 1628-1658 History of Delhi during the reign of Shahjahan 954.56 0 257 History Delhi (place) 0 Reign of Shahjahan (period) *Add as instructed under 930-990
9 History 954 History of India 954.56 History of Delhi Jahangir Jahangir Shahjahan Aurangzeb Shahjahan Aurangzeb .0256 .0257 .0258 .0256 .0257 .0258
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds Go to Table 2 … Add to base number 9 notation 3–9 fromTable 2, e.g., general history of Europe 940 … then add further as follows: 001 Philosophy and theory 002 Miscellany 00223 Maps, plans, diagrams 003 Dictionaries 004 Racial, ethnic, national groups Add to 004 notation … History of English cities 9
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —42 England and Wales … —421 Greater London —421 2 City of London History of English cities 9 History 42 Back to schedule History (schedule) England (Table 2) +
930 History of specific areas 930 930–990 (Continued) 0091–0098 Areas, regions, places in general Add to 009 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–18 from Table 2, e.g. urban regions 009732 History of English cities 942 .009 Go to 11–18 section of T2
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —1 Areas, regions, places in general; oceans and seas … —17 Socioeconomic regions … —173 Socioeconomic regions by concentration of population —173 2 Urban regions —173 3 Suburban regions —173 4 Rural regions "Add to 009 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–18" History of English cities 942.009 732 History (sched.) England (from T2) Areas in gen. (sched.) Urban areas (from T2)