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Environmental protection institutions in Poland

Environmental protection institutions in Poland. Lawmaking and law Environmental policy Environmental protection institutions Non – governmental organizations. Who deals with environmental protection in Poland?.

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Environmental protection institutions in Poland

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  1. Environmental protection institutions in Poland • Lawmakingand law • Environmentalpolicy • Environmentalprotectioninstitutions • Non –governmentalorganizations

  2. Who deals with environmental protection in Poland? Nature protection law is laid down by the Parliament and the Senate. Minister of Environment executes the law and issues the regulation regarded to conservation and environmental protection. Some of the regulations, for example of establishing a national park, are issued by the Council of Ministers.

  3. Acts of Environmental Protection in Poland The obligation to protect the natural environment is governed by the Act of Environmental Protection on 27th April , 2001 (Dz.U. Nr 62 poz. 627 z późniejszymi zmianami).

  4. Acts of Environmental Protection in Poland The obligation to protect the natural environment isgoverned by Natural Protection Law on 16thApril 2004

  5. Acts of Environmental Protection in Poland The obligation to protect the natural environment isgoverned by Protectionand Development of  Environment on 31st January,1980.

  6. Ministry of Environment In the Ministry of Environment the person who is responsible for the conservation of nature is the Under-Secretary of State, Chief Nature Conservator. In voivodeships, the pertinent authority is represented by the Provincial Governor (Voivode), who represents the government and the state administration in the province (voivodship). TheProvincial Nature Conservator deals with the matters regarded to the nature protection at the area of a particular voivodeship.

  7. Chief Nature Conservator directlysupervises the implementation of tasksresulting from: • the EnvironmentalProtectionAct • Environmental Law • Act of GMO ( 22ndJune, 2001) • Chief Nature Conservator coordinates the process of organizing and functioning the net of Nature 2000 areas.

  8. Advisory Institutions • the State Council for Nature Conservation consisting of outstanding scientists and specialist in nature protection • the provincial boards for nature conservation at the voivodeship level. • at the lowest level - gimna (commune) - the decisions concerning nature conservation and environmental protection are made by the departments of environmental protection of the city councils and the commune offices. All these decisions are performed by mayors or town/city presidents.

  9. The State Council for Nature Conservation is a consultative and advisory body responsible for naturalprotectionthatworksdirectlyat the Minister of Environment . It expressestheirownopinionregarded to the naturalprotectionmatters and send the conclusions to the particularinstitutions. The StateCouncilconsists of 40 members ,whoarechosen by the Minister of Environment for five year period.

  10. Advisory body At municipal or commune offices there are departments that deal with the matters of nature conservation and environmental.

  11. Non –governmentalorganizations Apart from the stateinstitutionsdealing with naturalprotection , thereare non – governmentalorganizationswhichalsotakeaction on environmentalprotection . Theyare not on a statebudget.

  12. General Board for EnvironmentalProtection A newinstitutionfounded in 2008 to manage the Natura 2000 areas, takesenvironmentaldecisionrelated to buildingmotorways and controling the influence of newinvestments on the natural environment.

  13. Polish Non – GovernmentalOrganizations http://www.klubgaja.pl/ Gaja Club http://www.lop.pl/ Natural ProtectionLeague ( LOP) http://www.polskiklubekologiczny.org/ PolishEcological Club

  14. Organisations and institutionsconnected with naturalprotection • Ministry of Environment • ChiefInspectorate for Natural Protection • National Fund for EnvironmentalProtection and Water Management • Ecofund • Natural Protection Bank

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