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CMP Transparency Requirements. UNC0449 Workgroup 25 June 2013. Transparency compliance overview. New Transparency reporting requirements go live on 1 st October 2013 National Grid NTS are required to publish CMP specific data Compliance will be achieved by uploading CMP data manually
CMP Transparency Requirements UNC0449 Workgroup 25 June 2013
Transparency compliance overview • New Transparency reporting requirements go live on 1st October 2013 • National Grid NTS are required to publish CMP specific data • Compliance will be achieved by uploading CMP data manually • Following slides will illustrate how the information will be published and map the CMP requirements to the data detailed within UNC0449
H: Occurrence of unsuccessful, legally valid requests for firm capacity products • Request applies only in case of non-auctioning mechanism (interpreted as Exit only for National Grid NTS • Firm capacity products with a consecutive period of 28 days or longer • Information per contract type/per IP/per direction (Entry/Exit) • Number of unsuccessful requests • Volume of unsuccessful requests • ‘Unsuccessful request’ = • ‘Legally valid request which cannot be fulfilled in total or in part’ • The profile of unsuccessful requested capacity per month has to be published • Not required after CAM implementation
Mapping of “H” to UNC0449 • CMP Requirement "H" Details of each Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity application and Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity application, that were either not allocated NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity or partially allocated NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity, for each of these applications the following information will be published: • IP - The IP • Contract Type - The class of NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity which will be Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity or Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity • Period of Requested volume - Application start date, which is the first month and Gas Year for which the application applies • Requested Volume - Application Amount, which is the amount of NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity subject to the capacity application • Allocated Firm Volume - Allocated amount, which is the amount of NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity allocated in relation to the application
I: Where and when firm capacity products have cleared at prices higher than the reserve price • Request applies only in case of auctions • Firm capacity products with a consecutive period of 28 days or longer • per contract type/per IP/per direction (Entry/Exit) • Cleared price > reserve price (also include auction premium) • To be published after each auction depending on individual auction calendar • Where: Interconnection Point and Auction (Type, duration, etc.) • Bundled and unbundled Capacity to be auctioned
Mapping of “I” to UNC0449 • CMP Requirement "I" For allocations of Quarterly NTS Entry Capacity where capacity bids have been allocated at a step price that is in excess of the reserve price and Monthly NTS Entry Capacity where capacity bids have been allocated above the reserve price, National Grid NTS will publish; • Where - The IP • Product - The allocation process, which will be either an Annual NTS Entry Capacity auction or Rolling Monthly NTS Entry Capacity auction • Reserve Price - The reserve price • Cleared Price - The QSEC auction step price as applicable • Cleared Price - The AMSEC auction Weighted Average Price by tranche as applicable • Cleared Price - The Rolling Monthly NTS Entry Capacity auction Weighted Average Price as applicable
J: Where and when no firm capacity product has been offered in the regular allocation process • Firm capacity products with a consecutive period of 28 days or longer • Regular allocation process (depending on the individual TSO) • ‘Regular’ • …means following individual allocation calendar of TSO
Mapping of “J” to UNC0449 • CMP Requirement "J" For NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity application processes, Annual NTS Entry Capacity auctions and Rolling Monthly NTS Entry Capacity auctions National Grid NTS, in instances where no capacity has been made available, publish the following; • The IP - The IP • The Auction or regular allocation process - The relevant NTS Exit (Flat) application or NTS Entry Capacity auction process
K: Total capacity made available through the congestion-management procedures • k) total capacity made available through the application of the congestion-management procedures laid down in points 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 per applied congestion-management procedure • Data to be published quarterly: End of March, June, September and December! • First upload will be of Quarter 1 data i.e. October, November and December 2013
Mapping of “K” to UNC0449 • CMP Requirement "K" - it is proposed that National Grid NTS will, publish for IPs only, the total capacity made available through the congestion management procedures: • Surrender - aggregate Firm NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity made available via: • The Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity surrender process; and • The Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity surrender process • Oversubscription - The aggregate amount of additional Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity allocated • The aggregate Firm NTS Entry Capacity made available via: • Surrender - The QSEC Auction surrender process • Surrender & Oversubscription - The AMSEC Auction surrender and oversubscription process