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Preliminary Observations from October 28, 2013 Site Visit

Preliminary Observations from October 28, 2013 Site Visit. Melissa Hill, Ph.D., P.G. & David W. Schade, MPA Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Mining, Land and Water Water Resources Section Alaska Hydrologic Survey November 5, 2013. Reconnaissance of Area. N.

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Preliminary Observations from October 28, 2013 Site Visit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preliminary Observations from October 28, 2013 Site Visit Melissa Hill, Ph.D., P.G. & David W. Schade, MPA Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Mining, Land and Water Water Resources Section Alaska Hydrologic Survey November 5, 2013

  2. Reconnaissance of Area N http://mapserver.borough.kenai.ak.us/kpbmapviewer/

  3. Observations

  4. Observations Continued Construction of small canals/ditches can also alter surface drainage (example: backfilled small canal in the vicinity of Tiller between Pasture and Farmstead Streets)

  5. Observations Continued Relatively less tannic near Pipeline Street Tannic water (humic acid) in contact with decaying leaves end of Karluk Avenue

  6. Pre-Development vs. Post-Development • The area has been dissected into smaller sub-basins and vegetation has been removed 1951 aerial 2006 aerial N

  7. Previous Studies Preliminary data search indicates limited hydraulic characterization for the area Glass, R.L., 1996, Ground-Water Conditions and Quality in the Western Part of Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-466. Anderson, G.S. and Jones, S.H., 1971, Hydrologic Data of the Kenai-Soldotna Area, Alaska, Water Resources Division prepared in cooperation with the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Things to keep in mind as solutions are proposed . . .

  8. Saltwater Wedge for a Simple Unconfined Aquifer Steady-State Flow Springs/muskegs Peat discontinuous Freshwater Inlet Saline (Modified from Freeze and Cherry, 1979)

  9. Saltwater Wedge for a Simple Confined Aquifer Steady-State Flow Artesian wells Peat continuous Freshwater Inlet (Modified from Freeze and Cherry, 1979)

  10. Questions? Contact information David W. Schade phone: (907) 269-8645 email: david.w.schade@alaska.gov Melissa Hill phone: (907) 269-8646 email: melissa.hill@alaska.gov Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Mining, Land and Water Water Resources Section Alaska Hydrologic Survey

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