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this is . BROKEN. Widely Read a nd respected? Check. Open Access? M’eh . Open Access Scholarly Information Portal . h oly cow!. Hey, maybe this is a cure! . Fresh discoveries . new research . Cool stuff!!. Ithaka Faculty Survey, 2009 . 1. “A very effective open access lobby

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Presentation Transcript

  1. this is BROKEN

  2. Widely Read and respected? Check. Open Access? M’eh.

  3. Open Access Scholarly Information Portal

  4. holy cow! Hey, maybe this is a cure! Fresh discoveries new research Cool stuff!!

  5. Ithaka Faculty Survey, 2009

  6. 1. “A very effective open access lobby Has been at work …” Nasty special interests!!! 2. Biomedical publishers now charge authors is that what you want, authors??? Be very afraid!!!

  7. 3. Social science article cost twice as much! But anthropologists don’t make twice as much as those scientists. Yeah, that’s like SO unfair 4. Social scientists cite old articles, so Embargoes should last longer. decades at least

  8. It costs us $5,000 to publish an article. Seriously? I’m not kidding. You want to pay that much? Are you kidding me????

  9. No kidding! You want free access, it’ll cost ya!! • “it is essential that we formulate a strategy • to sustain AAA’s traditional journal • publishing role as we engage with a • world that expects scholarly content • to be ‘free.’”

  10. Producing one AAA journal article @$6,000 • 33.39% – editorial $2003.40• 31.74% – production - $1904.40• 18.96% – distribution - $1,137.60• 13.50% – AAA staff overheads - $810.00• 2.41% – marketing - $144.60 Research, writing, peer review, institutional overhead, library support - $0.00

  11. Museum Anthropology Review Cost per article: $0.42

  12. …the system we have known is broken and the librarians at Indiana University want to be part of the solution rather Than part of the problem

  13. Sample CEO salaries American Anth. Assoc. – $307,000 American Psych. Assoc. – $609,594 American Chemical Society – $936,800 CAS - $1,038,800 OCLC - $1,391,783

  14. In contrast …. Salaries for Internet Archive – Six employees earn $100,000+ All salaries for Wikimedia - $233,060

  15. Social justice • For all people • Knowledge matters • We are implicated • The truth can set us free • We must serve our ideals

  16. image credits Paper background – essence of a dream Torn book – Ninja M Fixing the system – Library of Congress Politicians – Library of Congress Money – bormann818

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