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thesis writing

Thesis writing

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thesis writing

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  1. Thesis writingfor( post graduate Medical students ) Dr.T.V.Rao MD Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  2. What is a thesis / Dissertation • A dissertation or thesis[ is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  3. Why write a thesis? • It is the contribution you make to the academic community • You all have to suffer like we too suffered ! • In the process, you will learn • How to research • How to write Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  4. Why write a thesis? Does make you famous • Unlikely – yes • Look at the statistics and the Seniors Work • It will radically change science • Unlikely • Look at the statistics Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  5. What a thesis creates • What I did in the lab over the last 2 to 3 years • I first read the background material • I then implemented an algorithm • I did some practical work • … • A thesis is a logical reconstruction • Not a historical narrative Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  6. How a Dissertation is conducted • A postgraduate conducts research on a problem relevant to medical specalityunder the guidance of Faculty Members and submits a protocol/synopsis in the end of 1st year and the final dissertation at the end of 2½ years. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  7. An advisor/ guide will expect that: You have identified a worthwhile problem or question which has not been previously answered ? You have solved the problem or answered the question or at least contributed some facts for better understanding on the topic selected. A thesis is an original contribution to knowledge Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  8. Who selects the thesis Topicguide or student ? On many occasions guide suggest some topics with better understanding, knowing very well the facilities available in the Laboratory / Hospitals. The student has also important role in accepting what has been suggested, Impracticable outdated ideas of guides is catastrophic both to the students and to the department. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  9. Conflicts in guide and student relations • A non committed students and a irrational guides are the real areas of conflict what we see in the working environment . • Todays youth too are intelligent wise and well informed they can understand strengths and weakness of the guides in few days of joining the Department • Even guides should practice the policy of Humble to learn and wise to teach Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  10. Introduction to Thesis • An average introduction should build up the logic why it was necessary to conduct the study • An average Introduction should be approx. 5 A4 pages, double spaced, Times NR, Font size 12 • An Introduction may contain Figures needed to build up the logic. These should have a legend mentioning the Source, Year of publication Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  11. Choosing a topic – too difficult A task ? Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  12. An aim or aims should be 1-3 sentences and as concise as possible: Examples: The present study aims at evaluating the Carbapenemase resistance in ICU patients. Or: * The present study wasconducted to study the prevalence of Carbapenemase resistance in severely ill patients. Scope and Objectives Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  13. What you choose for dissertation • Do remember easier topics difficult to work with • Do never select an outdated work, as you have to remain in the Profession for > 4 decades • Your desertion is the reflection of your hands on experience, • Avoid topics which do not give adequate and modern skills Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  14. Can Internet search solve the problem of writing a good thesis • Many postgraduates usually search on the internet to find out information for any thesis. They find it interesting and obviously there is no place better than internet where they can find all the relevant information. However, the students are not aware of the contents and patterns and often end up writing down something absolutely meaningless. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  15. Selecting the right topic makes a great contribution • lot of research and hard work can make a thesis relevant and good. The topic must be something that has some importance to our society and something that can be helpful to evaluate your excellence.. • Vague ideas and concepts won't work in your thesis. You need to think plenty of times about the whole thing. You must understand that people must connect with your research Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  16. Who are Thesis committee members • Who should be on your committee? • Ideally you and your supervisor will come to a mutual decision and present with consent • Important, well-known researchers,unbaised teachers Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  17. A good thesis reflects how much you are creative • How you see the world and what you think about it must be reflected in your thesis. This is something where your thoughts need to be reflected. That is why choosing the topic is very crucial. If you are planning to write down a thesis on Medical or basic sciences, thenyou must understand even the smallest things. You need not be a master of that. You just need to be clear about the whole concept. Your enthusiasm and passion must be there. Otherwise everything will be a sheer waste of time. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  18. A thesis statement is a sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and directly answers the question or task asked of you. A thesis statement express the main idea of your paper. What is a thesis statement? Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  19. Introduction Aims (in most cases ‘objectives’ = aims with specific targets to achieve) ***** A review of the relevant literature Methods Results Discussion Summary References Appendices NOTE ***** indicates topics which the dissertation committee may especially like to re-evaluate The main sections… in Thesis Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  20. The Title page An inscription/dedication Certificate Declaration Acknowledgments Abstract (******) The contents page (including the contents of Appendices) Introduction Aims (and Objectives ****) A review of the relevant literature NOTE ***** indicates topics which the dissertation committee may especially like to re-evaluate Apart from the Sections from Start to End a thesis may have: Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  21. Methods (or Materials, and another Section for Methods, or Materials and Methods ******) Results, including Tables, Figures Discussion Summary References Appendices – usually 2: ******* - Appendix A: Materials used in testing - Appendix B: Original Data which could also include computer printouts of waveforms, graphs… NOTE ***** indicates topics which the dissertation committee may especially like to re-evaluate ….continued Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  22. The title: In upper case, Arial, Font Size 16 Name of the candidate: Sentence case, Name followed by qualifying degree, Arial, Font Size 14 Names of Guides: Names followed by degrees (standard short forms, e.g., MD Ph.D. ), Arial, Font Size 14 Name of the institution: In upper case, Arial, Font Size 16 Can covers be different colors? ***** Should covers be hard-binding and the front page pasted? ***** NOTE ***** indicates topics which the dissertation committee may especially like to re-evaluate Cover Page with University Logo &a Photograph of the University Office Building or as advised Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  23. Do we still need to standardize the format? **** The title: In upper case, Times NR, Font Size 16 Name of the candidate: Sentence case, Name followed by qualifying degree, Times NR, Font Size 14 Names of Guides: Names in Sentence case, followed by degrees (standard short forms, e.g., MD ( Microbiology ) Names of Dissertation Committee members in Sentence case, followed by degrees, Times NR, Font Size 14 Names of Doctoral students who assisted in Sentence case, Times NR, Font Size 12 ***** The Title Page inside the Thesis Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  24. Inscriptions/ Dedications: This is, of course, optional and depends on the candidate. As far as possible a dedication or inscription should not becorrected or modified. However it is necessary to check that there are no obvious grammatical/spelling errors or that a quotation is not misquoted Certificate & Declaration – the format are standardized ….what each section should contain….. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  25. It is very important to be clear who may be acknowledged when writing a thesis – as compared to compiling a manuscript… OBVIOUS INCLUSIONS: Guides, Dissertation committee members Assistance received for laboratory tests, statistical analysis, compilation, library searches Sources of funding both Institutional (to be mentioned in all cases), other funds OPTIONAL (for a thesis not a manuscript) Family and friends Acknowledgments…. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  26. Each Section begins on a fresh page Section Titles should be in Times New Roman font, Font size 14, centered, bold, upper case After each Section Title the first Para of each Section should be left aligned & not be indented; subsequent pares are to be indented The main sections…..a few details Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  27. This Section should contain relevant references from Traditional texts (ending with a clear link to experimental research) Early publications (e.g., books, Indexed Journals ) Recent publications – preferably publications, also books Tabulate the most relevant references at the end of the Section Review of the Relevant Literature Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  28. Materials and Methods • This Section has been called: Methods/ Materials and Methods/ Methods as one Section and Materials as another – we can use METHODS ***** • The Methods Section varies according to the type of study. This presentation includes a standard description for an experimental study conducted with Human Subjects. Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  29. This main Section should be very concise It should include – what was found – mentioning the level of significance and other information considered relevant depending on the test used Mention the effect size Tables Graphs Information in Tables & Graphs should NOT duplicate each other Results Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  30. Tables should be numbered in Arabic Numerals Each Table should have a comprehensive heading – this should begin on the next line after the Table No. Headings should be in Times NR (like the rest of the text), Font size 12, Bold, Sentence case Each Table should indicate significant changes with asterisks The level of significance (e.g., * = p<.05…) should be mentioned below the Table, Times NR, Font size 12, Bold Results, Tables Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  31. Figures should not duplicate data given in Tables Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals Every Figure should have a legend written below it in Times NR, font size 12, bold, sentence case The units for all numbers should be provided in SI units (e.g., length – meter (m), time – second (s), frequency – cycles per second (Hz) Results, Figures Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  32. This is a very important Section! It should attempt to describe what the study found & possible reasons for the findings How the findings differ/are similar to those described earlier – and reasons for differences if any Obvious drawbacks of the study design (etc.) and how these could have influenced the outcome Implications of the findings Applications of the finding Sub-sections depending on variables studied, integrating the discussion on each at the end Discussion Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  33. This Section should ideally ‘Stand Alone’ – if anyone reads it they would know why the study was done, what was done, what was found.. It should include: The Background (1-2 sentences) The Aim The Methods Results Implications Drawbacks Directions for future research Summary Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  34. Well done Thesis has a message • If You’re tackling an important research problem • You’ve made an original contribution to its resolution • E.g. If you have attempted uncommon problem with sincerity Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  35. Well written thesis …. • Concise, yet clear (scientific writing should avoid long sentences) • Attention to grammar, punctuation • Attention to details (for example, terms written in a language other than English should be in italics) Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  36. Titles, sub-titles, sub-sub-titles (differences in case, font size, bold/underlined/italics, centered or indented or not-indented) Indentation, line spacing Fonts (thesis-writers should be discouraged from using fonts other than Times NR/ Arial); Font size 12, 14 Bold/Italics/Underlined Using the customary sections, using the appropriate terms (for e.g., references rather than bibliography) Presented well…simple, yet important Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  37. Figures should have a legend regarding the source from which they are reproduced References cited in the text & in the reference list should NOT have any discrepancies (e.g. authors’ names, year..) Material used for assessments (e.g., questionnaires, recording sheets should be provided in an Appendix) what is a Accurate, complete…thesis Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  38. What a thesis isn’t? • A brain dump of everything you’ve done • You get to leave out the dead-ends • But you have to fill in any obvious gaps! • A thesis is should be logical reconstruction • With a single coherent message Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  39. An ideal thesis should….. • Have ‘sound stuff’ • Be well written • Be presented well • Be accurate, complete Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  40. Be brave to Defend your thesis / dissertation • Don’t panic • You’re probably the expert on this topic by now! • Your examiners may not be experts in your area of work however you are • Your examiners are human • They’ve sat in your seat • They will help you find what changes (if any) are needed to make this the required quality Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  41. Review of literature Is the literature relevant? Is the review critical or just descriptive? Is it comprehensive? Does it link to the methodology in the thesis? Does it summarize the essential aspects? Methodology Is there a clear hypothesis? Are precautions taken against bias? Are the limitations identified? Is the data collected appropriately? Is the methodology justified? What are examiners looking for? Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  42. Presentation of results Have the hypotheses in fact been tested? Are the results shown to support the hypothesis? Is the data properly analyzed? Are the results presented clearly? Are patterns identified and summarized? Discussion and Conclusions Are the limits of the research identified? Are the main points to emerge identified? Are links made to the literature? Is there theoretical development? Are the speculations well grounded? What are examiners looking for? Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  43. What we should do after completing thesis • You’ve finished writing & defending your thesis • What do you do next? • Turn it into a book now possible to publish as e-book • Publish some journal articles around it… Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  44. Teachers should be practical • As we pass through years of change there is change in education, students are wise learn what is useful to them which can bring them materialistic gains and academic upliftment • Teachers should be creative to select futuristic topics then only our Departments flourish Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  45. What to expect from your Guide / mentor • Intellectual support • Quality assurance • What standard a thesis should reach • Indication of when to stop • Emotional support • Encouragement • Constructive atmosphere Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  46. Guiding too much is catastrophic • The guides should be wise to guide the students, • Too much and unnecessary guidance will expose the ignorance of guides sooner if not later. • Human relations are more important as our students are colleagues tomorrow. • Best dissertations and research is created when guide knows the his job well done • Practice the best policy as guide • 1 Speech is silver • 2 Silence is gold • 3 If you talk with Knowledge and wisdom it is PLATINUM. • Dr.T.V.Rao MD Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  47. Your dedicated thesis work has support of……….. Thank them Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  48. With dedication to many helped in my thesis • The programme is possible with unselfish dedication of my Professor and Guide Dr.B Raja Rao MD, Late Dr.Saroja Venugopal MD and all the Faculty and Non Teaching Staff members of the Microbiology Department of Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam ( A P ) India and The Director and all Scientific Community at National Institute of Enteric Diseases , ICMR Kolkata. Never to be forgotten the help of Dr.T.N Naik PhD to train me and elevate me from darkness to light with wisdom and selfless serviceDr.T.V.Rao MD Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  49. Visit me for more topics of interest in Medicine and Microbiology Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  50. Created by Dr. T.V.Rao MD for ‘e’ learning resources for Medical Students in the Developing World • Email • doctortvrao@gmail.com Dr.T.V.Rao MD

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