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Agile Networks 2.0 - Choices and Tradeoffs Željko Bulut Product Line Manager, Optical Networks

Agile Networks 2.0 - Choices and Tradeoffs Željko Bulut Product Line Manager, Optical Networks. New Optical Infrastructure …. … for the New Decade. 1. New Applications Bandwidth hungry, real-time, interactive, asymmetric Big increase in mobile apps

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Agile Networks 2.0 - Choices and Tradeoffs Željko Bulut Product Line Manager, Optical Networks

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  1. Agile Networks 2.0 - Choices and TradeoffsŽeljko BulutProduct Line Manager, Optical Networks

  2. New Optical Infrastructure …. … for the New Decade • 1. New Applications • Bandwidth hungry, real-time, interactive, asymmetric • Big increase in mobile apps • Flat-rate models open flood gates for traffic • Traffic is explosive and unpredictable • Users rapidly adopting new products and services • 2. User Expectations • High quality of service • Instantaneous data access • Mobility and portability • Low/unnoticeable latency • Flat rates and free devices • Free unlimited storage • 3. Service Providers • Face fierce competition and macro economic uncertainty • Need solutions to the decreasing ARPU/MB • Need more efficient and scalable network infrastructure • Need added network intelligence in all layers Revenue per user decreasing, while traffic is increasing exponentially

  3. Increasing network traffic …… driver for 40G/100G in Core and Metro Super Hi-Vision (UHDTV) with 16x pixel resolution of HDTV, 500 Mbps VOD, VoIP, Streaming, Data Storage HDTV download speed 60Mbps 0.4-1T Data centers drive aggregation of 10G servers and clients Online gaming 2-20Mbps bidirectional 100G network bandwidthgrowth of 50-100% per year 40G 10G

  4. Agile Networks 1.0 … … challenges of the last decade • Optical Layer proved to be much bigger challenge than anticipated – most of the early focus was on the control plane • Lack of the economical wavelength switching technology – we built the roads and cars but forgot to build the car engine – inadequate wavelength blockers and PLC based ROADM’s were deployed with WSS catching up … • Lack of investment in core optical technology following the Internet bubble burst – number of promising startups with viable technology vanished • Workflow processes including service planning, ordering, procurement and installation, remained largely under automated leading to OPEX challenges and resulting in long service provisioning times • Restoration and protection services were never implemented and deployed in significant way – protection was realized at Layer 3 which is inadequate and arguably more expensive • Lack of sophisticated multilayer optimization tools leading to overdesigned and inefficient networks – network congestions fixed with brute force by adding more router capacity and point to point DWDM pipes

  5. Dynamic Provisioning Agile Network and Control Plane Functions GMPLS Protocols: 1: LMP 2: OSPF-TE 3: UNI, RSPV-TE 4: CSPF 5: RSPV-TE 6: all 7: LMP Inventory and Resource Management 1. Neighbor Discovery (LMP) 2. Global Topology Discovery (OSPF-TE) Management Plane E-NNI UNI Control Plane Data Plane Network Resilience 6. Distributed Recovery 3. Setup Request (UNI Signaling, NMS Trigger) 4. Routing (Path Calculation, CSPF) 7. Fault Localization 5. Signaling for Connection Provisioning (RSVP-TE)

  6. Services are optimally groomed, aggregated, switched and routed, by multi-layer optimization tools Minimization of intermediate routing to bypass routers WWW,P2P, IPTV L3/IP E-LAN/E-Line,leased line etc. L2/OTN On demand OTN and/or DWDM services across the network and domains flexible opticaltransport services L1/Optical Multi-Layer Optimization offers TCO reduction and network efficiency Multi-Layer Network Optimization

  7. Optical Transport Platform - Data Plane check list   Line SystemDCM FreeAutomation, Supervision Transients Handling Transponders 40/100G DP-QPSKdeployed as flexible resource pools classical interworking   Multidegre Tunable ROADMscalablefuture proof colored interworking OTN/MPLS SwitchODUk/Packetscalable today future

  8. High-Level ROADM Requirements Multidegree ROADM N = 8-16 for Metro N = 6-8 for Long Haul 10 Tb capacity per fiber Flexible bandwidth allocation 65-100% add/drop In-service growth to N – no forklift Future proof express path High level of integration Advanced Automation Supervision and Monitoring Degree Degree 1 2 Degree Degree 4 3 Degree Degree N-1 N CDCTransponder Pools • Transponder Pools • 10G/40G/100G • Colorless • Directionless • Contentionless

  9. 2 Degree #1 Degree #1 Degree #1 Degree #3 Degree #3 Degree #3 Degree #2 Degree #2 Degree #2 Degree #4 Degree #4 Degree #4 Degree #5 Degree #5 Degree #5 add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop add/drop TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank TransponderBank Less of everything … do we have a naming issue? Colorless ColorlessDirectionless ColorlessDirectionlessContentionless • Transponder permanently connected to an add/drop port but can be remotely tuned to any wavelength • However transponder can only carry traffic in one predetermined direction and that cannot be changed remotely without on site internvention • Transponder permanently connected to an add/drop port but can be remotely tuned to any wavelength and any direction • However only one wavelength per an add/drop tree can be used at the time leading to wavelength blocking, also referred to as wavelength contention • Transponder permanently connected to an add/drop port but can be remotely tuned to any wavelength and any direction • Up to N wavelengths can be repeated per an add/drop tree eliminating the wavelength contention

  10. Good ROADM Recipe … … shake well!!! • Wavelength Selective Switches • MEMS, LC, LCoS, PLZT, etc. • 1xn and mxn portcount • Both 100GHz and 50GHz • Flexible spectrum - Flexigrid • Integrated WSS/AWG/MC Switch • Integrated Power Monitoring • Other technologies • PLC technology - PIC • AWG • Tunable Filters/FBG • EDFA Arrays • VOA Arrays • Switches • Multicast Switches • Splitters/Combiners • Coherent Rx • Fiber Optic Switches • MEMS, Piezo, Robotic, etc. • Switch fabrics MxN • Large form factor • Standalone switching platforms • Offered also as OEM solutions • Some are modularized Application Optimized ROADM

  11. 40G/100G modulation schemes… established in the marketplace DP-QPSK 1/2 p p 0 p 0 3/2 p DPSK DQPSK 40G Transponders OOK vs. DPSK: Symbol separation factor 2 better  3dB better receiver sensitivity add PMDC card where necessary new generation 40G/100G Transponders superior CD/PMD tolerance OSNR sensitivity even better than for RZ-DQPSK because of coherent detection low cost 10G components 40G Transponders improved CD/PMD tolerance If RZ, then improved OSNR sensitivity, but reduced nonlinear tolerance compared to DPSKhigher component cost

  12. 15 12 9 Required OSNR relative to QPSK (dB) 6 3 0 -3 2 4 8 16 32 64 QAM constellation points Looking ahead … • Scaling beyond DP-QPSK modulation to more dense formats 300G 200G 100G

  13. FlexiGrid - Enhanced spectral occupancy Today Future • Base technologies: • LCOS WSS technology • High-speed digital signal processing • Advanced coding, possibly OFDM • High-speed ADC/DAC 100 Gb/s 1 x 120+ Gb/s DP-QPSK over 50GHz Lower spectral utilization 1Tb/s 4 x 300+ Gb/s CP-16QAM over 200GHz Higher spectral utilization Flexible Spectrum Allocation

  14. 40G 40G 40G 40G 10G 10G 10G 1568.77 1531.52 1530.72 1530.33 , nm 1569.59 1569.18 1568.36 1531.12 Capacity Enhancements in DWDM Networks Spectral occupancy Legacy networks as deployed today: 50 GHz, fixed grid 50GHz 100G … 100GHz 50GHz 50GHz 200GHz 1T Spectral occupancy Future networks: 50-200 GHz, flexible grid 1T 400G 200G 100G … 1531.52 1568.77 1530.72 1530.33 , nm 1569.59 1569.18 1568.36 1531.12 R 175 G 0 B 51 Primary colours: R 255 G 211 B 8 R 255 G 175 B 0 R 127 G 16 B 162 Supporting colours: R 255 G 255 B 255 R 0 G 0 B 0 R 137 G 146 B 155 R 163 G 166 B 173 R 52 G 195 B 51

  15. Agile Networks 2.0 – what’s next? • Long-Haul DWDM • Blocker and PLC based ROADMs • Followed with 50GHz WSS • Limited Nodal Degree – 4 or less • Expensive due to high insertion losses (DCM, splitters/combiners, AWG) • Not optimized for 40G/100G • Limited Control and Management Plane implementation 2000-2010 Agile Networks 1.0 • Metro DWDM • Point-to-Point, Rings, MSTP • initially PLC based, lately WSS based • Most 40x10G only • Limited Control and Management plane feature set • Metro/Regional/Long-Haul DWDM • Large Scale Photonic Switching (8-16 fiber degrees) • Colorless/Directionless/Contentionless ROADMs with support for the next modulation format for 400G/1000G • Full implementation of the control and management plane – integration of the engineering and planning function to support multilayer service optimization and virtualization • ODU/MPLS Switching (scalable in ULH to 20+ Tbps) with the integrated ODU/MPLS Switching/Control Plane 2010 – 2020 Agile Networks 2.0

  16. Thank you

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