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Town Hall Meeting Dr. John A. Toleno, Superintendent

Town Hall Meeting Dr. John A. Toleno, Superintendent . School Security Measures and Student Aftermath. Town Hall Meeting. SASD School Buildings Arlington Elementary K-2, 267 pupils Clearview Elementary K-2, 184 pupils Hamilton Elementary K-2, 256 pupils Morey Elementary K-2, 199 pupils

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Town Hall Meeting Dr. John A. Toleno, Superintendent

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  1. Town Hall MeetingDr. John A. Toleno, Superintendent School Security Measures and Student Aftermath

  2. Town Hall Meeting • SASD School Buildings • Arlington Elementary K-2, 267 pupils • Clearview Elementary K-2, 184 pupils • Hamilton Elementary K-2, 256 pupils • Morey Elementary K-2, 199 pupils • Ramsey Elementary K-2, 134 pupils • Stroudsburg Intermediate Elementary 3-4, 742 pupils • Stroudsburg Middle School 5,6,7, 1201 pupils • Stroudsburg Jr. High School 8,9, 898 pupils • Stroudsburg High School, 10,11,12, 1351 pupils • Total school building population as of December 1, 2012 = 5232 PUPILS

  3. Town Hall Meeting • 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold through their horrible actions in Columbine raised the awareness of every school administrator, law enforcement official, parent, and student in the World. • Through this event schools around the world re-evaluated security plans and practices. • This particular event raised the awareness of community members, parents, students, teachers and administrators as to the various “contributing factors” that may have facilitated this horrible act. • More specific awareness was raised in the areas of: • Bullying • Psychopathy and Depression • Video Games • Social Climate • Goth Subculture • Music • Choice of Date (calendar) • Police Tactics • Building Architecture and Design • School Security

  4. Town Hall Meeting • Points of interest regarding safety measures here at the Stroudsburg Area School District • We have Security Guards employed by the District. • We do utilize our Security Guards in the parking lots during bus dismissal. • We do have portable metal detectors that are only used for special events. • Visitors that our Security Guards/Office Staff do not know must show ID. • There is a designated entrance to each building with all other access points locked from the exterior. • Presence of security systems, video monitoring system. • Monitoring and supervision of common student areas, such as cafeterias and playgrounds. • Exterior lights on school grounds. • Availability of School Resource Officer (SRO) and School Security Officers (communication radios in every office). • Security Officers assist during arrival and dismissal. • Monitoring of school guests , buzzed in at main entrance, report to main office, copy photo ID if unknown, sign in, wear badges.

  5. Town Hall Meeting • Points of interest continued: • Crisis plans and preparedness training for each of our buildings and the district safety team meets regularly to discuss, update plans accordingly as per feedback. • School preparedness drills which include lock down, severe weather, and fire. • All classroom doors have locks. • Our school environment encourages a safe supportive school climate that provides school wide behavioral expectations. • We encourage all students to take responsibility for their part in maintaining a safe school environment. • We have a district wide Anonymous Alert System on the district web page. • We have staff trained in threat assessment and risk-assessment as they pertainto students.

  6. Town Hall Meeting • So where do we go from here? • 1)GO HOME AND HUG YOUR KIDS! • 2) Understand that there are many events in life that are out of our control, but there are a great number of people here in the Stroudsburg Area School District, the State Police and the Stroud Regional Police Department and many others who work diligently to provide a safe, secure environment for ALL of our students and employees. • 3) Keep in mind that from what we all know at this point in time tells us that there was NOT a breach in security in Newtown. • 4) Be confident that we (the educational community and Nation) have learned from the tragic events of Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc, and as time goes on and more information surfaces Newtown Connecticut as well! • 5) You can be assured that Safety and Security is of the utmost importance and we as a school district and community will continue to review, evaluate, re-evaluate and implement change as deemed necessary through appropriate data and credible anecdotal information. • 6) Please realize that although there are some that do not like the thought of a standardized dress code, WE as a district know immediately when someone is on our property who does not belong simply because WE have become accustomed to seeing the same consistent clothing day in and day out. • 7) Please pay close attention to the activities of your children through their social media sites and listen to them when they talk about things that have been said or comments written. Don’t be afraid to call the building administrator with information that may be disturbing. • 8) Understand that WE ALL play a role in this issue! • 9) GO HOME AND HUG YOUR KIDS!

  7. Town Hall Meeting • So what should we tell our kids? • Provide a developmentally appropriate, clear, and straightforward explanation of the event. • Let children know it’s okay to feel upset or angry. • Be a good listener and observer. • Focus on resiliency as well as the compassion of others. • Return to normalcy and routine to the best extent possible while maintaining flexibility. • Institute for helping children Online resources for parents: • www.projectreassure.pittedu • www.nctsn.org/trauma-types/terrorism • Resources from the Crisis Management and adults cope with tragedy: www.cmionline.org • Resources from the National Association of School Psychologists • “A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope" http://www.nasponline.org/resources/crisis_safety/terror_general.aspx • “Talking to Children About Violence: Information for Parents and Educators” http://www.nasponline.org/resources/handouts/revisedPDFs/talkingviolence.pdf • Resources from Ready Campaign FEMAwww.ready.gov • “Protect and Connect: Psychological First Aid for Teachers and Schools” http://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/PFA_SchoolCrisis.pdf • Resources from the American School Counselor Association • Includes webinars, web sites, documents and publications. http://www.schoolcounselor.org/content.asp?contentid=672

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