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Welcome to Kindergarten!. SUNY New Paltz Monday October 11, 2010 .... Activ Software ActivInspire My ResourcesMy Flipcharts attendance.flipchart. Journal Time 9:00-9:15. What did you do this weekend?. SWBAT write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words
Welcome to Kindergarten! SUNY New Paltz Monday October 11, 2010 ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\attendance.flipchart
Journal Time9:00-9:15 What did you do this weekend? SWBAT write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals
Morning Meeting and Calendar Math 9:15-9:25 • Greeting- Words of Inspiration • Kid of the Day/Sharing Time • Calendar • Graph of the week • Review procedures • College Chant Objectives: SWBAT spell first and last name correctly; SWBAT respond orally to questions; SWBAT build a concept of a number; SWBAT recite songs, poems; SWBAT recognize time by identifying days of the week and by using term such as: yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, night, before, after; SWBAT explore data by answering a yes/no question; SWBAT display data on real graphs – be able to make a horizontal and vertical bar graph
Sight words • REVIEW ALL SIGHT WORDS • say
Message Time9:25-9:45 • SWBAT contribute to a shared writing experience or topic of interest • SWBAT demonstrate an awareness that print moves from top to bottom and left to right, and space is used to separate words • SWBAT Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences • SWBAT identify simple punctuation. (ie: period, question mark, exclamation point) • SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds • SWBAT recognize some words by sight, such as student’s first and last name, a, the, I, my, you, is, are 1) Think aloud- help me out 2) Model writing. After each word read over and re-read at the end of each sentence. -Clap the letters of sight words when one is found in the message -Focus on spacing, capital letters, sounding out words, sight words 3) Re-read message. 4) Allow students to share what he/she can do on their own. (Show me what you know game)- 3 students 5) Re-read message as class. Message: I can count. I can read. What can you do? What can we do as friends? Sight words of week:
Reading Time! 9:50-10:50 Workshop • (K.1.B.1.a) SWBAT identify in isolation all upper and lower case letters of the alphabet • (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds • SWBAT read sight words • SWBAT write and read words and texts at reading level • Workshop chart with clothespin • Choose center and dismiss • Recognize letters, blends/diagraphs, rhymes, ending sounds Reading SWBAT comprehend and analyze what they hear by following multiple step directions and responding correctly when given a signal (K.1.A.3.a) SWBAT orally blend syllables into a whole word, such as fun-ny=funny (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds Lesson 1) Engagement- transition 2) Presentation of Language 3) Presentation of Reading 4) Storybook Workbook 5) Dismissal to Independent work Move three groups in rotation after Reading Time- get ready for lunch/recess Independent work (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds K.1.A.1.a SWBAT identify whether isolated sounds are same or different K.1.B.2.b SWBAT blend letter sounds in one-syllable words (CVC) 1)Independent Reading Worksheets 2) Work check with partner 3) Clean up and independently read
Story Time 11:50-12:05 SWBAT name parts of the book, directionality SWBAT acquire new vocabulary through listening to a variety of texts on a daily basis SWBAT retell important facts from a text SWBAT identify the beginning and end of a story Read Aloud Book: Big Al-2nd read Activate Prior Knowledge Build Background Conversation Starter: In this story Big Al wished (really wanted) to look different so he tried to disguise himself. Describe how Big Al disguised himself (teacher could do a picture walk to jog student memory). Concentrate on Vocabulary Vocabulary: friend, lonely, wishing, net, disguised, captured, tangled Describe strategy- Questioning and Connections Explain how it helps readers- make connections to life and always trying to find out more Read book- Prompt students to use strategy and give practice time • Open-Ended Question(s) :Why did Big Al wish to look different? • Why did Big Al think he didn’t have friends? • Why did he think he had to look like the other fish in order to have friends? • Do we all the same? How are we different? Discuss unfamiliar words and what they mean. Turn and Talk: Pretend you are Big Al. What is one way that you could disguise yourself?
Writing Mini Lesson12:20-12:30 (K.4.A.1.a) SWBAT generate ideas and topics for writing (K.4.A.2.e) SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals (K.4.A.3.a) SWBAT prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods SWBAT use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve student’s own writing SWBAT write letter-like forms, letters, and/or random letter strings to convey a message Unit 1, Mini-Lesson 15: Fixing Up Writing Materials: Short story written on chart paper about shared class experience Introduction/ Connection: • T will tell I Do: Mini Lesson • T will We Do: Active Engagement • T will Link to You Do: • T will
Writer’s Workshop12:30-12:55 **pull small group (c) (K.4.A.1.a) SWBAT generate ideas and topics for writing (K.4.A.2.e) SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals (K.4.A.3.a) SWBAT prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods SWBAT use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve student’s own writing SWBAT write letter-like forms, letters, and/or random letter strings to convey a message Writer’s Workshop Unit 1, Mini-Lesson 15: Fixing Up Writing Materials: Short story written on chart paper about shared class experience When conferencing… • Reread student’s writing and repeat it back as if it is the most interesting story in the world. Most children will respond by saying more – repeat that back and say ‘Where will you add that?’ Make a big deal that publishing is what professional writers do and that their story is so great that it deserves to be revised. (Revision is not a way to fix inadequate work – it is a reward for great work.) Sharing • Writers, will you bring your piece with you and come to the carpet? Let me show you the smart ways in which you have all been fixing up your writing. (Share stories of success with revision – not just the most advanced writing, things everyone can do.) Now, think to yourself which of the things these writers did would you like to try? Tell the person next to you what you might try tomorrow.
Fall poems • ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\fall.flipchart • ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\rhyming_pictures.flipchart
Math Time ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\Letters, Words, Sentences.flipchart2:05-2:55 SWBAT Recognize and write the numerals that describe the quantities SWBAT compare groups of numbers Materials: 10 color tiles in 2 different colors; 5 pieces of yarn or string; additional small items such as cubes, counters, paper clips, buttons; 2 sets of Number Cards 0–11Number Cards 0–11 Drill: Problem of day! Workbook Opening: Number Formation Song I Do: T will give one child in each pair up to 5 color tiles in one color. T will give the other child an unequal number of tiles in another color. We Do: S will count out her or his tiles in a row. Partners match the tiles one-to-one by connecting them with pieces of yarn. T will ask children if the groups are the same. Explain that the group with extra tiles after matching has more. The other group has fewer. T will ask children how many tiles are in the group with more and how many tiles are in the group with fewer tiles. S will place the correct number card with each group. S will identify the number that is more and the number that is less. S will repeat with other objects Can you tell just by looking that a group has more or fewer? How do you know when two groups have the same number? You Do: T will review center materials and dismiss students to math centers. S will complete work in their math journal
Erase a Rhyme K.1.A.2.a Repeat and produce rhyming words Recognizing Rhymes Opening: T will tell students that they will learn about rhymes Rhymes sound the same at the end I Do: T draw a picture and state each piece of picture while it is drawn S will echo the words T will ask what they notice? T will give a beginning rhyme and students will complete the rhyme We Do/You Do: S will come up to baord and complete the rhyme Closing: S will come back and review rhymes again quickly T will state name and S will echo • ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\the_rhyme_game.flipchart
Centers3:10-3:40 SWBAT develop social skills through a variety of different learning centers • SWBAT develop fine motor skills • discuss rules, procedures and expectations • discuss and share out open centers for the day • choose center and wear clothespin • dismiss to center • clean up and return clothespin • transition to go home ** Pull Group C**- phonemic awareness activity
Welcome to Kindergarten! SUNY New Paltz Tuesday October 5, 2010 ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\Question of the Day.flipchart
Journal Time9:00-9:15 Free Write SWBAT write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals
Morning Meeting and Calendar Math 9:15-9:25 • Greeting- Words of Inspiration • Kid of the Day/Sharing Time • Calendar • Graph of the week • Review procedures • College Chant Objectives: SWBAT spell first and last name correctly; SWBAT respond orally to questions; SWBAT build a concept of a number; SWBAT recite songs, poems; SWBAT recognize time by identifying days of the week and by using term such as: yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, night, before, after; SWBAT explore data by answering a yes/no question; SWBAT display data on real graphs – be able to make a horizontal and vertical bar graph
Sight words • REVIEW ALL SIGHT WORDS • say
Message Time9:25-9:45 • SWBAT contribute to a shared writing experience or topic of interest • SWBAT demonstrate an awareness that print moves from top to bottom and left to right, and space is used to separate words • SWBAT Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences • SWBAT identify simple punctuation. (ie: period, question mark, exclamation point) • SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds • SWBAT recognize some words by sight, such as student’s first and last name, a, the, I, my, you, is, are 1) Think aloud- help me out 2) Model writing. After each word read over and re-read at the end of each sentence. -Clap the letters of sight words when one is found in the message -Focus on spacing, capital letters, sounding out words, sight words 3) Re-read message. 4) Allow students to share what he/she can do on their own. (Show me what you know game)- 3 students 5) Re-read message as class. Message: “Look, it is my friend!” She is so kind and she helps me with my Reading and writing! Are all of us friends? Sight words of week:
Reading Time! 9:50-10:50 Workshop • (K.1.B.1.a) SWBAT identify in isolation all upper and lower case letters of the alphabet • (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds • SWBAT read sight words • SWBAT write and identify name • Workshop chart with clothespin • Choose center and dismiss • Recognize letters, blends/diagraphs, rhymes, ending sounds Reading SWBAT comprehend and read grade level texts SWBAT make predictions, make connections, visualize, make conclusions, sequence events in a story SWBAT use a variety of vocabulary Build Background Knowledge Picture walk/Review from last reading Read Book together Whisper read Ask questions/discuss book Receive independent work Move three groups in rotation after Reading Time- get ready for lunch/recess Independent work (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds K.1.A.1.a SWBAT identify whether isolated sounds are same or different K.1.B.2.b SWBAT blend letter sounds in one-syllable words (CVC) 1)Independent Reading Worksheets 2) Work check with partner 3) Clean up and independently read
Story Time 11:50-12:05 SWBAT name parts of the book, directionality SWBAT acquire new vocabulary through listening to a variety of texts on a daily basis SWBAT retell important facts from a text SWBAT sequence events in a story SWBAT hear rhyming words Read Aloud Book: Friend Frog 1st read Activate Prior Knowledge T will display page 47 of frog jumping into the pond T will read title and ask for students predictions about book Build Background T will ask: what makes a good friend? T will state that we can learn from our friends Concentrate on vocabulary Vocabulary: discouraged, extraordinary, hesitate, respect and desire Describe strategy Read book- Prompt students to use strategy S will make predictions during text and after text What do you predict the mouse is looking for? Why didn’t the frog hear what the mouse was saying? Do you think the mouse will give up trying to be friends with frog? Discuss unfamiliar words and what they mean. S will discuss how they are friends S will discuss how it feels to do something nice for a friend
Writing Mini Lesson12:20-12:30 (K.4.A.1.a) SWBAT generate ideas and topics for writing (K.4.A.2.e) SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals (K.4.A.3.a) SWBAT prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods SWBAT use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve student’s own writing SWBAT write letter-like forms, letters, and/or random letter strings to convey a message Writers, today let’s leave our work out on the tables and walk around and admire the ways in which we made our writing beautiful. Unit 1, Mini-Lesson 17: Reading Into the Circle: An Author’s Celebration Materials: classroom decorations (balloons, sign), small snack, 2 or 3 line toast Introduction/ Connection: • T will tell I Do: Mini Lesson • T will We Do: Active Engagement • T will Link to You Do: • T will
Writer’s Workshop12:30-12:55 **pull small group (c) (K.4.A.1.a) SWBAT generate ideas and topics for writing (K.4.A.2.e) SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals (K.4.A.3.a) SWBAT prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods SWBAT use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve student’s own writing SWBAT write letter-like forms, letters, and/or random letter strings to convey a message Writer’s Workshop Unit 1, Mini-Lesson 15: Fixing Up Writing Materials: Short story written on chart paper about shared class experience When conferencing… • Reread student’s writing and repeat it back as if it is the most interesting story in the world. Most children will respond by saying more – repeat that back and say ‘Where will you add that?’ Make a big deal that publishing is what professional writers do and that their story is so great that it deserves to be revised. (Revision is not a way to fix inadequate work – it is a reward for great work.) Sharing • Writers, will you bring your piece with you and come to the carpet? Let me show you the smart ways in which you have all been fixing up your writing. (Share stories of success with revision – not just the most advanced writing, things everyone can do.) Now, think to yourself which of the things these writers did would you like to try? Tell the person next to you what you might try tomorrow.
Math Time2:05-2:55 SWBAT Recognize and write the numerals that describe the quantities 1, 2, and 3. Materials: Number Cards 0–11 and a variety of counters or small objects Drill: Problem of day! Workbook Opening: Number Formation Song I Do: T will introduce the words one, two, and three T will model how to label groups of objects with number cards. T will help children label groups of objects with their cards for 1, 2, or 3. How many counters are in this group? We Do: S will find the number card that matches it. T will write 1, 2, and 3 on the board and model skywriting each number. T and S will talk about the shape of each number and how to make it. S will count groups of objects, identify the number, and skywrite that number. T will ask children to find a specific number card and count out a group of objects to match. S will trace the number on the card with a finger, and then practice writing the number on paper. T will model making 1, 2, 3 and students will watch You Do: T will review center materials and dismiss students to math centers. S will complete work in their math journal S will show 1 and draw picture S will repeat process with 2, 3
ScienceWhat Parts Do Plants Have? Introduction: tell children they will observe (WOW word) How can you tell what it on this penny? How could you tell different parts of a plant? I Do: • T will tell students that all plants have the same parts but sometimes they look different. • T will show and teacher students to use magnifying glass • T will point out leaves, stem , roots, • T will discuss parts of plants • T will discuss our T-chart of plant parts • Vocabulary: roots, stem, leaf, flower • Questions: what share are the leaves? What colors are the flowers? What does the stem feel like? • T will show pictures of various plants We Do: • S will draw the parts of plant- stem, leaves, roots, petals • S and T will talk how plants parts • What are the parts of a plant? Do you think that all plants have the same size stem and roots? • Swill act out plant parts • T will use pictures cards to discuss frog life cycle You Do: • S will complete own copy of plant parts • S will make plant parts with paint/markers/crayons Closing: • S will share out model of plant parts
Centers3:10-3:40 SWBAT develop social skills through a variety of different learning centers • SWBAT develop fine motor skills • discuss rules, procedures and expectations • discuss and share out open centers for the day • choose center and wear clothespin • dismiss to center • clean up and return clothespin • transition to go home ** Pull Group C**- phonemic awareness activity
Welcome to Kindergarten! SUNY New Paltz Wednesday October 6, 2010
Journal Time 9-9:15 How do animals move? SWBAT write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals
Morning Meeting and Calendar Math 9:15-9:25 • Greeting- Words of Inspiration • Kid of the Day/Sharing Time • Calendar • Graph of the week • Review procedures • College Chant Objectives: SWBAT spell first and last name correctly; SWBAT respond orally to questions; SWBAT build a concept of a number; SWBAT recite songs, poems; SWBAT recognize time by identifying days of the week and by using term such as: yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, night, before, after; SWBAT explore data by answering a yes/no question; SWBAT display data on real graphs – be able to make a horizontal and vertical bar graph
Sight words • REVIEW ALL SIGHT WORDS • say
Message Time 9:25-9:45 • SWBAT contribute to a shared writing experience or topic of interest • SWBAT demonstrate an awareness that print moves from top to bottom and left to right, and space is used to separate words • SWBAT Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences • SWBAT identify simple punctuation. (ie: period, question mark, exclamation point) • SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds • SWBAT recognize some words by sight, such as student’s first and last name, a, the, I, my, you, is, are 1) Think aloud- help me out 2) Model writing. After each word read over and re-read at the end of each sentence. -Clap the letters of sight words when one is found in the message -Focus on spacing, capital letters, sounding out words, sight words 3) Re-read message. 4) Allow students to share what he/she can do on their own. (Show me what you know game)- 3 students 5) Re-read message as class. Message: We can count and we Sight words of week:
Reading Time! 9:50-10:50 Workshop • (K.1.B.1.a) SWBAT identify in isolation all upper and lower case letters of the alphabet • (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds • SWBAT read sight words • SWBAT write and identify name • Workshop chart with clothespin • Choose center and dismiss • Recognize letters, blends/diagraphs, rhymes, ending sounds Reading SWBAT comprehend and analyze what they hear by following multiple step directions and responding correctly when given a signal (K.1.A.3.a) SWBAT orally blend syllables into a whole word, such as fun-ny=funny (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds Lesson 1) Engagement- transition 2) Presentation of Language 3) Presentation of Reading 4) Storybook Workbook 5) Dismissal to Independent work Move three groups in rotation after Reading Time- get ready for lunch/recess Independent work (K.1.B.1.b) SWBAT identify letters matched to sounds K.1.A.1.a SWBAT identify whether isolated sounds are same or different K.1.B.2.b SWBAT blend letter sounds in one-syllable words (CVC) 1)Independent Reading Worksheets 2) Work check with partner 3) Clean up and independently read
Story Time 11:50-12:05 SWBAT name parts of the book, directionality SWBAT acquire new vocabulary through listening to a variety of texts on a daily basis SWBAT retell important facts from a text SWBAT sequence events in a story SWBAT hear rhyming words Read Aloud Book: Fall Book- Apple Tree Activate Prior Knowledge Build Background Concentrate on vocabulary Describe strategy Read book- Prompt students to use strategy Discuss unfamiliar words and what they mean. ..\..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\Science\johnny_appleseed_and_apples.flipchart
Writer’s Workshop12:30-12:55 **pull small group (c) (K.4.A.1.a) SWBAT generate ideas and topics for writing (K.4.A.2.e) SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals (K.4.A.3.a) SWBAT prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods SWBAT use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve student’s own writing SWBAT write letter-like forms, letters, and/or random letter strings to convey a message Writer’s Workshop Unit 1, Mini-Lesson 15: Fixing Up Writing Materials: Short story written on chart paper about shared class experience When conferencing… • Reread student’s writing and repeat it back as if it is the most interesting story in the world. Most children will respond by saying more – repeat that back and say ‘Where will you add that?’ Make a big deal that publishing is what professional writers do and that their story is so great that it deserves to be revised. (Revision is not a way to fix inadequate work – it is a reward for great work.) Sharing • Writers, will you bring your piece with you and come to the carpet? Let me show you the smart ways in which you have all been fixing up your writing. (Share stories of success with revision – not just the most advanced writing, things everyone can do.) Now, think to yourself which of the things these writers did would you like to try? Tell the person next to you what you might try tomorrow.
Writing Mini Lesson12:20-12:30 (K.4.A.1.a) SWBAT generate ideas and topics for writing (K.4.A.2.e) SWBAT dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals (K.4.A.3.a) SWBAT prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods SWBAT use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve student’s own writing SWBAT write letter-like forms, letters, and/or random letter strings to convey a message Unit 1, Mini-Lesson 16: Editing and Fancying Up Writing Materials: 2 stories written on chart paper to be edited Introduction/ Connection: • T will tell I Do: Mini Lesson • T will We Do: Active Engagement • T will Link to You Do: • T will
Math Time2:05-2:55 SWBAT apply a strategy SWBAT write numbers 0-5, recognize and understadning one-to-one correspondance REVIEW Drill: Worksheet OpeningT will read book: about numbers I Do: T will ask students to pay attention to numbers T will read book We Do: S will discuss numbers and prepare for chapter test You Do: Dismiss to take CHAPTER 1 TEST
Phonics/Phonological Awareness2:55-3:10 SWBAT explore word families; SWBAT recognize onset and rime, SWBAT segment and blend sounds Exploring Word families Opening: T will tell students that they can hear different parts of a word and put them together to make a full word T will tell students that they can hear the beginning sound and combine it with the ending sound to create a word family I Do: T and S will get a chart with a word family T will hold up the word and state the word family and all the sounds S will echo T will place on pocket chart word family cards We Do: T will segment and then blend the words together S will come to board and do the same S will move and act as the sound to blend the sounds together You Do: S will get picture cards and blend the onset and rime with a partner Closing: S will come back together and review the word family again T will create a word family house for students to reference in class ..\..\Activ Software\ActivInspire\My Resources\My Flipcharts\ABC_and_Words.flipchart
Centers3:10-3:40 SWBAT develop social skills through a variety of different learning centers • SWBAT develop fine motor skills • discuss rules, procedures and expectations • discuss and share out open centers for the day • choose center and wear clothespin • dismiss to center • clean up and return clothespin • transition to go home