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Tips for Success …

Tips for Success …. University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Social Work 2010-2011. Tip 1. Read the Bulletin http://www.ssw.umaryland.edu/bulletin/index.html. Click “read more” to stay informed! . The SSW Daily Bulletin includes…. Research, volunteer, internship and job opportunities

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Tips for Success …

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tips for Success… University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Social Work 2010-2011

  2. Tip 1 Read the Bulletin http://www.ssw.umaryland.edu/bulletin/index.html

  3. Click “read more” to stay informed!

  4. The SSW Daily Bulletin includes… • Research, volunteer, internship and job opportunities • Upcoming classes and professional education offered • Notifications about student group meetings • Local traffic and weather advisories • News on the accomplishments of professors and peers • Updates on the university community • Helpful hints about free/discounted things all around campus and the greater Baltimore area

  5. Tip 2 - Plan Ahead! • Be Prepared • Avoid Procrastination • Develop Discipline • Practice Healthy Study habits • "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end.  It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; • it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it." • ~ Margaret Thatcher

  6. Tip 3 - Resources! • UMB Resources • Faculty, Staff, and other Students • Student Center, Library, Computer Lab • Campus Events, Organizations, and Groups • Maryland Resources • Local, City, and State programs and organizations • Hidden Gems – Parks, Markets, Cafés and Eateries

  7. Know &Use Your Resources • Becoming familiar with the library will save you a great deal of time regarding assignment deadlines. • Connect with your advisor, peers, SGA, etc. • The writing center is a great way to develop your writing skills (on the 3rd floor of the SMC, 621 W. Lombard St., Ste. 302). • The counseling center can help, visit them (on the 4th floor of the library, 601 W. Lombard St., Ste. 440).

  8. Tip 4 - Communicate! Asking questions and developing good rapport will not only strengthen your skills and experiences, but can also provide an excellent avenue for support and feedback.

  9. Tip 5 - Get Involved! • Be heard - Your Contributions Are Essential! • USGA – University Student Government Association • SGA - Student Government Association • Other Campus Organizations and Programs • SCOPE , ISWO , LASO, CSWF, TIKKUN, OASIS, LGBTAU, PAACAA • Project Jumpstart, ABAE (Mentoring Program)

  10. Tip 6 - Maintain Motivation! • Keep your focus and revisit your goals. • Knowing why you chose this path will help guide you in the face of potential distractions. • Get excited about your work! • The result of staying positive will keep you motivated to succeed.

  11. Tip 7 - Remember You are not in this alone: SGA is here for YOU!Know, Use, and Share Your Resources.sga@ssw.umaryland.eduCome visit our SGA table at the SSW Campus Resources Fair TODAYMake the days count!

  12. Contact Us SGA Office ~ 2E09 (SSW, 2nd floor) sga@ssw.umaryland.edu SGA Officers: President - Pamela Parnell pparn001@umaryland.edu Vice-President – Jennie Sawyer jsawy001@umaryland.edu Recording Secretary – Ben Kaufman bkauf001@umaryland.edu Corresponding Secretary – Reina Arai reina@umaryland.edu Treasurer – Lisa Klingenmaier lklin001@umaryland.edu

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