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TIPS FOR SUCCESS. Classes 602 and 605. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!. Think of ideas that are not the most obvious Keep an open mind Be creative Be a “divergent” thinker. REMEMBER TO… “Practice for the Big Game”. Students... Are the “ATHLETES” Practice their skills and work hard

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TIPS FOR SUCCESS Classes 602 and 605

  2. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! • Think of ideas that are not the most obvious • Keep an open mind • Be creative • Be a “divergent” thinker

  3. REMEMBER TO…“Practice for the Big Game” Students... • Are the “ATHLETES” • Practice their skills and work hard • Pay attention to class demonstrations and examples • Listen to feedback from teacher and peers • Use the feedback to improve work/skills • Review and understand the criteria of the assignment/”Big Game” Teacher… • Is the “COACH” • Provide examples of what good work/skills looks like • Provide feedback and encouragement • Provide opportunities for extra practice

  4. REMEMBER TO…Be Prepared for the “Big Game” Students… • Demonstrate their “best” abilities/skills • Show up for the game on time Teacher… • Is the “JUDGE” • Evaluates student work

  5. ACTIVITY #1: Clapping • 4 volunteers are needed • Each volunteer will clap • Class will vote on the best “Clapper”


  7. Co-Constructed Criteria • Be prepared to help develop evaluation criteria for assignments (How you will be evaluated.) • Know what is expected of you • Know what good work looks like 

  8. Thankyou in advance for yourenergy, dedication and enthusiasmthisyear!!!!!!!!!

  9. Some Student Responses… I learned… That you have to have criteria to do great in your work. That Mrs. Newton will give us reasonable time to practice for the “big game”. How important it is to practice for the “big game”. That it takes time to do your best. That you have to be confident and ready to learn. That Mrs. Newton will help us to learn step by step and not on our own. That Mrs. Newton will give us criteria before the “big game”. Not to “float” through your lesson…put in your best effort. To be on time for the “big game.” That Mrs. Newton wants us to do our best. That our day at school is like a soccer game.

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