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Recruitment and Fishing are a lot alike. For today's presentation lets think about recruitment in terms of fishing.Throughout this session you will learn strategic recruitment skills (sales
1. Marketing 470: A Fisherman’s Strategy to Fraternity Recruitment
Mike Falkowitz, Hartford 95’
Director of Expansion 1998-2001
Assistant Dean of Students - University of Kentucky
2003 Delta Sigma Phi National Convention
2. Recruitment and Fishing are a lot alike For today’s presentation lets think about recruitment in terms of fishing.
Throughout this session you will learn strategic recruitment skills (sales & marketing) through the eyes of a fisherman.
3. 7 Steps to Catching Fish/Recruiting More Members
1. To catch fish, you have to GO Fishing
2. You have to know WHERE to Fish
3. You have to know WHEN to Fish
4. You must use the right BAIT
5. You must use the right EQUIPMENT
6. You must know HOW to Fish
7. You must know what to do with the Fish
once it’s CAUGHT
4. Go Fishing/Recruiting What type of fish do you want to catch?
Why that fish?
How many fish do you want to catch?
Who’s going to fish? What type of members do you want to recruit?
What traits do these members possess?
How many members do you want to pledge?
Who’s leading your recruitment efforts?
5. Go Fishing/Recruiting Attitude determines everything!
Does a fisherman get dejected if he’s having a rough day? No!
Do Delta Sigs quit recruiting because someone isn’t sure about their bid? NO!!!!!!!
80% of recruitment is simply being in the right place at the right time.
6. If a fisherman stops fishing his business will collapse.
If your chapters aren’t growing, they’re dying.
7. Where to Fish/Recruit We’ve already defined the traits we want our new brothers to possess:
Academics Good social skills
Financially solvent Athletic
Leadership Loyal
Motivated Diverse
Fun Potential
Assertive Well-rounded
“Smooth with the women” Initiative
Campus organization involvement
So…now it’s time for Delta Sig to go fishing!!!!!!
8. Where to Fish/Recruit
Sorority Referrals
Alumni Referrals
Local Chapter Referrals
Faculty/Administrative Referrals
Guidance Counselors from High School Feeder Schools for your University
Student Organization List – All executive officers
Residence Life Organizations – RA’s, RD’s
Student Government
Multi-cultural Center
Student Activities/Campus Programming Board
Summer Advising Staff/University Ambassadors
Professional/Honorary Fraternities
Campus Recreation Center
9. Where to Fish/Recruit (cont.) Non-bid list – Greek Affairs Office
Dropped-De-pledged list – Greek Affairs Office
Dean’s List – Respective Colleges/Programs
Religious Organizations
Specialty Dorms – Academic, Freshman Experience, Alcohol Free
University 101 Sections
Intramural Teams – get a roster of EVERY team
Athletes – DI, NAIA, Club, etc…(get contact info off the athletic web site)
Freshman Face-book
Presidential, Governor Scholars
Community Service organizations
Campus newspaper, radio, TV station – Free PR!!!
Delta Sig Dream Team – a.k.a. “Wish List”
10. When to Fish/Recruit Recruitment is 365/24/7
ALWAYS CARRY A PEN AND PIECE OF PAPER IN YOUR POCKET - You never know when you will meet a potential brother. Simply forgetting someone’s name or phone number is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!
Time of Year:
During the summer, IFC sanctioned times, and at least one more time during the fall/spring semester
Freshman Move-in!!!!!!!!!!!!
11. When to Fish/Recruit Time of Day/Week:
All University sponsored events
Chapter Activities
Open Chapter meetings
Formal/Sorority Dinners
Date exchanges (if allowed)
Philanthropy and Community Service Projects
Intramural Sports
Alumni/Parents Events
12. When to Fish/Recruit (cont.) During Class
Pay attention to those who make intelligent comments.
Sit next to someone you DON’T know.
After Class
Where do students hang out in between classes? Is there a student center, smoker’s area, dining facility, etc???
Grab a few brothers and prospective recruits for lunches and dinners! This costs nothing and the recruit simply thinks you’re just hanging out over a meal.
13. When to Fish/Recruit (cont.) Night time
Study Breaks at campus coffee house
Specific TV shows – Monday Night Football, WWE RAW/Smackdown, Reality TV shows, etc.
Weekend Pay Per View Specials
Athletic Competitions
Tailgate before games.
Sit as a chapter and invite prospects to join you.
14. You must use the right Bait There are reasons a fish bites the hook.
There are reasons why recruits accept our bids.
In sales and marketing, just like in recruitment, the bait is the WHY!
15. You must use the right Bait (cont.) Why do people accept bids to join your chapter?
What benefits will the recruit gain from biting the hook?
What feature does Delta Sig possess that differentiates it from other chapters/opportunities?
16. Recruitment Influencers Who/what are the recruits’ influencers?
What do you need to do to convince them?
Scholarship Offers?
Campus, community, job connections?
Payment plan?
Phone call to parents?
Meeting with a coach?
Afraid her boyfriend will break up with her?
She’s in a sorority that doesn’t hang out with Delta Sig?
Other rushees – have bids elsewhere; want to join with friends.
17. Recruitment Influencers (cont.) Chapter Features:
leadership opportunities
housing opportunities
18. You must use the right EQUIPMENT Fishermen need the right gear (tackle, tackle box, sharpened hooks, clothing) and so do Delta Sigs when recruiting!
19. You must use the right EQUIPMENT (cont.) What “equipment” does your chapters use?
Which brothers are best at closing the deal?
Are there parents who can call other parents?
Are there women/sororities who could convince recruits to accept bids?
Are there distinguished alumni/faculty who can assist?
Does the chapter send handwritten notes?
Does the chapter make presentations? Who delivers them?
20. You must use the right EQUIPMENT (cont.) Let’s talk about appearance and presentations for a minute.
If you’re making presentations, send the guys who best represent your chapter:
Face Guys
Sharp dressers
Can comfortably speak to large groups/can work the crowd.
Has a good reputation and is known on campus
Has no problem asking for referrals and can handle questions.
21. How to Fish This is where you build and execute your strategies.
Now I can share tips and techniques, but ultimately YOU are responsible for growing your chapters – not National, not alumni, not just the recruitment chairman. EVERY MAN/ONE MAN!
Execution and follow through separates the successful recruiters from those who fail.
Are you ready?
22. How to Fish (cont.) What are your marketing and communication strategies?
Sample suggestions:
Freshman Survival Guide (movies, restaurants, malls)
Incoming Scholarship
Business Cards
Athletic Event Schedule Cards
Summer/Winter mailings – brochure & letter
Mass email
Press Release in newspaper
Cold calling
Wear letters weekly– chapter chooses one day when everyone sports Delta Sig letters.
23. How to Fish (cont.) Dinners and Lunches – Eat as a chapter on a regular basis at the popular dining halls.
It’s not intimidating to view.
No strings attached.
Can your chapter monitor visitor traffic?
Delta Sig Calendar
Fundraise to create a sorority girls of XYZ University (Be chivalrous and make sure you are allowed to do this at your school).
Delta Sig Desk Calendar
Sell sponsors to local businesses. Create a desk calendar with various Delta Sig pictures and information on it. Distribute the calendars within the dorms.
Arrange to have recruitment tables set up in high visibility areas with a reason for people to stop by.
Be creative with your table – rent a miniature basketball hoop or mini golf hole to attract attention.
24. How to Fish (cont.) Recruitment T-shirts
If you want to increase your volume and visibility, while keeping prices minimal, sell sponsors. PUT THE FUNDRAISING CHAIR TO WORK!!!!
Pass out t-shirts to popular faculty, sorority, and campus police officers. Encourage them to wear the shirts around campus.
Stake Signs in the ground – They stand out and are highly visible
Previously mentioned referrals (where to fish section)
Door Hangers – hang recruitment info. on dorm doors.
Magnets – Get a local/national food company (i.e. Papa John’s) to sponsor magnets. List the company information and chapter facts, info, location.
Flyer Posting
Are there locations that work better than others?
Flyers should ALWAYS have a picture (substance).
25. Events Events are overrated because everyone does the same thing.
What are some non-traditional events your chapter utilizes?
Sample non-traditional events:
Television Theme Night with a sorority – Friends, Fear Factor, Joe Millionaire…
Video game tournaments
Pick-up basketball games
Working out
Dinner Theme Parties with women
Weekend Paintball games
Low-Ropes Activities
26. Presentations - Do’s/Don’ts Do arrive early.
Do bring supplemental materials and contact information.
Do bring a referral sheet/sign-up sheet.
Do bring food if it’s appropriate.
Do leave time for questions.
Do research the organization you are speaking with so you can articulate why Delta Sig is for them.
Do practice in advance.
Do thank the audience for their time.
Do send a thank you note.
Don’t rely on their A/V equipment (if needed).
Don’t speak for longer than you indicated.
Don’t be negative.
Don’t be inappropriate.
Don’t lie!
27. Sorority Presentations - Do’s/Don’ts Everything from the previous slide applies. Additional points:
Do bring flowers for the person(s) who invited you to speak.
Do bring enough candy for the entire chapter. Show them you are chivalrous and appreciative of their time.
28. Information Sessions Arrive early to set up.
Reserve a room that may be smaller versus larger. You don’t want to give the impression that the event was a failure.
Bring non-messy food. Who wants to shake someone’s hand that is full of nacho cheese?
Bring supplemental materials and contact information.
Bring a referral/sign-up sheet.
Bring name tags so you don’t forget someone’s name.
29. Working the Phone Does anyone like to call a stranger or someone they’ve only met once?
NEVER call a student before 10 am.
If you get a roommate on the phone don’t leave a message unless you know them personally. We want to eliminate excuses for not returning calls.
If you don’t get an answer, hang up. We want someone live – not a voicemail. Same logic as above.
Try to call when you know they aren’t in class or working.
Don’t act like Chip Douglas from Cable Guy and call every 15 minutes!!!!
REMEMBER, you’re not trying to get a guy to pledge via the call, you’re trying to get him to agree to meet with you.
30. Preparing Your Brothers to Recruit Facilitate a MANDATORY recruitment retreat where you discuss:
specific roles
Who works the door, who drives, who hangs flyers, who works the phone, etc…EVERYONE PLAYS A ROLE.
talking points – EVERYONE needs to be consistent or you will look foolish!
practice conversation starters
practice answering the “common objections” (on Delta Sig website & in the Recruitment Playbook).
31. Motivating Your Brothers to Recruit Set up an Incentive Program
Monetary Discount on dues for every new member you recruited.
Bill an ADDITIONAL $25 - $50 fee into dues – Those who recruit at least one member get a refund. Those who don’t, lose $25 - $50. You’ll either end up with tons of recruits or a pile of money – your choice!
Clothing Incentive – Top recruiter gets a new sweatshirt, jacket, etc…Everyone whom recruits two or more guys gets a free t-shirt.
Don’t worry about losing money. Additional pledge revenue offsets incentive pay-outs.
32. Servers: Brothers who recruit 0 men.
Hamburger/Chicken: Brothers who recruit 1 man.
Steak: Brothers who recruit 2 or more men.
EVERYONE is responsible to recruit at least one man “better than themselves”, so we don’t want to reward minimal efforts!
Recruitment Awards Dinner
33. Sample Conversation Starters Having a hard time breaking the ice? A little shy? Try asking these open-ended questions:
Where are you from? Campus, home town?
What’s your favorite sports team?
What sports did you play in high school?
What do you think of school thus far?
What classes are you taking? What teachers?
What do you think of the women at the school?
Are you planning on getting involved in any campus organizations?
Have you seen any good movies lately?
How many people from your hometown are attending the school?
Are you dating anyone?
Do you have a job? Plan to get one?
The key is asking open-ended questions. You want to learn about them to keep the conversation flowing.
34. Common Sales Pitches Ever had that guy that just isn’t sure? He needs more time. Yada, yada, yada…Try these:
“Think about your college experience. When you graduate you’ll have an expensive piece of paper – your degree. When you graduate college as a member of Delta Sig, you’ll have an education.”
“You may not realize this, but you’re already a Delta Sig. You possess the values and characteristics of the fraternity. The only thing that separates you and I is a handshake, some ‘fluffy ritual words’, a cool password, and unforgettable experiences!”
“When you graduate, what do want your legacy to be? With Delta Sigma Phi you can make that a reality!”
35. Common Sales Pitches (cont.) “This school can be an intimidating/overwhelming place but we’d be glad to help you make the transition.”
“Delta Sigma Phi is not an organization that’s here today and gone tomorrow. We have a proud history of building leaders and we would welcome the opportunity to share it with you.”
“There’s a difference between being friends and brothers. I’d be proud to share my fraternity with you and call you my brother.”
“I hear what you’re saying about the fraternity being expensive, but think of it this way. I look at the membership fees/dues as an investment in myself. You can’t tell me you’re not worth investing (insert $ amount) in yourself, can you?”
36. The Recruits that got Away Ask them why they are declining/postponing their bid?
Ask what they are looking for that is currently missing from Delta Sigma Phi.
If they choose another fraternity, find out why they accepted that bid.
37. Final Tricks Create a wallet-size prospect list. Each brother should have this list and can call a prospect when recruitment opportunities arise at any time.
Form recruitment teams where the brothers can “bounce” off one another easily.
Include prospects on intramural teams.
Carry gum or some type of breath mint at ALL times. Bad breath kills the conversation!
Spend as little time in your chapter house and as much time as you can in the recruits room. Chapter houses are intimidating and usually dirty! You don’t want to lose a recruit because someone’s a slob! Also, you will meet additional prospects!!!
38. Final Tricks (cont.) If you know where a recruit works, stop by and say hello. It will make them feel important.
NEVER bad-mouth a brother or pledge. Prospective member think everyone gets along without any problems.
Be yourself and be true to what your chapter is all about!
If you smoke cigarettes, make them visible. “Bumming a cigarette” is a great way to start a conversation.
Finally, DON’T accept no as an answer!!! There’s a fine line to toe between being persistent and annoying. MASTER THIS!
39. You Must Know What to do With the Fish once it’s CAUGHT Congratulations!!!!!! You’ve recruited new brothers. Now you need to ensure that everything you promised them will be what they experience in Delta Sigma Phi.
Recruiting is not over!
Empower them to recruit their friends, classmates, roommates, etc…Try the Pin Trick!
40. Pin Trick “Gentleman, you have been invited to become the newest members of Delta Sigma Phi at (Chapter Designation). You are about to enter upon an experience unlike no other. Delta Sigma Phi is not a 4 or 5 year experience, IT’S A BROTHERHOOD FOR LIFE!! Throughout your experiences you will be challenged to expand your mind and grow personally and professionally so that in the end, Delta Sigma Phi has made you a better man.
41. Pin Trick (cont.) The pledge pin we have placed upon you is to be worn with pride and should serve notice that you are a part of something bigger than our individual parts. It is to that end that we ask you to uphold the standards of Delta Sigma Phi and strive to live your life by the ideals of this great fraternity.
42. Pin Trick (cont.) We consider it an honor to extend our proud brotherhood to you and expect you to do the same. Our first challenge is finding non-fraternity men who have similar values to you and our brothers and getting them to join Delta Sigma Phi.
We, the brothers of the (Chapter Designation) congratulate you once again and challenge you to find worthy new men to join our brotherhood as we extend our hand in friendship.
43. Pin Trick (cont.) If you have any questions on how to involve your friends, classmates, peers, etc…in our experiences, please be sure to talk with the President or Recruitment Chairman following this ceremony. Again, congratulations and welcome to the (Chapter Designation) and may your experiences as a member of Delta Sigma Phi be as fruitful as those who have come before you.”
44. Questions?
45. Thank You and Good Luck!!!! Contact Information:
(859) 257-3151 – work