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I hope you find this issue to be informative and helpful in your work. Please send me any information you’d like posted in upcoming issues. The embedded links may not work in SlideShare, so please feel free to email me for a copy at DrChrisStout@gmail.com to be added to our email list. You can join our Facebook Group and interact with over 1900 likeminded individuals at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CenterForGlobalInitiatives/ Any recommendations to improve this communique would be most appreciated! And if you’d like to support the Center’s work with a tax deductible donation, that would be fantastic(!) and do a great deal: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/donateNow.cfm Cheers, and thank you for your work, Chris
Greetings and welcome to the latest edition of the CGI Newsletter Dr. Chris Stout, Editor Volume II, Number 10 October 2015 _____News, Tools, Reports and Shout-Outs______ The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to announce the release of its “Annual Progress Report to Congress: Global Health Programs FY 2014.” The report presents a summary of USAID’s key global health accomplishments during the previous fiscal year. From improving children’s nutrition to supporting antiretroviral treatment for millions of individuals, USAID programs had a great impact in 2014. As the largest investor in global health, USAID is leading efforts to improve and save lives worldwide. In partnership with countries, non-governmental organizations, the faith-based community, and the private sector, the Agency is reaching people with the greatest need in the most remote areas. USAID works to further President Barack Obama’s vision to end extreme poverty through its ongoing contributions to ending preventable child and maternal deaths, creating an AIDS- free generation and protecting communities from infectious diseases. Download the PDF version of the Global Health Programs: Report to Congress FY 2014 [PDF, 6MB] View a summary of USAID's Global Health successes in the 2014 Year in Review [PDF, 664KB] 1
Dr. Ilene Serlin is working in Istanbul, training professionals and paraprofessionals in dance movement therapy at Safir Institute. One of the teachers is already working with traumatized Syrian refugees and building a program there that uses the arts in healing. By next year they hope to have a trauma training in place for dance movement therapy at Mimar University. For further information, please contact Dr. Ilene Serlin at iserlin@ileneserlin.com She also has a booklet available on Amazon on caregiver burnout and compassion fatigue. Psychologists are in an important position to understand the impact of these, and to use appropriate methods to facilitate caregiver satisfaction and regeneration. This booklet presents a whole person model of integration that encourages prevention, wellness, resilience and self-care. Learn more at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0095LNPQG _____Award, Grant, Funding, & Job Opportunities_____ Background The landscape of humanitarian action has changed since 1991, when a landmark resolution of the United Nations General Assembly established the international humanitarian response system as it is known today. Growth in the scope and diversity of humanitarian needs, and a more complex operating environment, have created new risks. There are also new opportunities: a wider range of actors and inter-operating networks are involved, and innovations to improve service delivery in each response. This is why preparations are under way for the first World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in 2016. The United Nations Secretary-General has requested that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) organize the Summit with a view to helping a changing humanitarian community work together better to serve people in need. It is a unique opportunity to take stock, adapt, and set a forward looking agenda for humanitarian action beyond 2016 to make humanitarian action more inclusive, global and effective – and overall, fit for the future. The process leading up to the Summit started in early 2014 and has been as important as the Summit itself. A series of regional, technical and online consultations have been undertaken to come up with findings and recommendations that are being collected in a Synthesis Report. The recommendations in the Synthesis Report and the Secretary General’s Report on the WHS will be taken up at the Summit in May 2016. For more information on the background to the Summit please visit: 2
www.worldhumanitariansummit.org . Duties and Responsibilities Organizational Setting and Reporting Relationships: The position of ‘D1, Chief –World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat’ will be located in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in New York. The Chief will report to the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator through the Director of the Corporate Programmes Division (CPD). Responsibilities: Within delegated authority, the Chief of the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat will be responsible for the following: Partnership outreach, coordination and consolidation: Engaging with partners, including Member States, emerging partners/donors, regional organizations, UN agencies, affected people, civil society, the private sector, to ensure input and support to the WHS consultancies and Summit. This includes building and strengthening a strategic coalition of partners to actively shape the WHS agenda and strong advocacy on the WHS goals and initiatives; Take a leading role and direct the event planning and management (5000 people over two days), requiring logistic skills, attention to detail, follow up of legal and contractual arrangements, liaising with senior level and relevant Host Country representatives, associated UN Departments and external partners; Communicating regularly with member states, the IASC, NGO community, other humanitarian actors and OCHA management on progress in the preparations for the Summit; Keeping fully abreast of global political dynamics and issues affecting regional organizations which might impact the WHS preparations and its organization; Ensuring engagement and coherence within OCHA headquarters and field offices on the WHS themes, consultation process and the Summit; Overseeing the development and implementation of a robust communications and advocacy campaign to raise awareness and garner support for the WHS process at national, regional and global levels; Mobilizing resources for the WHS Secretariat and the WHS process. More details at: http://unjoblist.org/vacancy/?313445 3
How to apply The TED2016 Fellowship application is now open! To apply, please fill out the online application form. In addition to basic details and contact information, you’ll need to answer essay questions and provide three references.Apply now Before beginning your application, please review our Application tips, our Program FAQ, and our Terms and conditions. Applications close Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. UTC / 7:59 p.m. ET. Application cycle dates Each year we open two application cycles: one for TED and one for TEDGlobal. Each application cycle has an opening and closing date – you may only apply to be a Fellow between the opening and closing dates. We do not accept applications during the dates that fall outside of the application cycle window. Dates for the TED2016 application cycle is as follows: TED2016 application cycle Opening date: August 11, 2015 Closing date: September 20, 2015 4
Who should apply We look for different applicants than many other leadership-oriented programs. Instead of business people, professionals, policy wonks and government officials, the TED Fellows program focuses on doers, makers, inventors, advocates, filmmakers and photographers, musicians and artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, NGO heads, and human rights activists. In addition to impressive accomplishment, fine character and a good heart are two very important traits we look for in a every potential TED Fellow. More than anything, this focus on character has defined the success of the TED Fellows program. The application process Candidates may apply to attend either TED or TEDGlobal. We welcome anyone over the age of 18 to apply. We choose 20 Fellows to attend each TED Conference. Email fellows@ted.com to be reminded when applications open and include your name, title, organization, email address and country. The selection process TED Fellows are selected by the program staff, with extensive reference checking and consultation with experts across all fields. Selections are made by the group as a whole, not by individuals. There is no algorithm for how we select our TED Fellows. We select Fellows based on their accomplishments in their respective fields, the potential impact of their work and also, most importantly, their character. The ideal applicant is multidisciplinary in their pursuits, and is at a moment in their career to maximize the support of the TED Community. Learn more in our Program FAQ Apply here: https://www.ted.com/fellows/apply World's Top Meta List of Job Sites/Resources in Social Change, Social Impact, Development, Peacebuilding and Related Fields By Craig Zelizer on September 5, 2015 Finding the right job in social change, development, peacebuilding, social entrepreneurship, and related fields requires a combination of the right experience and training, an understanding of the field, developing strong connections and a bit of serendipity. In addition to academic and/or professional training, it is essential to have an understanding of how social changeworks in practice. Many people working in social change, will not find employment with "social change" or "peacebuilding" but with organizations in others sectors (international development, education, environment, social entrepreneurship, social impact, business) working on social change related jobs. Thus it is also important in the job search to broaden your scope to include international development organizations, government and intergovernmental institutions, for-profit and business institutions, educational institutions, and more. 5
I strongly encourage my students to develop developing strong skills in social change/conflict resolution processes and theory, but also develop an expertise in a another sector and/or regional area. For more information on careers in the field, see a report I co-authored, Skills, Networks and Knowledge: Careers in International Peace and Conflict Resolution. offers guide to careers in the field based on interviews with over 60 organizations and practitioners. The document also offers 10 pages of resources for finding jobs, internships, scholarships and more. You can download the report for Download Webreport.pdf or at the ACT website. Another great resource is a Career Guide from Sustainability on Corporate Social Responsibility. Idealist has also developed an excellent guide to Nonprofit Careers and a separate Careers Resources Section . Dr. John Paul Lederach and Kate Mansfield from the Kroc Institute have also developed a wonderful visual representation of possible careers in the field. Here are some additional career development suggestions 1) Develop a Strong Resume - Make sure you have a strong, clear and compelling resume and cover letter. See the Download TipsforWritingEffectiveResumes.pdf . Many university career centers also offer guidance on resumes. 2) Follow Dr. Zelizer's Twitter List of Key Careers Resources in Social Change. This is an excellent way to follow key job openings and news regarding careers in social change real-time. 3)Conduct Informational Interviews - Most people are more than happy to talk about their job and conducting informational interviews can be an excellent way to learn more about an organization and what a career is like in a particular area. Informational interviews are a chance for you to ask general questions of someone already in the field. However, it is very important in informational interviews not to ask for a job or put pressure on the person you're speaking with to help you find a job. 4) Subscribe or Visit Key Websites and Job Lists - There are countless numbers of websites that provide resources on jobs and internships in the field (and in related fields). You should get on all or some of these sites as you will get daily or weekly updates of opportunities around the world (note some charge a fee, whiles others are free or provide partial postings for free). Some of the best sites for jobs directly in conflict resolution, development, social entrepreneurship, etc. include: UNJOBLIST- A very useful site with jobs at UN agencies and other Intergovernmental Organizations. IDEALIST - Primarily Jobs in International and Domestic Non-profits. Covers many sectoral areas, health, development, etc. INDEED- A Very useful site that searches across many job sites around the world. Searching by conflict and development keywords is best way to use the service. RELIEFWEB - Primarily jobs in International Non-profits and UN. DEVELOPMENT EX - Covers jobs in International Development and Consulting around the world. Rework- Jobs in impact with companies working on social, environmental, and cultural innovation. Sustainability Careers- Job openings at Business for Social Responsibility and at BSR member organizations. International Organization Careers Website - Professional employment opportunities in International Organizations (site sponsored by the US Department of State) 6
SKOLL WORLD FORUM JOB LIST- Job and Fellowship postings related to social entreprenuership, the social sector and corporate social responsibility. The Posner Center for International Development Job Board - Is a coworking space based in Denver, Colorado with over 60 member organizations. Their job board lists openings at Posner and the center's members. BUSINESS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Jobs in Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entreprenuership. Social Impact Jobs - List from Echoing Green, one of the leading orgs in the field. Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs Job List. List positions in small and growing business member companies/organizations around the world. OpenGov Hub Member Jobs - Job opportunities from organizations based at the OpenGov Hub in Washington, DC. Liberation Tech Jobs - Listserv that has jobs exploring how information technology can be used to defend human rights, improve governance, empower the poor, promote economic development, and pursue a variety of other social goods. Be Social Change Jobs - Maintains a job board of positions and internships in key social change orgs. Impact Design Hub Jobs - Jobs at the intersection of public interest, social impact, humanitarian, and community design. Give to get Jobs - Opportunities in the for profit sector that are involved in social change. ICT4D Jobs - Opportunities in information and communication technology for development. Young Professionals in Foreign Policy Job Board - Careers in international Affairs, largely NY and DC based positions. Zebra Jobs - A leading online portal for jobs in Africa, many focused on development related issues. JOBS FOR CHANGE - Useful resources and guides to careers in social change. BRITISH OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT NETWORK - Listing of Jobs at Key UK Based International Development Organizations. ALERTNET - Jobs in International Development and Humanitarian Relief. EUROPEAN PEACE BUILDING LIAISON OFFICE -Jobs at European Based Organizations. FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION - Listing of Jobs at Key US nonprofits involved in international affairs. JUSTMEANS - Jobs in Social Change and Environment. FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Listing of jobs in International Affairs. DEVNETJOBS - Listing of Many Positions in International Development and related fields. JOBS4DEVELOPMENT -List of many jobs worldwide in International Development and Related Fields MandE News Job Forum - List of jobs/consultancies related to monitoring and evaluation in international development. EUROBRUSSELS - EU Related Jobs. The New EU - European Affairs Jobs in Brussels and Europe. Democracy Digest Jobs - List of jobs related to political and democratic development. Elevator- the Good Job Network, is an exclusive marketplace for people to list, discover and apply for good jobs in the UK. Society for International Development Job List - Posting of SID/DC Member Jobs. Sportanddev.org - Positions related to sports and development. 7
Next Billion Career Center - Learn about job opportunities in the development through enterprise space. Social Venture Network - Jobs in social entrepreneurship and related fields. Omidyar Network -Jobs in social entrepreneurship. Jobs for Change - Wonderful resources on nonprofit jobs. Inside NGO Jobs - Jobs in international development OneWorld Jobs - brings the latest jobs and volunteer positions from organisations working to create a better world. Donor Committee for Enterprise Development - job postings in private sector development. BCorps Jobs - lists opportunities in companies that use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. Angel List- Jobs at Startup companies largely in the Information Tech Sector (including some focused on social change). Other Job Sites/Resources that may have relevant jobs: FOUNDATION CENTER - Jobs in Foundations and US based nonprofits. CHRONICLE OF PHILANTHROPY - Variety of jobs in US based non-profits working in diverse sectoral areas. CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION - Jobs in the US (and some international) Higher Education Sector. Association of International Educators (NAFSA JOB Board) - Jobs in international education and international student services. BRIDGESPAN NONPROFIT JOBS BOARD - Has useful list of nonprofit jobs in the US in diverse sectors. Startup Hire - Jobs at startup (particularly in tech) around the world. Mashable Job Board - Jobs in new/social media. Community Roundtable Job List - Positions related to online community management in diverse areas. ACRE Resources http://acre-resources.co.uk/ - Jobs in environmental and corporate social responsibility areas. BRIGHT GREEN ALERT - Executive search firm for jobs in the green sector. Eco.org - jobs in the environmental sector. Greenona Jobs - Green jobs. Mashable Job Board - Jobs in Social Media. Net Impact - Jobs in corporate social responsibility and related fields. NONPROFIT OYSTER - Jobs in the nonprofit sector. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS - Jobs in the nonprofit sector. REDF - Nonprofit and social enterprise jobs. TREE HUGGER - Green jobs. VENTURE LOOP - is the worldwide leader in job postings focused on venture-backed companies. Global Impact Investing Network - Jobs in impact (financial) investing. Microfinance Gateway Jobs - Jobs in micro-finance and related fields. Growth Hacker Job Listings Find jobs in growth marketing, user acquisition, conversion rate optimization, content marketing, analytics, product, and more (many are at tech startups). 3) Use your contacts/networks - One of the key strategies for finding a job/internship is to consult your personal and professional networks. Let your professors, colleagues and friends know that you're seeking an opportunity and perhaps they will have suggestions/contacts. University career centers and 8
alumni can also be terrific resources. 4)Join New Networks- Joining a professional network in the field can also be a useful way to make contacts and learn about opportunities. Some relevant networks include: Society for International Development or Society for International Development DC Chapter Association for Conflict Resolution Women in International Security Peace and Justice Studies Association 5) Examine Ethical Practice - When you are researching an organization it is important to make sure that the organization's ethics and practice fit with your values. If you're offered a job (hopefully before this happens) learn about what the organization does, how do they treat their staff, how do they work in they field and with partners, etc. 6) Considering Taking a Job to Get Experience - Although many people would like to obtain their ideal job right away, sometimes it may be worth considering taking a job that will help you develop the necessary skills, contacts and experience that in the future can help lead to more of an ideal job. 7) Explore Fellowship Opportunities - There are many excellent fellowships/scholarships that do provide funding for independent research/volunteer work/study. Thus, fellowships can be an excellent way to get experience in the field. You can find many fellowships/scholarships on this site by searching by various keywords. 8) Explore Organizations that Have Developed Mentoring Programs for New Employees - A number of organizations have developed special entry level positions in which new employees receive extra mentoring. Look for organizations that have Junior Program Officer Positions (some in the UN), Entry Level Fellowships (Catholic Relief Services in the US) and others. 9) Develop an Expertise in a Needed Area - There are number of current areas in which the field is in need of developing further expertise. Developing your skills in this area can make you more attractive to potential employers. Some areas include: Program Evaluation and Monitoring, Conflict Mainstreaming and Conflict Sensitivity (Integrating Conflict Across Sectors), Organizational Conflict Management. Talk with your colleagues and other professionals in the field to see what might be potential growth areas. _____Newsletter in a Newsletter _____ The following is from our good friends at APA Office of International Affairs: 1.International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016) 2.GlobalΨExpo! 3.International Opportunities 4.Fulbright 9
5.Represent APA at the United Nations 6.Publications 7.Awards and Grants 8.Call for submissions 9.Conferences/Meetings 10.International Affiliates Survey 11.Other To send information items for the International news bulletin please write to international@apa.org. INTERNATIONAL NEWS BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PSYCHOLOGY - ICP2016 * EXCITING OPPORTUNITY * TRAVEL GRANTS TO ATTEND ICP2016 IN YOKOHAMA JAPAN APA announces a call for applications for the APA-USNC/Psychology Travel-Mentor grants to attend the International Congress of Psychology, July 2016, in Yokohama Japan (www.icp2016.jp). Grants of up to $2400 are available to U.S. based Early Career and Graduate Student research psychologists who want to collaborate internationally, and to Mid-career/Senior research psychologists with experience in international collaborations/conferences. The program is funded by the National Science Foundation. Eligible recipients must be engaged in research that falls under the purview of NSF programs in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/international-travel-mentoring.aspx. Deadline: December 1, 2015. Frances M. Culbertson Travel Grant $1,500 to support an early career woman from a majority world country who is in the early stages of her career to attend a conference in psychology (preference for the International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, ICP2016). Recipients of the grant also receive a two-year affiliate membership in the American Psychological Association. For more information visit:http://www.apa.org/apf/funding/culbertson.aspx. Deadline: February 15, 2016. ICP2016 New Presentation Format International Congress of Psychology Announces a New Presentation Format for ICP2016. The organizer of a Thematic Session is required to first submit a proposal in the form of an abstract that describes the purpose and structure of the symposium through the ICP2016 registration page. Thematic sessions should focus on a single theme. It should consist of three to five presentations, plus a discussion on the topic, and be 90 minutes in length. Thematic Session can be composed of speakers all from the same country. For more information, please visit: http://www.icp2016.jp/abstract.html. DEADLINEOCTOBER 15, 2016 Japan Time INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 6th Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences 10
The Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences (LASchool), funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation, is March 7 – 18, 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Applicants should be English-speaking graduate students, postdoctoral fellows or young independent researchers dedicated to exploring the relationships between cognition, brain, learning and education. Travel, board and lodging is covered. Of the 50 selected participants, 15 will be LASchool Alumni and 35 will be new students. For more information, please visit: http://2016.laschool4education.com/. Deadline:September 20, 2015. TRAVEL TO CUBA -- APA International Learning Partner Trip to Cuba 2016: May 7-15, 2016. Travel with APA to attend Hominis2016 in Havana, Cuba. The APA-0rganized trip is May 7-15, 2016. Following an evening orientation dinner in Miami (May 7, 2016) the group departs for Havana May 8, 2016. Activities include orientation to Cuban psychology education and training systems, the Cuban health care system, and Cuban society, followed by attending Hominis2016 (May 11- 13, www.hominiscuba.com) at the Havana Conference Center. This trip is part of APA’s International Learning Partner Program to foster collaboration and exchange. Participants are encouraged to submit conference abstracts and will be invited to participate in a roundtable with Cuban colleagues. For more information, please visit:http://www.apa.org/international/outreach/learning-partner.aspx. WORK AT WHO - APA-IUPsyS Global Mental Health Fellowship A unique opportunity for a psychologist to spend one year in Geneva, Switzerland, at the World Health Organization (WHO), in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Applicants must be APA members or have applied for APA membership at the time of application, and hold a doctoral degree in psychology. For more information visit:http://www.apa.org/about/awards/global- health-fellowship.aspx. Deadline: September 30, 2015 JOIN THE WHO Global Network Mental health and primary care professionals are invited to join the GLOBAL CLINICAL PRACTICE NETWORK (GCPN). This is a network of more than 11,000 mental health researchers, clinicians and practitioners in 139 countries. For more information, please visit: http://www.globalclinicalpractice.net. FULBRIGHT Scholar-in-Residence-Program Invitea visiting Fulbright Scholar to your institution with the Outreach Lecturing Fund. For more information, please visit:http://www.cies.org/program/outreach-lecturing-fund. Deadline: October 15, 2015 Fulbright Specialist Program Program promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas. For more information, please visit: http://www.cies.org/program/fulbright- specialist-program#sthash.zs8WSgCA.dpuf. Deadline: November 6, 2016 Fulbright-Fogarty Opportunities Specifically for fellows and scholars in Public Health. For more information, please visit: http://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/fulbright-fellowships.aspx?utm_source=funding- news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=funding-news. Deadline: October 13, 2015 11
REPRESENT APA AT THE UNITED NATIONS Call for Applications APA is seeking applications from psychologists in the greater New York City area to join the volunteer APA NGO representatives at the United Nations headquarters. APA has special consultative status with the U.N. Department of Public Information (DPI) and the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as one of many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) whose goals overlap with those of the U.N. APA-appointed representatives work within the NGO community and with Diplomatic Missions at the U.N. headquarters in New York. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/international/united-nations/call-for-applications.aspx. Deadline: October 1, 2015 PUBLICATIONS NEW FROM APA PUBLICATIONS · Conceptualizing Psychological Processes in Response to Globalization: Components, Antecedents, and Consequences of Global Orientations. Chen, Sylvia Xiaohua; Lam, Ben C. P.; Hui, Bryant P. H.; Ng, Jacky C. K.; Mak, Winnie W. S.; Guan, Yanjun; Buchtel, Emma E.; Tang, Willie C. S.; Lau, Victor C. Y. doi: 10.1037/a0039647 · Culture Shapes Whether the Pursuit of Happiness Predicts Higher or Lower Well-Being. Ford, Brett Q.; Dmitrieva, Julia O.; Heller, Daniel; Chentsova-Dutton, Yulia; Grossmann, Igor; Tamir, Maya; Uchida, Yukiko; Koopmann-Holm, Birgit; Floerke, Victoria A.; Uhrig, Meike; Bokhan, Tatiana; Mauss, Iris B. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. doi: 10.1037/xge0000108 · Students from abroad: Graduate students from other countries face unique challenges in the United States. Heather, S. gradPSYCH September 2015. · The Emotional Impact of Being Myself: Emotions and Foreign-Language Processing. Ivaz, Lela; Costa, Albert; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni. doi: 10.1037/xlm0000179 · Verbal and nonverbal cognitive control in bilinguals and interpreters. Woumans, Evy; Ceuleers, Evy; Van der Linden, Lize; Szmalec, Arnaud; Duyck, Wouter. NEW FROM THE World Health Organization (WHO) · Mental Health Atlas 2014 is now available. It contains mental health policies, plans and services worldwide. For more information, please visit:http://www.who.int/mental_health/en/. COMING SOON! · Caribbean Psychology: Indigenous Contributions to a Global Discipline This book brings together scholars from diverse fields, many of whom come from Caribbean backgrounds. It examines the conceptual bases for an indigenous approach to Caribbean psychology as part of a more globalized discipline. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4317385.aspx. Release Date: October 19, 2015 AWARDS AND GRANTS 12
APA International Conference Attendance Grant APA's Travel Grants for U.S. Psychologists to Attend International Conferences – up to $400 for conference registration fees at international meetings held outside the United States and Canada. For more information, please visit:http://www.apa.org/about/awards/international-conference- grant.aspx. Deadline: November 1, 2015 Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award An award by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues of $1000 is given to "the best paper or article of the year on intercultural or international relations". Originality of the contribution, whether theoretical or empirical, will be given special weight. The competition is open to non- members, as well as members of SPSSI, and graduate students are especially urged to submit papers. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/klineberg- award.aspx?tab=2. Deadline: March 1, 2016. Wilhelm Wundt-William James Award This award for exceptional contributions to trans-Atlantic psychology recognizes a significant record of trans-Atlantic research collaboration. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/apf/funding/wundt.aspx?tab=1 (APF) andhttp://www.efpa.eu/awards/wilhelm-wundt-william-james-award (EFPA). Deadline: October 31, 2016 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Call for Papers, Child Development: Contemporary Mobile Technology and Child and Adolescent Development The special section aims to address two core questions: (1) How do children and adolescents in the world use mobile phones? (2) How does mobile technology use affect physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development of children and adolescents in the world? For more information, please visit: http://srcd.org/publications/child-development/calls-special-issues- sections. Deadline: October 1, 2015 Call for Papers, Translational Issues in Psychological Science Journal: ThePsychology of Trauma Submissions are being considered for a special issue on the Psychology of Trauma. Editors will consider manuscripts across a broad area of trauma research. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/tps/call-for-papers-psychology- trauma.aspx. Deadline: October 15, 2015 Call for Papers, International Journal of Stress Management: Special Issue on Health and Wellbeing in Academic Employees The special issue will present international research from different theoretical and methodological perspectives in order to advance knowledge and practice in the field of stress and wellbeing in academic employees. For more information, please visit: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/str/call- for-papers-health-academic-employees.aspx. Deadline: November 8, 2015 CONFERENCES/MEETINGS Global Health & Innovation Conference One of the world’s leading and largest global health and social entrepreneurship conference. Currently accepting 3 types of abstract submissions (Oral and poster abstracts, Social impact pitch abstracts for oral presentations, and information sessions for oral presentations) open to professionals and 13
students. For more information, please visit:http://www.uniteforsight.org/conference/abstracts. Abstract deadlines: September 30, 2015. 3rd Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology (CRCP2016), Hosted in Port au Prince, Haïti, Nov. 7-11, 2016, with the theme "Promoting Caribbean Health with Multiculturalism and Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities." For more information visit: www.crcp2016.org to view the Call for Submissions. Extendedearly submission deadline: October 15, 2015 27th Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research This conference will take place at St. Francis College, New York City, USA on November 6, 2015. The conference theme is:Promoting Peace for Children and Adults. Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students are invited to submit papers or posters for possible presentation. Presentation proposals (300 word abstracts) are due by 5pm Friday, October 9th, 2015 to NYBehavioralConference2015@gmail.com Global Status of Women and Girls An interdisciplinary conference to be held at Christopher Newport University from March 3-5, 2016. The aim of the conference is to foster inquiries into the complex and multifocal issues faced by women and girls around the world, both historically and today. For more information, please visit: http://globalstatusofwomen-conf.org/#pl-5. Abstract deadline:November 1, 2015. Additional International meetings For a list of upcoming conferences and meetings please visit: http://www.apa.org/international/resources/events.aspx andhttp://resources.iupsys.net/iupsys/ index.php/conferences--congresses/calendar-of-psychology-conferences-around-the-world. INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATES Visit the APA Affiliates Corner Page: http://www.apa.org/international/outreach/initiatives/affiliate-membership/international- affiliate-corner.aspx and let us know your thoughts in an APA International Affiliate survey. OTHER Consider Sharing Your International Experiences in the Psychology International Newsletter: http://www.apa.org/international/pi/index.aspx. Contact the newsletter editor at international@apa.org Follow international news on twitter: @APA_Intl For more announcements visit http://www.apa.org/international/resources/announcements.aspx Sign-up for FREE APA newsletters: http://www.apa.org/support/opt-in.aspx 14
_____Upcoming Conferences and Events_____ For more information: http://www.uniteforsight.org/institute/ 15
For more information: http://cugh.org/events/2016-annual-cugh-global-health-conference 16
~ Call for Proposals ~ Conference Details http://www.cbiworld.org/home/conferences/tt/ Registration is Now Open! An Interdisciplinary, Cross Cultural Conference that Offers: A Sharing of Skills - Training in proven, practical skills and applications in current real-world situations. A Search for New Models and Methodologies - Developing new culturally adapted models and methods at the large scale, societal level for healing communal trauma and preventing it's transfer into future generations. A Focused Dialogue and Deliberation - Defining and addressing the multidimensional dynamics of inherited, unresolved communal trauma from one generation to the next, including historical understandings, development and perpetuation of communal victim identities and belief systems, effects on exclusive cultural membership and rites of belonging, war and violence, epigenetics, and implications for present and future relations within and between communities. Transgenerational Trauma is an underlying and complex global syndrome that divides, polarizes, and perpetuates enemy images, has been a central basis for past conflict and war, and is a potent fuel for the eruption of violence in the present and future. Understanding its dynamics and implications, and developing ways to effectively treat and prevent it, are essential to healing and reconciliation within and between communities, promoting compassionate local and global relations, and achieving 17
sustainable peace. Format and Content: * Keynote speakers, * Skills Workshops, * Topical Panels & Roundtables, * Breakout Sessions of Research, Theory, & Practical Presentations, * Facilitated Dialogue & Action Planning Groups, * Live 2-way Global Links, * Social-Cultural performances, gatherings, & events * All-conference Experiences, * Networking & Cooperation on Applications, * Invitational NGO Networking Meeting, * Multi-cultural, Interdisciplinary Learning Community, Held in conjunction with conducting the following: * The Social Health Care (SHC) training and treatment program - a model for building local capacity for healing communal trauma and instilling confidence, empowerment, and dignity within the effected community. * The Disaster Health Care Field Clinic - providing comprehensive Psychosocial, Medical, and Dental services to refugees in Jordan. * An Invitational Seminar for Religious Leaders and Teachers in basic psychosocial symptoms, helpful responses, and referral to professional psychosocial services. * The Global Network for the Study of Transgenerational Trauma - a multi-cultural, interdisciplinary professional network engaged in the study of inherited, unresolved communal trauma. Sponsored by: Common Bond Institute (CBI) Michigan State University (MSU) International Humanistic Psychology Association (IHPA) International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA) Endorsed and Supported by: over 100 professional associations, organizations, and universities internationally Official Partner of Charter For Compassion, and Parliament of World's Religions Official Conference Languages: English, with Arabic translation FOR DETAILS on proposals, registration, program, accommodations, and travel CONTACT: Common Bond Institute www.CBIWorld.org Steve Olweean, Coordinator 1-269-665-9393 SOlweean@aol.com 18
Connecting Leaders and Conflict Resolution Experts With the Solutions to Create a Culture of Peace www.peaceconference2016.org The mission of the Rotary World Peace Conference 2016 is to bring together experts with solutions (blueprints for success) to major issues that are occurring in our personal lives, homes, schools, businesses and communities, not just in Southern California, but around the world. We are inviting leaders from health care, academia, government, public safety, religions, business, and communities to meet together to share the solutions presented by experts. The format will allow for action plans to be developed such that real and measureable actions can be undertaken when attendees return home. The conference will provide thirteen training tracks that will be occurring simultaneously. These tracks will present solutions to resolve and prevent conflict. The tracks are Personal Life/Home, School, Community, Workplace, International, Peace Fellows, Civil Rights, Diplomacy/War, Religion, Television/Film/Social Media, Sustainability, International Trade, Economic Development, and Rotary Creating Peaceful Relationships. Solutions that are already working for issues such as unemployment, extreme poverty, child abuse, homelessness, suicide, bullying, cyber-bullying, gang violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, PTSD, genocide, development aid, diversity, global espionage and instability of world trade, as well as many others, will be presented. The format will be a combination of presentations with Q&A, panel discussions and facilitated sessions in order to develop goals and action plans for the future. As a way to assess the effectiveness of the conference, we will benchmark each of these areas in advance and track the results. Our connections and networking are critical to the success of this conference. Attendees will leave with proven blueprints that may be successfully applied to their areas of concern in solving the major issues. At the end of each track, leaders and experts will develop goals and action plans for implementation of working solutions to conflict prevention and resolution. A program of small grants and microloans to stimulate solution applications will be employed, if fundraising and attendance reach the budgeted goals. Those in attendance may apply for these loans/grants to initiate new projects or expand projects into new areas. 19
_____Ebola, Infectious Disease, and More…_____ Aggregated News Reports from: Global Health NOW is an initiative of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, www.jhsph.edu. Views and opinions expressed in this email do not necessarily reflect those of the Bloomberg School. Created by Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Maryalice Yakutchik, Jackie Frank and Salma Warshanna-Sparklin. You can connect with them at: bsimpso1@jhu.edu EBOLA Death in Northern Sierra Leone A teenage girl in a northern Sierra Leone district died of Ebola yesterday, marking the first death from the virus in the area in nearly 6 months. Her death prompted the authorities to quarantine nearly 700 people in the village of Robuya, and health workers are investigating how the teenager got infected. While sexual transmission is a possibility, Emmanuel Conteh, head of the Ebola Response Centre for the district of Bombali in northern Sierra Leone, said, "We are baffled by that possibility because the survivor in question was discharged in March, way beyond the 90-day period within which sexual transmission is said to be possible.” A high risk also remains in the nearby Kambia district, where nearly 1,000 people are still quarantined following the death of a woman in that area, according to Pallo Conteh, the head of Sierra Leone's Ebola response. Thomson Reuters NEGLECTED DISEASES Sleeping Sickness Drug Shows Promise A new drug candidate shows promise as the first oral-only, single-dose treatment for African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness—a deadly parasitic disease transmitted by the tsetse fly. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) yesterday announced the success of the first phase of the human clinical trial, conducted in France, at the 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health in Basel, Switzerland. Phase I of the trial confirmed that the drug penetrates the brain—crucial to treat the late stage of the disease, when the parasite can cross the blood-brain barrier, killing untreated victims. Now, DNDi and partners plan to proceed to the pivotal next phase of clinical trials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where 90% of cases occur. DNDi also announced plans to devote 650 million euros to deliver 16-18 treatments for up to 10 20
NTDs, following up on a call for a global R&D fund published in PLOS Medicinelast May. MedicalXpress NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES Deadly Bites Each year, 5 million people are bitten by snakes. Deaths caused by poisonous snake venom number approximately 100,000, and snake bites, which the WHO classifies as a neglected tropical disease, disable or disfigure another 400,000 each year. With supplies of one of the best anti-venoms in short supply, researchers at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine are working to develop a universal anti-venom to be effective against the toxins of snakes in sub-Saharan Africa, where snakebites kill about 30,000 people each year. Experts, however, are unsure whether a single treatment will be more effective than separate anti- venoms that target specific species in different regions. BBC MALARIA RDT Underused in Nigeria The failure or refusal by Nigeria’s community health workers to used Rapid Diagnostic Testing (RDT) to test for malaria could lead to misdiagnoses and a waste of expensive malaria drugs. An analysis across 40 communities in Nigeria's Enugu state found that community health workers use RDTs less than 50% of the time, despite adequate training to administer the quick test, which can diagnose malaria in 15 to 30 minutes. Many health workers don’t trust RDT and prefer to diagnose based on symptoms, reports the study’s lead author, University of Nigeria Professor Obinna Onwujekwe. "Most people [in Nigeria] wrongly assume that all fevers are malaria,” Onwujekwe explains, “so once you have a fever, you’re most likely to get a malaria drug without diagnosis." Voice of America Good and Bad News First, the positive: Malaria death rates plunged by 60% in the past 15 years, saving the lives of more than 6 million—the vast majority African children—according to a joint WHO-UNICEF report that will be released today. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, who called it "one of the great public health success stories of the past 15 years," welcomed the news as a sign that “our strategies are on target and that we can beat this ancient killer,” Reuters reports. Now the bad news: Malaria still remains an acute problem in many areas, and resistance to antimalarials may be a lot more serious than researchers thought, as The Verge reports. A new study in Emerging Infectious Diseases yesterday demonstrated multi-drug tolerance in the 21
malaria parasite for the first time, indicating that when malaria parasites develop resistance to artemisinins, it helps them develop tolerance to other treatment drugs, including quinine, chloroquine, and mefloquine as well. Related: Smartphone malaria tech makes debut – The Batt (Texas A&M University) Those Dam Mosquitoes 1 million Africans will catch malaria this year because they live near large dams, according to a new study the Malaria Journal. Almost 80 major new dams are due to be built in sub-Saharan Africa over the next few years, so as to generate electricity, irrigate crops and store water for fast-growing populations. The researchers called for incorporating malaria control measures into the planning process for dams, such as drying out shorelines at crucial times, issuing bed nets to local people and introducing fish that eat mosquito larvae to dam reservoirs. Thomson Reuters Foundation Related: The world could reduce the number of malaria cases by 90% if we really tried –Quartz These man-made structures lead to millions of malaria cases in Africa—what now? –Inquisitr NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES Closing Data, Medication Gaps In a world waking up to the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and mental illness, Health Affairs tackles NCDs from many angles in its September issue. Mohammed Ali at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and coauthors present 3 decades of NCD data in 49 countries that underscores the need for improved mortality documentation in populous low- and middle-income countries; other articles focus on lifestyle changes and the role of health systems. Authors affiliated with the Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network focus on theobstacles to access to NCD meds in poor countries. “While the movement was successful with regard to HIV/AIDS medications, the increasingly urgent challenge to address access to medicines for noncommunicable diseases has lagged behind—and, in some cases, has been forgotten,” write Sandeep P. Kishore and colleagues. Thanks for the tip, Jordan Jarvis! What Google Can Teach Academics As chronic noncommunicable diseases become the largest global health burdens, US institutions must better align opportunities, pathways and resources for 21st century scientists and future leaders in health policy. To that end, a group of experts present the Atlanta Declaration—a document that recommends (1) 22
making larger and sustained investments in global NCDs research and (2) encouraging non-traditional career paths to achieve innovation. If institutions follow Google’s lead in bold and unconventional business and human resources strategies, the world may have a chance at combatting NCDs, the authors write. Health Affairs Blog REFUGEE HEALTH Guidelines to Respond As the refugee and migration crises in Europe escalate, urgent health needs are prompting the WHO to detail the specifics. About 350,000 refugees and migrants have reached European countries in 2015, according to the WHO. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO’s regional director for Europe, said that to adequately respond to the influx “in the full spirit of Health 2020, WHO/Europe's framework for health and well-being … requires health system preparedness and capacity, including robust epidemiological data and migration intelligence, careful planning, training and, above all, adherence to the principles of equity and solidarity and to human rights and dignity.” Infection Control Today The WHO has also published a detailed set of FAQs specific to the health needs of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe. Detailing common health problems of concern—NCDs as well as infectious diseases—the WHO squashes myths about the importation of infectious disease during refugee crises. Related: Global warming is not driving this refugee crisis, but it may drive the next –Mashable REFUGEE CRISES MSF to EU: “Your fences kill. Provide safe and legal passage.” To stir Europe's conscience on the refugee crisis, MSF sent not only an open letter sent to leaders of Switzerland, Norway, FYROM, Serbia and the president of the European Commission, but also a lifejacket belonging to one of the 15,000 people MSF has rescued since May. MSF wrote: “This poor quality life vest was the only security a man, woman or child had whilst trying to cross the sea to Europe. These jackets sometimes feature handwritten prayers for a safe passage, or phone numbers of relatives and friends to be contacted in case the person wearing it does not make it. This is a reminder that the people embarking on these journeys are fully aware of the risks they are undertaking, and the sheer desperation motivating them to put themselves and their families in so much danger.” While treating everything from hypothermia and dehydration to septic shock, pneumonia and wounds inflicted by abuse and violence, the aid organization put EU leaders on notice: “…all of our work amounts to filling the gaps left by states unwilling or unable to fulfill their responsibilities.” MSF 23
Syria: A Living Hell for Children, Especially UNICEF pressed EU countries to provide health care and protection services for those fleeing Syria and other war-torn countries, and emphasized that refugee children are particularly vulnerable and open to abuse and exploitation. “Especially for the children, it is becoming a living hell," said Peter Salama, UNICEF's regional director for the Middle East and North Africa. "We know that millions of people are now living under siege. Water is being deliberately cut off to population centers, education and health facilities and their personnel are regularly being targeted.” 106,000 children—most from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan—sought asylum in the EU in the first 6 months of 2015, making up 1/4 of all asylum seekers in Europe, according to UNICEF. VOA Related: UN agencies 'broke and failing' in face of ever-growing refugee crisis – The Guardian Related: Haiti: Dr. Carroll on refugees no one notices – H5N1 Blog A New Refugee Issue The US and wealthier EU nations are balking at the developing world’s request for more than an already agreed upon $100 billion per year for climate change mitigation measures. Poorer nations suffering from extreme weather disasters want additional compensation and a "displacement coordination facility" for refugees to be legally binding as part of the upcoming UN Conference on Climate Change this December in Paris. “Property and casualty losses have been a point of contention for years in climate-change discussions,” writes Thomas M. Kostigen, founder of TheClimateSurvivalist.com. “How to handle refugee claims is a relatively new issue that comes at a time when Europe is facing a separate refugee crisis.” USA Today TUBERCULOSIS Path to Resistance The rise of antibiotic-resistant TB in the 1990s led WHO to declare a global public health crisis, decades after the drugs made it possible to successfully treat the deadly disease. The TB bacterium has uncanny abilities to fend off invaders, including a mechanism known as efflux, which allows the pathogen to shuttle the antibiotic out of the cell. Scientists from South Africa and the US recently developed a laboratory-based model suggesting that resistance may develop because the efflux mechanism allows the TB bacteria to multiply in macrophages without any threat from the immune system on the outside. The findings, published in PLOS One, could lead to more options in attacking the wily bacterium. Popular Science 24
WATERBORNE DISEASES The Quake Effect Dirty water plagues Nepal, as the video embedded in this story poignantly shows. 2/3 of the population lives without toilets and the April earthquake that devastated Kathmandu further damaged the already crumbling pipes. Fortunately, Nepal’s monsoon season is ending with no serious waterborne disease outbreaks—possibly because the UN and relief agencies set up safe water sources or trucked in water. Rural areas, however, remain at special risk for epidemics, experts caution. The New York Times HIV/AIDS Alleged Bias In PrEP Coverage A 61-year old Boston attorney is planning to sue Mutual of Omaha, which turned him down for Truvada coverage, for discriminating against him because he is gay. The insurance company’s decision is “really based on the stereotypes and the fears that are out there, that somehow gay male sexuality is inherently risky and unhealthy. We have a lot of bias about gay male sexuality in our society," says Bennett Klein, director of GLAD's AIDS Law Project. The HIV-negative man was taking Truvada as a prophylactic, and says he wants to make sure that he and anyone else taking it can get long-term care insurance. AP Related: HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia: Photo essay at Onondaga CC carries a political punch (Review) – Syracuse.com Related: Kenya: 600,000 More Kenyans to Be Put On HIV Drugs – Daily Nation TROPICAL DISEASES Microbes and Mental Health Neglected tropical diseases have been undermining intellectual development in countries with poor health care—and now self-interest demands the US to address it, writes Harriet Washington in an in- depth article. For years researchers have been investigating the role of microbes, like the ones that cause Chagas disease and cysticercosis, in mental illness. Treatment doesn’t necessarily restore the infected person to mental vigor; there must be focused efforts to restore lost cognitive functioning. Warm climate, poverty and inequitable access to medical care make NTDs a problem largely confined to the US among wealthy nations, one that targets pockets of poor African Americans, Hispanics and immigrants. The American Scholar 25
GLOBAL HEALTH Shared Commitment The global health and medical communities need to rethink the concept of “resource poor” countries and partner with the rich community resources available to improve health, write students from the Medical School for International Health at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in a letter to the Lancet. The students cite Naomi Teshome and her classmates who founded Addis Hiwot Charity Organization, which raises money in Gondar, Ethiopia, to support tertiary care for patients. They also point to the Hura Women's Catering Enterprise (Al Sanabel), a business run by Bedouin women that provides nutritious school lunches for Bedouin children in the Negev. “We value these reminders to engage with our communities in order to tackle a common burden through shared commitment. We believe this collaborative spirit lies at the heart of the future of global health. The Lancet ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Fast and Failing All but 5 of 25 US fast food and fast-casual chains got F grades for not restricting antibiotic use by their meat suppliers, according to a new report issued by a group of environmental and consumer advocacy organizations. Only Chipotle and Panera got top marks. "From double bacon cheeseburgers to chicken nuggets, most meat served by America’s top chain restaurants comes from animals raised in industrial-scale facilities where they are routinely fed antibiotics," researchers Kari Hamerschlag of Friends of the Earth, Sasha Stashwick of Natural Resources Defense Council, and their collaborators wrote. The Washington Post Related: Fast Food Joints Get Failing Grade For Massive Overuse Of Antibiotics – Think Progress Related: CDC urges nursing homes to step up ‘superbug’ prevention – The Hill Related: Antibacterial soap with triclosan 'no better at killing germs' – study – The Guardian 26
_____ CourseWorks _____ Certificate Program and DropBox Library The Center is pleased to offer access to our Library’s DropBox collections free of charge as an educational resource to anyone with a need or interest working in resource-limited settings anywhere in the world. Just email me what sections you’d like and what your work/project is. The Library’s Table of Contents is here: http://www.slideshare.net/drchrisstout1/cgi-dropbox-library-table-of- contents There is also an option of obtaining a Certification if you are interested in doing so as well. Our curricula are based on a compilation of online lectures on global health and related areas. CGI is most indebted to and with big thanks for our good friend Jennifer Staple- Clark, founder of Unite for Sight, and profiled in my book The New Humanitarians, Vol. 1, for making their content freely available on their site (you may freely read, download, distribute, and use the material, as long as all of the work is properly cited). You rock Jen! If you’re interested in earning a Certificate in one of 19 areas, CGI’s tuition is $25/course. Just contact me to enroll or if you have any questions. You may work at your own pace. It’s pretty cool, check it out: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/courseWorks.cfm 27
_____ My Thanks! _____ I hope you have found this issue to be informative and helpful in your work. Please send me any information you’d like posted in upcoming issues. This Newsletter and mailing are a manual process, so if you would no longer like to receive it, just send me an email. You can join our Facebook Group and interact with over 1900 likeminded individuals at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CenterForGlobalInitiatives/ And if you’d like to support the Center’s work with a tax deductible donation, that would be fantastic(!) and do a great deal: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/donateNow.cfm All past issues are available via a Pinterest Portal: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/257831147393441584/ If any of the URLs do not work in that format, just email me for the desired back-issue, or visit our website: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/newsletters.cfm Cheers, and thank you for your work, Chris http://DrChrisStout.com Founding Director, http://CenterForGlobalInitiatives.org LinkedIn Influencer: https://www.linkedin.com/today/posts/drchrisstout American Psychological Association International Humanitarian Award Winner, http://www.apa.org/monitor/dec07/rockstar.html 28