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Learn about the corrosive and toxic effects of oxalic acid on the body, its systemic impact, symptoms of poisoning, diagnostic criteria, and emergency treatment measures involving neutralization and supportive care.

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  2. Resembles – Zinc Sulphate Magnesium Sulphate

  3. Action: Corrosive Poison • Local– on mucous membrane • Rarely damages the skin • Readily corrodes the mucous membrane of digestive tract • Dilute solutions-poisonous & mild local irritants

  4. Systemic • Shock • Hypocalcaemia • Renal damage

  5. Vomitus (contains altered blood & mucus & has “coffee ground” appearance)

  6. Oxalic acid & serum calcium = calcium oxalate (insoluble) HYOCALCEMIA (enveloped)

  7. CHRISTISON’S SAYING “ If a patient after swallowing a crystalline substance which tastes strongly acidic is seized almost immediately with violent vomiting, pain in the stomach, feeble pulse, cold sweats, collapses and dies within an hour or even earlier, there can be scarcely a doubt that oxalic acid has been administered”.

  8. This verdict was given by a scientist Christison who had studied a number of cases of oxalic acid poisoning • This verdict depicts criterion for clinical diagnosis of oxalic acid poisoning

  9. TREATMENT • Give milk or suspension of chalk to neutralize- (30 gms of chalk in water or milk will neutralize 20 gms of oxalic acid) • Give 10% Cagluconate- 10 ml I.V

  10. IV fluids • Maintain urine output record • Demulcent drinks • Symptomatic

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