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Building Strong Backend Processing Systems

Building Strong Backend Processing Systems. Punit Jain Newgen Software Technologies Limited. Follow up. While the most complex and critical area is the back end system that supports the citizen interface. A weak back end is the single biggest reason for failure of eGovernance projects.

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Building Strong Backend Processing Systems

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  1. Building Strong Backend Processing Systems Punit Jain Newgen Software Technologies Limited

  2. Follow up While the most complex and critical area is the back end system that supports the citizen interface. A weak back end is the single biggest reason for failure of eGovernance projects Department Head Summary Status Report / Copy Response Report Grievance PS Follow up Response Alarm Citizen Interface Grievance Handling Officer Corrective Action Response Reminder Reminder Most E Governance projects focus on the citizen interface - the front end Concerned Officers Reminder Concerned Officers Concerned Officers Back End Versus Front End

  3. Back End Issues • Back end basically comprises of a set of workflows • Capability of the system to handle thousands / lakhs of transactions • System flexibility to change as per changing and growing requirements of the users in minimal timeframes • Appropriate dashboards to monitor and control the transactions • Excessive Paper movement that needs to be managed effectively.

  4. Best practices • Business Process Management (BPM) forms the backbone of a good Back end Comprises of • Workflow automation • Integration with existing applications • Document Management

  5. Best Practices Business Process Management and Document Management Measurement - Process Optimization Measurement - Effectiveness and Efficiency at each point in aprocess Work Effective-ness Alarm and Reminders Knowledge Base Archival

  6. Measurement - Effectiveness and Efficiency at each point in a process For the various participants in the process, check the time taken for an activity (avg, max, min) Pin point bottlenecks (activity related or person related) For routine transaction/ other processes set target time and compare with actuals Can be used to understand department’s “Service Delivery” capacity BPM provides

  7. Measurement – Process Optimization Is the process optimally designed ? Are there any redundant activities performed? Is there duplication of work? Can we reduce the number of points in the path? BPM provides

  8. Work Effectiveness Work doesn’t get misplaced When a person is away from office he can divert his work process to another person. Transparency on action taken Process compliance assured More efficient parallel processing is possible Better environment for employees BPM provides

  9. Alarm and Reminders Reminders are sent automatically to the user when the process is stuck Set alarm if time taken for any activity exceeds a predefined time limit Upervisor of a work process can check the status of the Work-in -process. BPM provides

  10. Knowledge Base Archival Documents and Audit trails are archived, and available for future reference For an Exceptional case, look at a similar case and its case study from archived past transactions No wasting time “Re-inventing the wheel” BPM provides

  11. Best Practices for building strong back ends • Comprehensive BPM product suites • Flexibility to incorporate changing process requirements • Business users can make process changes without involvement of IT personnel • Dashboard for monitoring & controlling each process parameter

  12. Graphical Route Builder

  13. Monitoring Dashboard

  14. User Interface

  15. SEC Philippines : eFiling of company information The Government Department for registering companies, and monitoring compliance with Investment acts/Corporation codes A Portal for client interface linked to workflow and imaging at the backend. Companies can file their applications for registration and quarterly results through the portal, and general public can access the portal and view ithis nformation. Processing of e-Filed applications in the back end through BPM tool – OmniFlow. Archival/ retrieval of all applications and related documents through imaging tool – OmniDocs Case Study : 1

  16. The Government Department for regulating foreign companies investing into Thailand A Portal for client interface linked to workflow and imaging at the backend Processing of applications for investment and monitoring of approved investments in Thailand through BPM tool – OmniFlow Archival/ retrieval of all applications and related documents through imaging tool – OmniDocs Integration of existing disparate systems of BOI into one database Board Of Investment, Thailand (BOI) Case Study: 2

  17. BOI Architecture

  18. BOI Workflow Sample

  19. Case Study: 3 AUTOMATION OF ESTATE OFFICE PROCESSES, CHANDIGARH Being run as a service by Bank of Punjab

  20. About Estate Office, Chandigarh Estate Office came into existence on January 30, 1952. The Key area of Operations are: • Marketing of properties through newspaper advertisements. • Sale / lease of sites and buildings through allotment / auction. • Accepting payments from the transferees / lessees. • Regulating the construction and end use of the properties sold. • Handling post-sale transactions such as transfer of property, change of usage, conversion from leasehold to freehold, SCF to SCO etc. • Licensing of handcarts and hawkers.

  21. Estate Office processes automated • Payment Collection and Application Processing • Customer Grievance Handling • Other processes : Legal , Licensing, Dispatch, File Movement Automated through Workflow incorporating * Process Mapping * Rules & Validations * Roles & Responsibilities

  22. Benefits at Estate Office Benefits to Customers • Instant issue of No Due Certificate and Account Statements. • Instant generation of Application ID with ‘Expected date’ , • Customer Application for Grievance would be directly forwarded to concerned officials and monitored through Unique ID. Benefits to Estate Office • Instant Generation of Receipts, MIS and Notices. • Control and Monitoring of transactions • Much faster Customer Grievance Handling • File movement and Dispatches can be tracked at any moment . • Better coordination between different departments.

  23. Suggested Application Areas Central Government • Income Tax • Passport and Immigration • Pensions • Railways • Postal Department • Excise and Customs

  24. Suggested Application AreasState Governments • Public Grievance (Electricity, Water, Telephone, Ration Card, Sanitation, Public transport, Police) • Rural Services (Land Records, Below Poverty Line(BPL) / EWS families) • Police (FIR Registration) • Social Services ( Land Acquisition / Rehabilitation & Compensation, Registration of Licenses and Certificates, Arms renewal, Registration of property documents) • Utility Payment / Billing ( Water) • Commercial ( House Tax, Octroi, Road Tax etc.)

  25. Newgen Background • Established in 1992 • 500+ Employees • ISO 9001 & CMM IV Certified • Over 700 man-years and $ 14 million investment in developing software products for Business Process Management, Document Management & Imaging • OEM supplier to Canon (Japan) and Toshiba (US) • Direct Presence in India and US. Presence in the rest of the world through Business Associates • Over 500 product installations worldwide • Ranked as amongst the top 10 software product companies out of India by a survey done by DataQuest in 2003 • Largest (39.5%) market share in the Workflow & Document Management market in India as indicated in the Frost & Sullivan 2003 Knowledge Management Report


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