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Six Sigma

Six Sigma. Six Sigma. define / measure / analyse / improve / control. Six Sigma. Overview. Tools. Examples. Process. Glossary. Define. Measure. Analyse. Control. Improve. overview. Six Sigma can be described as ….

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Six Sigma

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Six Sigma Six Sigma define / measure / analyse / improve / control

  2. Six Sigma Overview Tools Examples Process Glossary Define Measure Analyse Control Improve

  3. overview Six Sigma can be described as …

  4.  A business philosophy & strategy adopted by companies who are recognized leaders in world class quality.  A Fact based decision making. An integrated part of a management system.  A Customer focused determination (Customer “critical-to-quality” factors) where we should focus our quality improvements. …

  5.  Continuous improvement methodology used to improve business processes and products.  Utilisation of powerful statistical tools.  Statistical measure of process capability.

  6. D define M measure A analyse I improve C control Understand what customer requires, define the problem and set-up project team. Measure the defects and map process operation. Analyse the data and discover root causes of defects. Improve the process to remove root causes of defects. Control and monitor the improvement.

  7. define 1 define

  8. Six Sigma Process Measure Analyse Improve Control Define 1 Customer requirements 2 Process flow 3 Potential Business case Pareto diagram SIPOC SMART goals SWOTanalysis First pass yield VOC (Voice of the customer) Process maps CTQ tree Tree diagram Kano model Affinity diagram

  9. The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer. Peter F. Drucker

  10. measure 2 measure

  11. Six Sigma Process Define Analyse Improve Control Measure 4 Refined project definition 5 Capable Measurement system 6 Data collection right measurement process capability oparationaldefinition data collection plan interviews Gage R&R with continious data transformation sample Gage R&R with discrete data discrete vs. continuous variation test on normal distribution histogram using Minitab Gage R&R fortransactional processes measurablespecification paretodiagram commitment of organization process offset normal distribution control charts

  12. In God we trust, all others bring data. William Edwards Deming American Statistician, 1900-1993

  13. analyse 3 analyse

  14. Six Sigma Process Define Measure Improve Control Analyse 7 Evaluation of potential X 8 Filtering of red X1 … X7 Regression Screening Learning from Y data Chi-Square test Anderson Darling test Kruskal-Wallis test Process analysis Brainstorming Confidence interval Man-Whitney test Benchmarking FMEA Wilcoxon test F test Levene‘s test Ishikawa ANOVA T test

  15. The structure of a system tends to mirror the structure of the group producing it. Mel Conway April 1968, Datamation

  16. improve 4 improve

  17. Six Sigma Process Define Measure Analyse Control Improve 9 Find Major X 10 Optimize adjustment for X solution finding and verifying system optimization design of experiments DOE solution refinement solution testing

  18. Nothing is more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things. Niccolo Machiavelli

  19. control 5 control

  20. Six Sigma Process Define Measure Analyse Improve Control 14 Controlled process 11 Process tolerances 13 Capable process project closing 12 Capable measurement system improved process capability quality systems process tolerances Gage R&Rfor X values feedback control suboptimal X process managementplan buffering of Y-values; Y tolerance limits optimalwork instructions Out of Control Action Plan OCAP buffering of X-values; X controll limits process monitoring MPSB process management withcontrol charts Poka Yoke FMEA controlplan Audit

  21. Control your own destiny or someone else will. Jack Welch

  22. Thank You Thank You Edmund Gröpl, www.team-kompetenz.de

  23. Bonus slides

  24. CTQ tree (Critical-to-Quality) requirement topic CTQs measurement goal quality customerrequirement cost time

  25. Download PPT Download Sorry. Slideshare doesn’t support hyperlinks in presentations. Download the slides in PPT formatwith all the links to relevant internet resources from:www.team-kompetenz.de

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