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Understanding Aluminum Toxicity in Ecosystems and Its Impact on Plants and Animals

Explore the impact of aluminum on soils, plants, animals, and humans. Discover how aluminum affects ecosystems, plant growth, and animal health. Learn about aluminum-rich environments, toxicity symptoms, and effects on different organisms.

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Understanding Aluminum Toxicity in Ecosystems and Its Impact on Plants and Animals

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  1. ALUMINUM CYCLE ALUMINUM AND MINING INDUSTRY MINERALS Al-silicates Nonsilicates feldsparsAl(OH)3 gibbsite micas AlPO4*2H2O variscite kaolines alunite basaluminite PLANT-AVAILABLE ALUMINUM Al3+ AlOH 2+ Al(OH)2+ Al(OH)4- Al-organic chelates “Al13” polymers Acid rains Acidification, pH < 5.5 Acid rains Weathering SOILS Acid rains; dust (Water and food) Alkaline decomposition, pH > 7 Acid r rains; dust Carboxylate and phenolic complexes Accumulation Adsorption ORGANIC MATTER Accumulation Adsorption HUMANS CULTIVATED PLANTS Food Root, Shoots and germination impairment; Reduced P and K uptake and impaired Ca2+ transport Seafood FORESTS Meat Neuro- toxicity Embrio- toxicity Milk Neuro- toxicity Embrio- toxicity DOMESTIC ANIMALS Forage Die-backs WILD ANIMALS OCEAN Embrio-and neurotoxicity; accumulation in algae, fish and animals

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