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9.1 The Republicans Take Power. The Election of 1800. Candidates did not go around making speeches Wrote letters to influential people and newspapers These letters were not always polite Federalists claimed the Republicans as godless
The Election of 1800 • Candidates did not go around making speeches • Wrote letters to influential people and newspapers • These letters were not always polite • Federalists claimed the Republicans as godless • Republicans said the Federalists wanted to bring back a monarchy
Election Deadlock • Jefferson and Burr, running mates, each had 73 votes • The House of Rep. had to break the tie • Alex. Hamilton told a Federalist not to vote for Burr • Jefferson becomes Pres. • To keep this from happening again the 12th Amendment allowed for separate voting for Pres. And V.P.
Jefferson’s Inaugeration • Adams skips the ceremony – didn’t want to see Jefferson become President • Jefferson’s speech tried to heal the split between Republicans and Federalists • He believed in in smaller gov. and letting the people do as they choose – laissez-faire
Jefferson’s Politics • Author of “All men are created equal”, but owned slaves • Believed in a nation of small farms, but owned a large plantation • A man of ideals, but was a practical politician • He was also a designer and inventor
Jefferson’s Cabinet • Made up of fellow Republicans • Like James Madison • Allowed the Alien and Sedition Acts to end
Cutting Costs • Reduced the National Debt • Reduced the military • Reduced national spending • Cut all of the internal taxes like the Whiskey Tax • Only a few hundred people worked in the federal government
Jefferson and the courts • Because of the Judiciary Act of 1801 • John Adams gave judicial positions at the last minute to federalist judges • Asked John Marshall (also a fed.) to serve as Chief Justice • These acts allowed the Federalist to maintain control of the courts
Marbury v. Madison • James Madison was told by Jefferson not to deliver some of the judicial appointments • William Marbury took his appointment to the Supreme court • John Marshall claims that it is not in his constitutional powers to judge that case • In his written opinion
Marbury v. Madison • He set 3 principals of Judicial review 1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land 2. In a conflict between the Constitution and other laws the Constitution must be followed 3.The Judicial Branch has the duty to uphold the Constitution