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Welcome to 2nd Grade at Endeavor Charter School

Meet the teachers Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Mills, and Mrs. Hester. Learn about the classroom schedule, rules, behavior expectations, homework, field trips, special events, and headlines. Get ready for an exciting journey across the United States in second grade!

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Welcome to 2nd Grade at Endeavor Charter School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to 2nd Grade at Endeavor Charter School!

  2. Meet the Teachers

  3. Mrs. Wilson Room 122 My name is Amy Wilson. I'm excited about teaching second grade at Endeavor! I earned my early childhood education degree from S.U.N.Y. Cortland College in New York. My minor was psychology. I have lived in North Carolina for 13 years. Over the past twelve years I have taught both first and second grades. My husband and I have two girls: Hailey (rising third grader) and Hannah (3 years old). We have a yellow lab named Chloe. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, scrapbooking, reading, and listening to music.

  4. Mrs. Mills Room 101 My name is Tonya Mills, and I am excited about teaching 2nd Grade this year. I am a Meredith College graduate with a degree in Early Childhood Education, and I have taught both 3rd grade and 2nd grade. My husband and I have three girls: Christianna (rising 9th grade), Gabrielle (rising 6th grade) and Isabella (rising 4th).  We have a giant breed German Shepherd, named Azlan and a soft-coated wheaten terrier named Trixie.  We also have a holland lop bunny named Cosmo.   Our class pets are two turtles.  One is a southern painted turtle and her name is Nancy and the other is a red-ear slider and his name is Drew.  During my free time I love spending time with my family, reading, creating dvd's on my computer, sewing, and painting.

  5. Mrs. Hester Room 102 I am a UNCG graduate with a concentration in Science Education. I have loved teaching at Endeavor! I was born in Virginia, but spent most of my life in North Carolina with my parents and three sisters. Just recently I got married and my husband and I now live in the Raleigh area. We have a Netherland Dwarf bunny that lives in the classroom during the week. I enjoy spending time with my family, scrapbooking, cooking, baking, and crafting!

  6. Our Schedule: 8:20-8:45 Morning Work 8:45-9:00 Morning Meeting 9:00-10:00 Writing 10:00-11:00 Math 11:00-12:10 Lunch/Recess 12:10-12:30 Phonics 12:30-1:30 Reading 1:30-2:15 Science 2:15-3:00 Social Studies 3:00 Pack-up to go home

  7. Lunch/Recess: *Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11:00-12:10 *Wednesday 10:40-11:40

  8. Rules: *Kind words or no words *Hands and feet to selves *Respect for self, others, and school property *Have fun

  9. Behavior Expectations: *Behavior chart: Mills-Colored Cards Wilson-Smiley Faces Hester-Colored blocks *If a rule is broken warnings are given. *If rules continue to be broken, a consequence is given on behavior chart. *If behavior is fixed they have the opportunity to move their name back to the starting place. *If a child has an exceptional day, they will be rewarded on their behavior sheet. *The area of most concern is excessive talking that prohibits work and distracts others.

  10. Homework: *Monthly Calendar *Turned in EVERY Friday *Reading a minimum of 20 min. a night *Starting 2nd semester there will be homework on Study Island and nightly math homework on Thursday. ****Look on our websites for a Study Island Power Point that explains how to use this website!***

  11. Homework Example: *This is what your child’s homework should look like when they turn it in:

  12. Field Trips: *Mordecai House *Durham Museum of Life and Science *High Touch High Tech (on campus) *Professor Ken (on campus) *Crowder Park

  13. Special Events: *Winter Concert *Spring Fine Arts Extravaganza *Day of Reading, Math, and Writing

  14. Celebrations: *Celebrate what we learned after we finish studying each region in Social Studies *Food sampling *Activities/Arts & Crafts *Photo-ops *Music

  15. Headlines: *Switching for Math starting 2nd Quarter *Pretesting and Post-testing in Math *SRI Lexile *Unit tests in Science and Social Studies *Weekly computer time: learning keyboarding skills, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point

  16. Closing: We are super excited to welcome your children into second grade at Endeavor! Together we will go on a journey across the United States. Along the way we will be actively learning, cooperatively working together, and growing into Super Second Graders.

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