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Autonomous Power System Operation & Control: Challenges & Solutions

Explore the development of autonomous power systems with intelligent operation and control for improved grid performance. Implementing "plug-and-play" concepts and robotics technology can enhance protection, control, and reliability in power grids.

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Autonomous Power System Operation & Control: Challenges & Solutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Autonomous Integrated Power System Operation & Control Dionysios Aliprantis (ISU) & Sakis Meliopoulos (GIT)

  2. Observations Technologies are Being Developed for the Smart Grid Power Devices with Converter Interfaces to the Power Grid on the Rise – Unique Protection and Control Issues and Opportunities (ancillary services) Distribution Systems with Generation and “Smarts” (Renewables and Load Management) The Issue of Model Accuracy

  3. Observations The “Robotics” Community Has Made Substantial Progress on Automated and Intelligent Operation of Complex Systems – why not borrow this technology towards “autonomous operation of power systems” The DoE mGRID has Introduced the Concept of “Plug and Play” Power Devices. Why not expand the concept of “Plug and Play” to all power devices?

  4. Proposal for Autonomous Power System Operation and Control “The Grid” UMPCU UMPCU UMPCU (4) Commands issued to each component are received and executed by the appropriate UMPCU (1) UMPCUs will acquire real-time data and transmit this, along with component models, to the Intelligence Center Communications Pipeline (3) Applications, including fuel management, voltage/VAR control, security analysis, etc., generate control commands specific to each component (2) The Intelligence Center will compose a system model and perform state estimation for the purpose of deriving a real time model Intelligence Center UMPCU: Universal Monitoring Protection & Control Unit

  5. Communication Architecture for the UMPCU UMPCU – collective name for the assortment of IEDs attached to a single grid component Physical Device – a single IED accessed through the UMPCU communications channel Logical Device - collection of logical nodes found in a single IED Logical Nodes - functions in the device associated with one type of data object Data Object – a single type of data consisting of (a) real time measurement (current or voltage, etc.) (b) component model, and (c) component connectivity to the network

  6. Hierarchical Organisation of Plug and Play Approach to Tactical Grid Control – Information Processing Update Components according to Intelligence Center Optimization Commands UMPCU Level Data Acquisition Quadratic Model Composition Transmit Data and Models from all UMPCUs to Intelligence Center Transmit Optimization Commands from Intelligence Center to UMPCUs COMMUNICATIONS Level System Monitoring • System Model • State Estimation (Static+Dynamic) INTELLIGENCE Level • Power Flow/Visualisations • Fuel Consumption Management • Ancillary Services • Security Analysis • Other Applications

  7. Automated Power System Control & Operation Under present practices, any type of grid optimization, requires manpower and human supervision. Disturbances to the system may also require human intervention and correction. The plug and play approach seeks to automate this process. Changes to the power grid will be automatically and immediately transported to the intelligence center and the system will be re-optimized. No human intervention will be required. Visualization will be a key component that will allow human supervision of system performance Intelligence Center

  8. Applications Smart Substation Micro Grids Distribution Systems (Renewables and Load Management)

  9. Proposal - Challenge Laboratories of scaled power systems that will operate, control and protect autonomously should be developed in several PSERC schools. These laboratories can be used as test-beds for further developments.

  10. System-Based Approach for In-Situ Protective System Reliability Testing

  11. Observations Today’s Protective Relays and Intelligent Electronic Devices in General are Becoming More Powerful and More Complex Modern Substations have Multiple Protection Layers that Are Manually Coordinated by Experts in the Art The Number of Experienced Protection Engineers is Decreasing Relative to the Needs Protection System Reliability is at Risk

  12. Definition of Protection Reliability Operation NO-Operation RELIABLE Correct Correct Secure Dependable UNRELIABLE Incorrect Incorrect Undependable Insecure NO-Operation Operation Dependability: “the degree of certainty that a relay system will operate correctly” Security: “the degree of certainty that a relay will not operate incorrectly”

  13. Addressing Protection Reliability • Important Trends: • Relay Capability and Complexity is Rising • Industry Expertise is Retiring • Electric Power Programs in US Universities Minimized •  Recipe for Relaying Unreliability Development of New Technologies and Approaches May Mitigate Issue Thorough Review of Relay Settings Computerized Procedures via Exhaustive Enumerations and Simulation of Events (much more reliable and capable than humans) Monitoring of Protective System  Identification of Most Hidden Failures

  14. Observations There is a Need for Automated Testing of Relay Coordination and Reliability – “Elimination of Human Errors”

  15. Proposal for Assessment of Protection Coordination & Reliability Construct an Integrated Model of the Substation Under Study (three-phase, breaker-oriented, instrumentation inclusive model) in a High Fidelity Power System Simulator Disconnect One Relay at a Time (this does not affect substation operations) and Connect the Relay to the High Fidelity Power System Simulator. Perform Exhaustive Enumeration of Fault Conditions Around the Substation Using the High Fidelity Power System Simulator and the Integrated Model For Each Fault Condition Observe Relay Response and Assess the Coordination and Reliability of the Relay. Once this Information is Available any Relay Reliability Problems can be Easily Resolved.

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