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Program data Northeastern Tribal Health Systm. COMPARING AUDIT DATA 2011. NTHS HEART SAVERS PROGRAM. As of 8/5/2011: Active NTHS Diabetes Patients: 800 Active Heart Savers Participants: 87 Inactive HS Participants: 20 Deceased HS (since ‘05): 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Program data Northeastern Tribal Health Systm COMPARING AUDIT DATA 2011 NTHS HEART SAVERS PROGRAM

  2. As of 8/5/2011: Active NTHS Diabetes Patients: 800 Active Heart Savers Participants: 87 Inactive HS Participants: 20 Deceased HS (since ‘05): 8 Completed assessments in 2011: 80 Annual recruitment goal: 25 Number enrolled in 2011: 15 HEART SAVERS PARTICIPANT REGISTRY

  3. National MeanNTHS A1c <7% 40% 55% A1c <8% 68% 72% BP <130/80 36% 36% Lipids Tested 81% 95% LDL <100 62% 52% Trigs <150 46% 56% ASA Therapy 74% 70% UA Obtained 76% 84% RD Appt 34% 24% Exercise Education 45% 53% National average vs overall nths

  4. National MeanHeart Savers A1c <7% 40% 53% A1c <8% 68% 79% BP <130/80 36% 36% Lipids Tested 81% 98% LDL <100 62% 57% Trigs <150 46% 54% ASA Therapy 74% 80% UA Obtained 76% 93% RD Appt 34% 60% Exercise Edu 45% 85% national average vsnths heart savers

  5. Heart Savers (87) NTHS Overall (800) A1c <8% 79% 72% Lipids Tested 98% 95% LDL <100 57% 52% ASA Therapy 80% 70% UA Obtained 93% 84% RD Appt 60% 24% Exercise Edu 85% 53% EKG Past 5 yrs 86% 67% Tobacco Use 22% 34% Heart savers vsnths overall

  6. A one point drop in HbA1C reduces risk of developing diabetes-related complications by 40%. Since 1997, NTHS diabetes patients dropped HbA1C average from 8.37% to 6.9% Seventy-nine (79%) of Heart Savers participants have an HbA1C of 8%. Six (6) patients (7%) of 87 Heart Savers have an A1c >10% vs. Seventy (70) 9% of the overall NTHS Diabetes Registry. Perspective

  7. What does the data show us? • Patients that receive intensive education and clinical case management tend to have: • More controlled A1c, Lipids. • More patients have annual exams completed. • Less patients continue to use tobacco. • Risk for developing complications from diabetes is significantly reduced. Intensive case management

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