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CHAPTER 17. Brandon Banky WOOHOO. VERB. Sum, Esse, Fui, Futurus – TO BE. Eram – Imperfect Fui – Perfect Derivatives: essence, essential, absent, in absentia. Verb. Supero, Superare, Superavi – I Overcome. Derivatives: Super, superlative, insuperable. Verb.
CHAPTER 17 Brandon Banky WOOHOO
VERB Sum, Esse, Fui, Futurus – TO BE Eram – Imperfect Fui – Perfect Derivatives: essence, essential, absent, in absentia
Verb Supero, Superare, Superavi – I Overcome Derivatives: Super, superlative, insuperable
Verb Discedo, discedere, discessi – I go away, depart Derivative: Succeed, proceed, secede, intercede
Lego, Legere, Legi – I read Derivatives: Legible, illegible, lecture, lector, elect, select
Credo, Credere, Credidi + dat – I believe, trust Derivatives: Credible, incredible, incredulous, credit, discredit, creed, credo
Verb Promitto, Promittere, Promisi – I promise Dervirative: promissory, promise
Efficio, Efficere, Effeci – I effect, Carry out Derivative: Efficient, factory, effect, manufacture
Noun Hora, -ae F.= Hour • Hora, -ae F.= Hour Derivative: Hour, horoscope, horologist
Pecunia, -ae F. = MONEY Derivatives: pecuniary, impecunious
Noun Divitiae, -arum F pl. = Riches www.egmcartech.com
Candidatus, -i M. = Candidate Derivative: Candidate, candidacy, candid, candent
Numerus, -i M. = Number, Coin Derivative: Number, innumerous, numerology, numerous
Oratio, Orationis F. = SpeechOrationem Habere = To make a Speech Derivatives: Oration, orator, orate, oratorical, rhetoric
Vulnus, Vulneris N. = Wound Derivatives: Vulnerable, invulnerable, vulnerary
Adverbs Deinde = Then, next
Adverb Enim = For
Adverb The Hulk had a busy and hectic life and didn’t want to be distracted by the public; therefore, he went by the name of Dr. McGay. WOO-HOOO Igitur = And so, therefore
Adverb BUTLER – LER = BUT Tamen = However, But
Candidus/a/um = White Derivatives: Candid, candidate, candidacy, incandescence, candent, candescent
Adjective = the _________ Singer alive Pessimus/a/um = Worst Derivatives: Pessimist, pessimism
Optimus/a/um = Best Derivative: Optimal, optimize, optimum, optimist, optimism
Verus/a/um = TrueVera Dicere= to speak the truth Derivatives: Verify, veracity, veritas, veritable
Gravis, Grave = Heavy, Serious Derivatives: Gravity, grave, gravitate