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Science Fair Project:. What will you do?. Choose topic to study: Do background research. Research literature about other experiments, how data was collected, what are the characteristics of your topic and other information.
Science Fair Project:
What will you do? • Choose topic to study: • Do background research. Research literature about other experiments, how data was collected, what are the characteristics of your topic and other information. • Design experiment, write procedure, complete required forms and obtain permission to conduct experiment. • Write a paper on your background research [Review of Research Literature] and proposed experiment. • Conduct an experiment- take pictures, analyze results. • Write the investigation report to add to review of literature-research paper. • Prepare the Science Fair powerpoint and present results to class
Developing your Science Investigation Consider possible topics: Science in the news Local concerns Topics introduced in class Hobbies or Personal Interest Invention How might your research enhance the world or its inhabitants?
Developing your Science Investigation Consider possible topics: Science in the news Local concerns Topics introduced in class Hobbies or Personal Interest Invention
Look for ideas: textbook online news
Developing your question, hypothesis, and experiment 1. Work through the Four Question Strategy for each of your ideas. 2. Do a little research to see what might effect how the topic: acts, responds, changes..etc. Email scientists for specific information! University Websites: UNO, LSU, Tulane or ask a scientist,
Effect of pH Effect of gibberillic acid Analysis of ___ in various solvents Effect of turbines on tidal flows Effect of temperature on fuel cells An alternative method for controlling…. The effect of salt water intrusion on…. The effect of heavy metals on …..bacteria, plant mitosis, insects, earthworms, crickets. The effect of magnets, electric field ……….production of electric field by ……. Do invertebrates learn? guiding ideas for topics
Titles and Hypotheses should be specific…
Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of lead in drinking water is better than Water analysis. The kinetics of oxidation of iodine ions with hydrogen peroxide in acidic solutions is better than Chemical kinetics. The analysis of the red dyes present in different brands of tomato ketchup by thin layer chromatography is better than The use of chromatography to separate materials. Is it better to use dried animal manure as a fertilizer or as a fuel? is better than Combustion and nitrogen analysis. The effects of sugar-free chewing gum on the pH in the mouth after a meal is better than Acid-base chemistry.
The ozone hole, UV radiation and its possible effect on the growth of Lepidium sativum is better than Consequences of the ozone hole. The effect of detergent toxicity on certain bacterial strains is better than Detergents in the environment. A study of the effect of differing pH levels on the growth of Phaseolus vulgaris is better than The effect of acidity on plant growth. The competitive and evolutionary nature of the symbiotic relationship in Paramecium busaria is better than Symbiosis in animals. The effect of banana peel on seed germination is better than Factors which affect the germination of seeds. The investigation and analysis of the modes of vibration of a guitar string is better than Wave theory. The variation in resistance of a wire subjected to different strainsis better than Measuring the resistivity of different materials.
Check out the International Science Fair Website forpast winners and important forms http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/
Past Regional Awards American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Petroleum Institute American Society of Civil Engineers American Welding society New Orleans Geological Society Clio Sportsman’s League
Past winners 2004 Region I Science & Engineering Fair winners - 2004 Effects of In-situ Bioremediation on Gasoline Contaminated Soil (Gracia Aguilar, JEHS) What is the Effect of % Medium used for incubation on Hypnospore Zoosporulating of Perkinsus Marinus found on Crassostrea Virginica (Kayla Green, JEHS) Determination of the process of phyto- remediation in P.Cordata in JP drainage canals (Betsy Lopez EJHS)
Past winners 2009 Region I Science & Engineering Fair winners – John Ehret High School ENGINEERING-ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL 1st Place: David Nguyen -What is the effect of various types of turbines on the amount of electricty produced of a wind turbine? CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 3rd Place: Terry Dao -What is the effect of zinc on yeast fermantation? 4th Place: Dominic Suazo - What is the effect of phosphate on cellular respiration of duckweed? ANIMAL SCIENCES 4th Place: Don Vu - What is the effect of temperature on coral bloom? PLANT SCIENCES 4th Place: Thao Dam - What is the effect of sweet potatoes on pansies?
Ask your teachers for help... To use lab equipment that could not be borrowed… To order materials…. To be safe