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principles of landscape design

Introduction. Your business is in the running to be hired to do the landscape design for the City of Ruston's Civic Center. You need to demonstrate that your business should be hired to take on this important job. . Title. Intro. Task. Process. Evaluation. Conclusion. Credits. Task. Your business has 3 tasks:Create a name for your businessMake a power point presentation which demonstrates that you know the principles of designPresent your power point to the business selection committee.9446

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principles of landscape design

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Principles of Landscape Design A WebQuest for high school students. Designed by: Mrs. Griffin sgriffin@lincolnschools.org Last Updated On: February 2010

    2. Introduction Your business is in the running to be hired to do the landscape design for the City of Ruston’s Civic Center. You need to demonstrate that your business should be hired to take on this important job.

    3. Task Your business has 3 tasks: Create a name for your business Make a power point presentation which demonstrates that you know the principles of design Present your power point to the business selection committee

    4. Process 1. Use the following Websites to gather information about landscape design : http://www.sanford-artedventures.com/study/g_art_principles.html http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG086 http://landscaping.about.com/cs/designexamples1/a/landscapeDesign.htm http://www.commonsensecare.com/landscape-design.html http://home.teleport.com/~lengstro/DESIGN.htm http://landscaping.about.com/od/flowersherbsgroundcover1/a/flower_photos.htm 2. Create a power point illustrating each of these principles of design: 1) simplicity (unity), 2) balance (symmetrical and asymmetrical), 3) focalization (focal point), 4) rhythm, 5) line, 6) scale, and 7) proportion. Illustrate each slide with a picture. You may want to have more than one slide for each topic. 3. Put your business name on your title slide along with your names. Have a credits slide similar to the credits slide on this power point. 4. You will present your project to the class. 5. This project is worth 50 points.


    6. Conclusion You will demonstrate that your business knows the basics of landscape design by presenting a power point illustrating the 5 points of landscape.

    7. Credits A WebQuest for high school students Designed by Susan Griffin Email sgriffin@lincolnschools.org Last updated on February 2010 Websites Used: http://www.sanford-artedventures.com/study/g_art_principles.html http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG086 http://landscaping.about.com/cs/designexamples1/a/landscapeDesign.htm http://www.commonsensecare.com/landscape-design.html http://home.teleport.com/~lengstro/DESIGN.htm http://landscaping.about.com/od/flowersherbsgroundcover1/a/flower_photos.htm

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