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The River Edge After School Program. Director: Joe Hunter (hunterj@riveredgeasp.org) Cherry Hill School/New Bridge Center: Judy Albrizio (albrizioj@riveredgeasp.org) Roosevelt School: Terri Bevilacqua (bevilacuquat@riveredgeasp.org) Barbara Greenhalgh (greenhalghb@riveredgeasp.org)
The River Edge After School Program Director: Joe Hunter (hunterj@riveredgeasp.org) Cherry Hill School/New Bridge Center: Judy Albrizio (albrizioj@riveredgeasp.org) Roosevelt School: Terri Bevilacqua (bevilacuquat@riveredgeasp.org) Barbara Greenhalgh (greenhalghb@riveredgeasp.org) _________________________________________ Roosevelt School: 201-390-5663 Cherry Hill School/New Bridge Center: 201-967-5524 P.O Box 307, River Edge, NJ, 07661 www.riveredgeasp.org __________________________________________ ATTENTION PARENTS! All registration for the River Edge Extended Day Care Program must be done by completing the official registration form. To register your child, contact the REEDCP director, Joe Hunter at 201-390-0491. Contacting Mr. Hunter is the only way to register your child(ren) for the program.
About the River Edge Extended Day Care Program River Edge Extended Day Care Program • The River Edge Extended Day Care Program is a self-supporting School-Aged Child Care Program for all students who attend elementary school in River Edge. • Our Philosophy is to support children’s sense of competence and peer association, provide opportunities for initiative and emphasize recreational and social activities. • Our staff consists of teachers and aides who are carefully chosen to care for and attend to personal and individual needs of each child. • The River Edge Extended Day Care Program prides itself in providing the most comprehensive School care in River Edge
Programs and Activities • Programs are offered in the morning prior to the start of school and then again in the afternoon. Before and After care programs are offered at Roosevelt School, New Bridge Center and Cherry Hill School. • Before school program hours are from 7:30 AM to 8:25 AM. After school program hours are from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. • The after school program operates on early dismissal days. In the event of a delayed opening, the morning programs will begin one hour before the start of school. The Extended Day Care Program is not in session when school is closed for any reason. • The extended Day Care Program activities are all closely supervised and include: • Supervised homework help • Quiet time/Snack time/Lunch time (only on ½ days)/Attendance Time • Shows (only on ½ days) • Monitored free playtime • Outdoor games and sports • Individual and group board games
Tuition • To register your child(ren) you must pay one month’s fee. This is a non-refundable and non-transferable security fee and is used as the final payment of the school year (June). All families not currently enrolled in the program will also be required to pay a one time registration fee of $50.00. • Make checks payable to REEDCP. In the memo section of each check please include your child(ren)’s name(s) and school. Monthly payments are due on the 20th of the preceding month (i.e. September’s payment is due August 20th.) There will be a $20.00 fee for late payments. • Any payments over 30 days late must be submitted in the form of a money order or bank check with the late fee included. Your child(ren) will not be allowed to attend the program until the payment is posted. • Do NOT drop off checks to the staff; they must be mailed to the P.O. Box at:R.E.E.D.C.P.P.O. Box 307River Edge, NJ 07661 The program does accept students throughout the school year and requires one full business day to process the registration form received, before a student can begin participation in the program.There is a $25 fee per child for changes made after September 1st. Only one change may be made regarding scheduling during the year.For payment questions, contact Barbara Greenhalgh at 201-265-4159 • Additional Fees: • Late Pick Up: $20.00 for first 15 minutes AND $1.00 per minute after that • Late Payment: $10.00 for each payment past due • Returned Check: $35.00 for each returned check • Registration: There will be a one time registration fee of $50.00 per child for all families not currently enrolled in the program.
Policies • River Edge Extended Day Care Program Policies • Delayed openings and early dismissals:In the case of a delayed opening, the program will begin one hour before school begins. • In the case of an early dismissal due to weather, or any other circumstances that may cause harm to children or teachers, the program will be cancelled to ensure the safety of everyone. If you are unsure about an early dismissal, call 201-390-5663. You may need to use your emergency numbers. • Emergency evacuation plan:In the event of an emergency the programs will follow these evacuation plans: • Roosevelt: exit school and proceed to Continental Ave to Elm Ave and reconvene at the library. Emergency contacts will be notified in the event either parent cannot be reached. • Cherry Hill/NBC: exit school and proceed to Stepping Stone Nursery School (340 Bogert Road). Emergency contacts will be notified in the event either parent cannot be reached. • Dismissal from the program:All parents and children must follow the guidelines of the program. Failure to comply with the guidelines listed below will result in dismissal from the program. • Excessive late pick-ups and late payments may be a reason for dismissal from the program. • Your child will be dismissed from the program if s/he displays any of the following: Obscene behavior, abusive language, hitting, fighting, pushing, or any ac • t of physical violence or harassment towards a staff member or student. • At the discretion of the Director and/or Board of Trustees, parents will be notified immediately by phone and will receive a follow up letter stating the reason for dismissal and the timeline that will allow the parent to make alternate arrangements. • Other information:If you do not want your child to work on homework during the allotted homework time, we must receive written notification. • If you wish to let your child sign himself out, you must send a note saying so. No child will be allowed to leave without this information. • Program phone numbers: Cherry Hill/ New Bridge Center: 201-967-5524Roosevelt: 201-390-5663Do not call the main office of your child’s school.
CHS/NBC • Cherry Hill School • Cherry Hill School morning program:Students enrolled in the Before School Program at Cherry Hill School should report to room number 18 in in the new wing. • New Bridge Center morning program:Kindergarteners and first graders enrolled in the Before School Program should report to room number 105. • All entry into both school buildings will be through the link doors. Parents please come in with your child the first day to meet the teacher and be assured that your child has reported to the correct location. Children enrolled in the Before School Program are advised to bring a breakfast snack or to eat at home before they arrive since there is no provision of snacks in the morning sessions. • Picking up your child: • All entries into your child’s program must be made through the side door of the building. Parents must enter and exit through the same door • If you know that you will be picking your child up late, you must call the After School Program phone and notify the school's program manager at 201-967-5524. Please do not call the main office of your child’s school. • If possible, please have alternate arrangements made for these circumstances. A fee will be charged for late pick up. This must be paid the day that you are late. If you are unsure of the amount that you owe, call 201-967-5524 • Late fees are as follows: Twenty dollars for the first fifteen minutes and a dollar per minute for every minute thereafter • Late fees for 4 pm pick up are $5 per child until 6 pm then refer to 6 pm late fees • Parking Policy: • Please park on the street, in a legal parking space, and either drop your child off or walk them down on the sidewalk. • Vehicles are prohibited from entering the Cherry Hill School parking lot
RS • Roosevelt School • Roosevelt School morning program: students should report to room 122 located on the first floor back hallway. Summit Avenue is only for dropping off. Roosevelt parents may park on the opposite side of the street from the school if needed. • Parents please come in with your child the first day to meet the teacher and be assured that your child has reported to the correct location. Children enrolled in the Before School Program are advised to bring a breakfast snack or to eat at home before they arrive since there is no provision of snacks in the morning sessions. • Picking up your child: • All entries into your child’s program must be made through the side door of the building. Parents must enter and exit through the same door • If you know that you will be picking your child up late, you must call the After School Program phone and notify the teacher in charge at 201-390-5663. Please do not call the main office of your child’s school. • If possible, please have alternate arrangements made for these circumstances. A fee will be charged for late pick up. This must be paid the day that you are late. If you are unsure of the amount that you owe, call 201-390-5663 • Late fees are as follows: Twenty dollars for the first fifteen minutes and a dollar per minute for every minute thereafter • Late fees for 4 pm pick up are $5 per child until 6 pm then refer to 6 pm late fees.
Contact • Contact Us • Joe Hunter, Director: 201-390-0491 hunterj@riveredgeasp.org • Cherry Hill School/New Bridge Center: 201-967-5524Judy Albrizio, Teacher In Charge: albrizioj@riveredgeasp.orgRoosevelt School: 201-390-5663Terri Bevilacqua, Teacher in Charge: bevilacquat@riveredgeasp.org • For payment questions, contact Barbara Greenhalgh at: 201-265-4159 • Mailing Address • P.O. Box 307River Edge NJ 07661 • Roosevelt School: 201-390-5663 • Cherry Hill School & New Bridge Center: 201-967-5524 • P.O Box 307, River Edge, NJ 07661 • www.riveredgeasp.org