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Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits

Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits. All components are wired in sequence. Components are wired parallel to one another. What is Current?. Current is measured in Amperes (A or Amps for short). Current is a measure of how many electrons go through the wire each second.

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Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits • All components are wired in sequence • Components are wired parallel to one another

  2. What is Current?

  3. Current is measured in Amperes (A or Amps for short). Current is a measure of how many electrons go through the wire each second. Current is measured using an Ammeter.

  4. A A

  5. What is Voltage?

  6. You ate 6 cookies!

  7. Voltage is a measure of how much energy each electron has gained or lost across a component. Voltage is measured in Volts (V for short). Voltage is gained across a battery Voltage is lost across components that use energy, like light bulbs. Voltage is measured using aVoltmeter.

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