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The Elements:

The Elements & Principles of Art (information taken from www.artlex.com, photos from www.artchive.com). The Elements:. The basic components used by the artist when producing works of ART. Those elements are COLOUR, VALUE, LINE, SHAPE, FORM, TEXTURE, and SPACE. (Hint: remember CFL and TVS).

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The Elements:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Elements & Principles of Art(information taken from www.artlex.com, photos from www.artchive.com)

  2. The Elements: • The basic components used by the artist when producing works of ART. Those elements are COLOUR, VALUE, LINE, SHAPE, FORM, TEXTURE, and SPACE.(Hint: remember CFL and TVS)

  3. COLOUR: An Element of artwith three properties: (1) Hue or Tint(2) Intensity(3) Value

  4. Hue - The name of any colour as found in its pure state in the spectrum or rainbow Chagall, Marc I and The Village1911Oil on canvas

  5. Intensity: the purity and strength of a color, e.g., Bright red or dull red Cezanne, Paul Mont Sainte-Victoire1885-1887Oil on canvas

  6. Value in colour: the lightness or darkness of a colour. Harris, LawrenLighthouse, Father Point1930Oil on canvas

  7. Value: An element of art that refers to luminance or luminosity — the lightness or darkness of a colour. A value scale employing a smoothly nuanced gradation of values. Hiroshige, AndoPlum Estate, KameidoFrom "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo"1857Woodblock print

  8. Line - A mark with length and direction: • An element of art which refers to the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point. Types of line include: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, straight or ruled, curved, bent, angular, thin, thick or wide, interrupted (dotted, dashed, broken, etc.), blurred or fuzzy, controlled, freehand, parallel, hatching, meandering, and spiraling. It may be two-dimensional (as with pencil on paper) three-dimensional (as with wire) or implied (the edge of a shape or form).

  9. How many types of line can you see in this painting? Van Gogh, Vincent Village Street and Stairs with Figures1890Oil on canvas

  10. Shape - is an enclosed space defined and determined by other art elements such as line, colour, value, and texture. • In painting and drawing, shapes may take on the appearance of solid 3-D object even though they are limited to two dimensions — length and width. This 2-D character of shape distinguishes it from form which has depth as well as length and width.

  11. Mondrian, PietComposition with Large Blue Plane, Red, Black, Yellow, and Gray1921Oil on canvas Klee, Paul Dream City1921Watercolor and oil

  12. Form also refers to an element of art that is 3-D (height, width, and depth) and encloses volume. • For example, a triangle, which is 2-D, is a shape, but a pyramid, which is three-dimensional, is a form. Cubes, spheres, ovoids, pyramids, cones, and cylinders are examples of various forms.

  13. King Menkaure and a QueenFourth Dynasty, reign of MenkaureGraywacke with faint remains of paintHeight: 139 cm (54 3/4 in)Width: 57 cm (22 1/2 in)Depth: 54 cm (21 1/4 in) Greek Column with Ionic capital

  14. Texture - An element of art, texture is the surface quality or "feel" of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. • Textures may be actual or simulated. Actual textures can be felt with the fingers, while simulated textures are suggested by an artist in the painting of different areas of a picture —often in representing drapery, metals, rocks, hair, etc.

  15. Thomson, TomThe West Wind1917Oil on canvas Oppenheim, Meret Object (Swiss, 1913-1985) http://www.moma.org/

  16. Space - refers to the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things. • It can be described as 2-D or 3-D; as flat, shallow, or deep; as open or closed; as positive or negative

  17. Piero della FrancescaMontefeltro Altarpiece1465Oil on panel Green Stripe (Madame Matisse)1905Oil and tempera on canvas Violet shapes occupy positive spaces, but a negative space between them forms a square. 3-D space represented on a 2-D surface

  18. Principles of art - Certain qualities inherent in the choice and arrangement of elements of art in the production of a work of art. Artists “design" their works to varying degrees by controlling and ordering the elements of art.

  19. In other words, the Principles are the blueprint artist uses to put the elements (building blocks) together…

  20. There are varying lists of what the principles are, but these are common: • Unity • Variety • Rhythm • Emphasis (Dominance) • Movement • Balance • Proportion (ok, to help remember I made up this ridiculous sentence: U V Rays Damage Mostly Blondes)

  21. Unity • The quality of wholeness or oneness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of design. A totality that combines all of its parts into one complete, cohesive whole.

  22. How has the artist created a sense of unity in this painting? Seurat, GeorgesA Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte1884-86Oil on canvas

  23. Variety • A principle of design that refers to a way of combining elements in involved ways to achieve intricate and complex relationships. Variety is often obtained through the use of diversity and change by artists who wish to increase the visual interest of their work. An artwork which makes use of many different hues, values, lines, textures, and shapes would reflect the artist's desire for variety.

  24. In what ways does this painting represent variety? Matisse, Henri Interior with an Egyptian Curtain1948Oil on canvas

  25. Rhythm • A visual tempo or beat. The principle of design that refers to a regular repetition of elements of art to produce the look and feel of movement. It is often achieved through the careful placement of repeated components which invite the viewer's eye to jump rapidly or glide smoothly from one to the next.

  26. What elements contribute to a sense of rhythm in this sculpture? Gaudi, AntonioPark GüellAlchemic salamander1900-1914

  27. Emphasis (Dominance) • Any forcefulness that gives importance or weight to some feature or features of an artwork…often, emphasized elements are used to direct and focus attention on the most important parts of a composition — its focal point.

  28. What is the focal point of this piece? How is your eye drawn there? Kahlo, FridaSelf-Portrait1926Oil on canvas

  29. Movement • The arrangement of the parts of an image to create a sense of motion by using lines, shapes, forms, and textures that cause the eye to move over the work.

  30. What elements create a sense of movement in this piece? Degas, EdgarEcole de danse1873Oil on canvas

  31. Balance • The way the elements of art are arranged to create a feeling of stability in a work; a pleasing or harmonious arrangement or proportion of parts or areas in a design or composition.

  32. Balance can be symmetrical, or formal; or it can be asymmetrical, or informal. It can also be radial. Can you tell which is which? Leonardo da VinciThe Last Supperafter cleaning1498Tempera on plaster Rose Window Notre Dame Cathedral 1345 www.artlex.com James Abbott McNeill Whistler Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother 1871, oil on canvas www.artlex.com

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