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The Crime Picture

2. The Crime Picture. Chapter Agenda. Describe the FBI’s UCR/NIBRS Program, including its purpose, history, and what it tells us about crime in the United States today

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The Crime Picture

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  1. 2 The Crime Picture

  2. Chapter Agenda • Describe the FBI’s UCR/NIBRS Program, including its purpose, history, and what it tells us about crime in the United States today • Describe the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) program, including its purpose, history, and what it tells us about crime in the United States today

  3. Chapter Agenda • Compare and contrast the UCR and NCVS data collection and reporting programs • Describe how the special categories of crime discussed in this chapter are significant today

  4. Key Terms • Murder • Rape • Robbery • Aggravated assault • Burglary • Larceny • Motor vehicle theft • Arson

  5. Describe the FBI’s UCR/NIBRS Program, including its purpose, history, and what it tells us about crime in the United States today

  6. Uniform Crime Reporting • Created in 1927 by IACP • Seven crimes • Crime index • 1979, arson added • Part I offenses • Crime rate • Clearance rate

  7. National Incident-Based Reporting System • 1988 • Goals • Enhance the quality, quantity, and timeliness of crime data collection by law enforcement • Improve methodology used for computing, analyzing, auditing, and publishing the collected data

  8. Crimes • Against persons • Violent crime involving use of physical force • Crimes against property • Crime in which property is taken unlawfully • Crimes against public order • Acts that disrupt peace in a civil society

  9. Index Crimes • Criminal homicide • Rape • Assault • Robbery • Burglary • Larceny • Motor vehicle theft • Arson

  10. Traditional UCR • Consist of aggregate crime counts • Records one offense per incident, as determined by the hierarchy rule, which suppresses counts of lesser offenses in multiple-offense incidents • Does not distinguish between attempted and completed crimes • Records rape of females only

  11. 2010 Crime Clock for Violent Crimes • One murder every 34.5 minutes • One forcible rape every 6.0 minutes • One robbery every 1.3 minutes • One aggravated assault every 39.1 seconds

  12. Major Crimes Known to Police, 2010 1. Arson can be classified as either a property crime or a violent crime depending on whether personal injury or loss of life results from it’s commission. It is generally classified as a property crime, however. Arson statistics are incomplete for 2010. Source: Adapted from Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, 2010 (Washington DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 20011)

  13. UCR/NIBRS Part II Offenses, 2010

  14. Describe the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) program, including its purpose, history, and what it tells us about crime in the United States today

  15. The National Crime Victimization Survey • 1972, partially as a response to problems with UCR • Based on self reports, rather than police reports • Designed to estimate the occurrence of all crimes, whether reported or not • The Bureau of Justice Statistics

  16. The National Crime Victimization Survey • Approximately 15% of American households are touched by crime every year • About 16 million victimizations occur each year • City residents are almost twice as likely as rural residents to be victims of crime

  17. The National Crime Victimization Survey • Victims of crime are more often men than women • Younger people are more likely than the elderly to be victims of crime • Blacks are more likely than whites or members of other racial groups to be victims of violent crimes • Violent victimization rates are highest among people in lower-income families

  18. Comparison of UCR/NIBRS and NCVS Data, 2010 Source: Compiled from U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization, 2010 (Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011)

  19. Learning Objective Compare and contrast the UCR and NCVS data collection and reporting programs

  20. Underreporting UCR/NIBRS NCVS False or Exaggerated Reports Unintentional Inaccuracies Memory Problems/May Not Remember the Exact Details Forgotten Crimes • The Belief That the Police Can't Do Anything • Fear of Reprisal • Embarrassment About the Crime Itself/or Fear During

  21. Describe how the special categories of crime discussed in this chapter are significant today

  22. Special Categories of Crime • Crimes against women • Crimes against the elderly • Hate crimes • White-collar crimes • Organized crime • Gun crime • Drug crime • Cybercrime • Terrorism

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