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Analysis of Toys “R” Us LBO

Analysis of Toys “R” Us LBO. Student Names Date. Slide Topics: Situation overview / review of players involved / views on competitive dynamic of the process To come To come. Transaction Overview. Slide Topic: Analysis of leverage assumed in transaction To come To come.

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Analysis of Toys “R” Us LBO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Analysis of Toys “R” Us LBO Student Names Date

  2. Slide Topics: Situation overview / review of players involved / views on competitive dynamic of the process To come To come Transaction Overview

  3. Slide Topic: Analysis of leverage assumed in transaction To come To come Transaction Overview (Cont’d)

  4. Merits To come To come Transaction Merits & Risks • Risks • To come • To come

  5. Company Overview • To come • To come • To come

  6. Industry Overview • To come • To come • To come

  7. Slide Topic: Assume you have a few days with management to finish your due diligence: What other items / questions would you ask management about the business To come To come Additional Due Diligence Requests

  8. Toys “R” Us Domestic To come To come Base Case Assumptions – By Segment • Toys “R” Us International • To come • To come

  9. Babies “R” Us To come To come Base Case Assumptions – By Segment (Cont’d) • Toysrus.com • To come • To come

  10. Base Case Projections • To come • To come

  11. Base Case Returns • To come • To come

  12. Downside Case Projections • To come • To come

  13. Downside Case Returns • To come • To come

  14. Slide Topics: Present view of investment including discussion of risk / return profile, exit alternatives and any other issues that factored into your decision making for this investment (use more than one page if necessary). Make a recommendation. To come To come Investment Recommendation

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