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Question of the Day What is the purpose of religion?

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Question of the Day What is the purpose of religion?

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  1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APK: Activation of Prior KnowledgeWrite at least 2-3 sentences describing a time when…you read or heard a story/verse from the Bible or other holy book that you doubted or believed was true Question of the Day What is the purpose of religion?

  2. World Religion Pamphlet/Booklet Cover Be sure to write the name of the religion you selected. Have at least one image on the cover. Be sure your cover is interesting enough that people will want to open it and read it. Inside Be sure to include at least 5 images on the inside pages. Your booklet must contain information about the religion you selected in order to encourage or discourage someone who is interested in converting to it. Do not say anything cruel about any of the religions but you may criticize or complement it.

  3. Please Remember This! Your booklet must contain information about the religion you selected in order to encourage or discourage someone who is interested in converting to it.

  4. The Big Five Religions Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Buddhism

  5. Fold a blank piece of paper in half. Design an interesting, detailed and creative front cover. The cover must include the name of the religion and some type of image or images. The cover must also include a statement or statements that will draw attention to someone so they’d want to open and read it. The statements can be controversial or “catchy” it is up to you. The whole point is to draw the attention of a potential reader. The purpose of your pamphlet is to provide information to anyone who may have interest in converting to this religion. You may choose to encourage people to join or discourage them from joining your religion. The inside of your pamphlet/booklet must contain extensive details about the religion you chose. It must contain at least 5 images to help explain/describe your religion. The tone of your pamphlet/booklet should be like an advertisement so do not simply provide a list of facts. Assignment: World Religion Pamphlet/BookletChoose one religion from among the four outlined in the following slide show to complete the pamphlet described below.

  6. Make sure you explain what makes it “bad” or “good”

  7. What is religion? • A set of beliefs people accept as holy or sacred. • Terms: • Holy, faith, divine, truth and godly.

  8. Religious beliefs • Predestination (afterlife) Belief that behavior on earth determines where you end up. • Higher truth Behavior and actions make you wiser and more holy.

  9. Scriptures, Holy books, prophets and temples • Many religions have prophets. • People who lived and had divine revelations. • Word of God(s) told to them. • Revelations shared with believers.

  10. Scriptures, Holy books, prophets and temples • Holy books provide the text for people to follow and study. • Examples? • Holy Bible, Qu’ran, Vedas and Torah. • To believers the scriptures are the word of God.

  11. Scriptures, Holy books, prophets and temples • Sites where believers worship called temples. • They may have different names but the purpose is the same. • To worship at a holy (sacred) place.

  12. Hinduism • Brahmanthe manifestation of God as Creator • Vishnuthe manifestation of Brahman as Preserver • Sivathe manifestation of Brahman as Destroyer • VedasPoetic holy scriptures revealed by Brahman to holy men • Karmathe belief in a circle/cycle of actions that effect your future • Reincarnationthe belief in continual rebirth to other life forms based on your behavior

  13. Hinduism • Oldest known organized religion in the world. • Originated in India • Consists of many different sects [different groups].

  14. Hinduism • Polytheistic • Gods of varied forms of the spirit Brahman[the Creator] • Vishnu[the Preserver] • Shiva[the Destroyer] • Third largest religion: One billion people

  15. Vedas • Beautiful poetry written by Hindu prophets that describe the lives of gods. • All the verses rhyme and describe divine events • Stories include tales about animals and nature

  16. Hinduism • Many holy books • Vedas and Gitas • Scriptures revealed while rishis (priests) were meditating.

  17. Hinduism • Karma • Belief that everything you do effects your future. • “You reap what you sow” • “What come around goes around”

  18. Reincarnation • Belief in life on earth after death. • Behavior during life may affect new life. • Some sects believe the form is affected by behavior. • Only way to break this cycle is to fulfill your dharma which can lead to your reuniting with Brahman.

  19. Yoga • Method of meditation • Intense calmness and thought • Body is a temple. • Mastery of movements leads to inner peace. • Used to help achieve corporeal [physical] enlightenment

  20. Christianity • Jesus [Christ] of Nazareth Believers view him as the son of God • The GospelThe teachings of Jesus “word of the Lord” • The TrinityGod in three [3] parts [father, son and holy spirit] • DenominationsDifferent sects within Christianity

  21. Christianity • About 2000 years old • Largest religion in the world with 1.9 billion believers. • Follow Jesus of Nazareth.

  22. Christianity • Holy book is the Bible. • Portions of the Bible which teaches about Jesus is called the Gospel. • Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (New Testament). • Jesus was a Jew.

  23. Christianity • Jesus was killed by the Romans by crucifixion. • Bible says he rose three days later and went to heaven [Easter]. • Trinity: God exists in three parts. • Father • Son • Holy Spirit

  24. Christianity • Belief in an afterlife. • Through Jesus and penance you can enter heaven. • According to John 14:6 • “Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” • Or else? • Hell

  25. Denominations • Catholic • Oldest (leader is the Pope) in Rome at the Vatican. • Protestant • Protested the abuses of the Pope

  26. Denominations • Baptist-American, missionaries. • Lutheran-originally German, followers of Luther’s interpretation. • Presbyterian-Irish protestants. • Church ofChrist-American missionaries. • Episcopalian-English protestants. • Jehovah’s Witness-strict American separatists. • Mormons (Latter Day Saints)-American, believe Jesus came to America created a new biblical addition called the Book of Mormon. • Greek Orthodox-Strict Greek Catholics.

  27. Make sure you explain what makes it “bad” or “good”

  28. Buddhism • Gautama Buddha The enlightened one • Nirvana Ultimate state of peace • Monks Strict adherents of Buddhism • Enlightenment Highest state of spiritual and physical being

  29. Buddhism • Gautama Siddhartha is the founder of this religion. • Was an Indian prince. • We think he lived about 80 years. • His early life was of total luxury.

  30. Gautama Buddha • His life changed when he saw a dying man. • The man’s face was sick and morbid-looking. • After that he decided to avoid death, suffering and seek only beauty and enlightenment.

  31. Gautama Buddha • He took the name Buddha and tried to achieve for perfection. • People “looked up to him” and his lifestyle. • His lifewas and isworshipped.

  32. Buddhism • Around 2000 years old. • Follows the teaching of Gautama Buddha. • Most believers in Asia • India and Chinese territories.

  33. Buddhism • Has about 400 million followers. • The main goal is to reach Nirvana- perfect peace in the soul, free of suffering and full of enlightenment. • True believers practice a simple life. • What does this mean? • Few earthly possessions

  34. Buddhism A machine that compresses insects for food • Believe in non-violence • All life is sacred (important); equal. • Mahayanas believe that if even an insect dies it is a tragedy. The Dalai Lama

  35. Monks • Leaders of Buddhism called Monks • Lead an isolated life • Life dedicated to peace, study and meditation. • Well known for chanting during prayers as a way of preparing for meditation.

  36. Islam • Islam Name of the faith (religion) • Muslims Name of its followers (believers) • Five [5] Pillars of FaithFoundations of Islam • Qu’ran Name of the holy book • Mosque Place of worship (temple) • Muhammad Name of the prophet • Allah Name of God • Arabic Name of language required to be spoken

  37. Five Pillars of Faith Testimony of faith • One(1)- There is only one god named Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. • Two (2)- Believers must pray 5 times daily [to the East towards Mecca].

  38. Five Pillars of Faith • Three (3)- You must gives alms [a portion of your earnings to the temple]. • Four (4)- Fasting to purify the body and soul.

  39. Five Pillars of Faith • Five (5)- Making the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) if your able.

  40. Holy sites • City ofMecca Place where Muhammad ascended to Heaven and received the Qu’ran • City ofMedina Last place where Muhammad lived and was buried.

  41. Holy sites • The location is holy because it was where Muhammad lived. • Every year people come here to be close to the spirit of Muhammad.

  42. Mosques • Places of worship are called mosques. • People come here to pray and worship. • Prayers led by a leader.

  43. Clergy • Clergy only are allowed to preach the word of Allah. • The highest is a Mullah • He must know the Qu’ran by heart [every letter, word and phrase] • People who memorize the scriptures are called Hafiz. • Every word, comma and period.

  44. Clergy • Sheik-means literally “elder” but also a holy man who may not preach or teach. • Imam-an Islamic leader, often the leader of a mosque and/or community; who leads the prayer during Islamic gatherings.

  45. Islam • Practices • Polygamy is allowed. [More than one wife] • May not eat pork or drink alcohol.

  46. Islam • Controversial beliefs • According to Qur’an when believers meet non-believers that must….. • Convert them to Islam • Tax them or…. • Kill them if they do not submit. • Quran 9.29″ “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” • Quran 9:5: “When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

  47. Judaism • Religion of the Jewish people. • One of the oldest traditions in history. • 14 million followers.

  48. Judaism • Holy book is the Torah a.k.a. the Tanakh or Pentateuch. • First five (5) books in the Old Testament. • Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers • Jews believe these are a covenant between them and God

  49. Jewish beliefs • Jews are born Jewish. • According to the Torah they all descend from Abraham. • His descendants are the 12 tribes.

  50. Jews and their history • Jews have scattered to every part of the world. • Mixed with all cultures and accepted languages of those countries.

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