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Active Harmonic Filter

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an active harmonic filter? Know more about harmonic filter operations and installations online at Enconengineers.in.

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Active Harmonic Filter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. About Us Encon Engineers specialize in Total Power Quality Solutions and Harmonic Distortion Corrections since its inception in 1995. We offer focused emphasis on a plant’s Total Power Management for enhanced product quality and productivity. We have served over 350 clients across the globe. Our expertise in offering integrated solutions has earned widespread recognition.

  2. Rolling Mill improves with Harmonic Filter Harmonic Filter for Energy Efficient Manufacturing This Rolling Mill derived multitude betterments; solved waviness in sheet metal got rid of dc drive failures and achieved energy saving by installing harmonic filter. Waviness relates to widely placed variations in the surface texture a key quality parameter of the final sheet metal product. Mill operators reported reduced humming noise with the harmonic filtering, which was due to high-frequency harmonic currents.

  3. Harmonic Filter Solution Harmonic Filter solution is an engineer's approach to increasing 3P, Power, Productivity and Profitability. No stoppage. No breakdown. No quality rejection. Or for that matter, harmonic filtering reduces end-product quality rejection and in-process scrap generation by over 50% on a six-sigma scale for the manufacturing process industries. Power quality stoppages, plant breakdowns and equipment failures get mitigated by over 90%.

  4. Contact Us No.1A, Thomas Manor, No.88 Richmond Road, Bangalore- 560025 IND enconengineers@gmail.com +91 9845171951

  5. Thank You

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