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Workshop for Aquatic Ecosystem Sustainability. June 13-14, 2011 Marina del Rey, CA http:// water.isi.edu /. Welcome!. Tom Harmon UC Merced. Craig Knoblock USC ISI. Terry Benzel USC ISI. Ewa Deelman USC ISI. Yolanda Gil USC ISI. Pedro Szekely USC ISI.
Workshop for Aquatic Ecosystem Sustainability June 13-14, 2011 Marina del Rey, CA http://water.isi.edu/
Welcome! Tom Harmon UC Merced Craig Knoblock USC ISI Terry Benzel USC ISI EwaDeelman USC ISI Yolanda Gil USC ISI Pedro Szekely USC ISI
Goals of the Workshop The goal of the workshop is to develop a vision for aquatic ecosystems research that will accelerate advances in modeling and discovery through software innovations. To complement cyberinfrastructure projects that look more at the needs of a community, we will look at the needs of individual researchers. By analyzing processes and tools currently used in the scientific discovery cycle of individual researchers, our goal is to expose current bottlenecks and elicit requirements for necessary software capabilities to accelerate their work and open up new possibilities. The “long tail” of scientists
Participants • Matt Becker, California State University Long Beach • Amy Braverman, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory • Dan Crichton, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory • Todd Crowl, Utah State University • Stephanie Granger, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory • QinghuaGuo, University of California Merced • Paul Hanson, University of Wisconsin at Madison • Andreas Hofmann, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) • Burt Jones, University of Southern California • Mike McCann, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) • Timothy Stough, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory • Ryan Utz, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) • Sandra Villamizar, University of California Merced
Schedule: Monday June 13 8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast 9:00-9:30 Welcome, introductions, and workshop goals 9:30-10:00 Long-term goals for aquatic ecosystems sustainability, Tom Harmon 10:00-10:15 Discussion 10:15-10:30 Break 10:30-11:30 Brief presentations of current challenges, All participants 11:30-12:00 Planning breakout topics 12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided)
Schedule: Monday June 13 1:00-2:30 Breakout sessions (First theme) 2:30-2:45 Break, write session reports 2:45-3:30 Reports from breakout groups (First theme) 3:30-5:00 Breakout sessions (Second theme) 5:00-5:15 Break, write session reports 5:15-6:00 Reports from breakout groups (Second theme) 6:30-9:30 Group dinner at Chef Hannes
Schedule: Tuesday June 14 8:00-8:30 Continental breakfast 8:30-9:00 Workflows, semantics, provenance, metadata 9:00-9:30 Planning new breakout topics 9:30-11:00 Breakout sessions (Third theme) 11:00-11:15 Break, write session reports 11:15-12:00 Reports from breakout groups 12:00-12:30 Synthesis 12:30-1:30 Lunch (provided) 1:30-3:00 Synthesis (continued) 3:00-5:00 Writing final report
Brief Presentations of Current Challenges(Mail slides to fabio@isi.edu) • "Multi-Scale, Sensor-Based Net Daily Metabolism Estimates in Streams, Lakes, and Coastal Waters: Master Variable of Aquatic Ecosystem Changes?", by Tom Harmon • "Improving watershed conservation efforts using existent ecohydrology data", by Ryan Utz • "Multi-scale time series analysis of phyloplankton data from lake observatories: A case study of 'bagging' from the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network", by Paul Hanson • "How do we represent data as models and models as data", by Matt Becker • "Data Preparation Using Karma", by Pedro Szekely and Craig Knoblock • "A tool for estuarine biogeochemical modeling: an open source, modular biogeochemical modeling and data storage system", by Andreas Hofmann • "Data Mining, Data Fusion, and Analysis of Massive Distributed Data Sets", by Amy Braverman • Mike McCann • Burt Jones • EwaDeelman • QinghuaGuo • Tim Stough
First Breakout Themes • What level of data cleaning/filtering/averaging and organization, (underlying data structures) and analysis is appropriate for the communities working on ______ to bring about broader usage and more rapid scientific interpretation: • Group 1: rivers – Tim, Ryan, Pedro, Sandra, Fabio • Group 2: lakes – Amy, Stephanie, Craig, Burt, Ewa, Andreas • Group 3: coastal/oceans – Paul, Yolanda, Tom, Matt, Qinghua • How is the data best offered to domain scientists , are there common analyses that can be accomplished for them? • What grand questions would be answered sooner? • e.g., identify in time and space the “tipping point” or onset of algal blooms, and start to pose predictive models • If you like, OK to flip this and think from grand questions first (top-down model)
Second Breakout Themes • How data moves across tools: how could this be easier – 10cr • Paul, Tom, Matt, Craig, Stephanie, Mike, Qinghua • How to make data repositories (e.g., JPL, CDEC) more useful – 9cr • Dan, Tim, Amy, Yolanda, Fabio • How to make your data (and models) more usable to other people in your field • Ryan, Burt, Sandra, Andreas
Third Breakout Themes • Pick a grand science question of common interest (Human impacts on aquatic ecology: Nutrients , Carbon and Algal Blooms) • Sketch out key in-situ sensor data needs • Sketch out key mobile sensor data needs • Sketch out key remote sensing products • Sketch out key 3rd party data needs • Maybe name a couple of key non-sensor data products • Sketch out a workflow to help answer the question (don’t worry about numbers of sensors, coverage, etc) • data/metadata acquisition • storage for easy access by community (global lake carbon balance) • cleaning/QA/QC • Basic visualization • some reasonable data analysis components, both exploratory and hypothesis-driven • Try to flag bottlenecks, challenges, and (if possible) estimate effort.