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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. MIHE Mashal Institute of Higher Education. Job Analysis. Chapter # 02. Topic-1 Introduction to job analysis.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MIHE Mashal Institute of Higher Education
Job Analysis Chapter # 02
Topic-1 Introduction to job analysis • Job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. It is the all kind of evaluation of skills, knowledge and abilities needed to successfully perform each job in an organization • Definition: • The procedure for determining the duties and skills requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Topic-2 Uses of job analysis information • Recruitment and selection: Job analysis information are use in job advertising, testing and interviewing. By looking to the job description and specification, we can select a right person for our job. • Compensation: job analysis information are use in compensation. By looking to the qualification requirement and experiences needed, we can determine the employee compensations. • Training: job analysis information are use in assessing the training needs, whether an employee needs training or not because it contains job’s specific duties and required skills. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Uses of job analysis information • Performance appraisal: job analysis information is used in evaluation of employees’ performances. By comparing the employees’ actual work with the standard work which can be get from job analysis information. • Discovering unassigned duties: with the help of job analysis we can identify what duties are assigned to a specific employee and not. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Topic-3 Methods for collecting job analysis information • Job related information is vital for successful management of organization. What information about the job (content of the job) should be collected and how such information can be obtained (methods of information collection) vary from organization to organization depending upon the nature of the jobs and some other factors. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Methods for collecting job analysis information • Observation: The observation method requires the job analyst to visit the work place and watch the contents (duties involved) and context (environment) of a given job. This method is very desirable to acquaint the job analyst with the martial and equipments used, the working conditions and hazards and to obtain a sharp visual impression of just what is involved in the work. • Interview: Many organizations conduct interview. It is face-to-face interaction of job analyst and employees and/or their supervisors in order to obtain all the pertinent information for successful job analysis. Job analyst asks various questions from both the parties (employees and supervisor) in order to discover the facts. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Methods for collecting job analysis information • Questionnaire method: In the questionnaire method, the employees are given a detailed list of questions pertaining to their duties, the material and the tools they use, the working conditions and their qualification etc. They fill the questionnaire and return it to the supervisor for verification. The supervisor is supposed to discuss any errors in the employee’s response, make corrections, and then transmit it to the job analyst. • Daily Diary: According to the daily diary method, employee records his daily activities throughout a day. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Topic-4 Writing job description • What a job description is? • A job description is a written statement of job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions and supervisory relationship. • There is no standard format for writing a job description. However the most descriptions contain sections are: • Job identification • Job summary • Responsibilities and duties • Authority • Standard hours • Working conditions • Job specification KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Topic-5 Writing Job Specification • What a job specification is? • A job specification is a statement of human requirements for a job that is the required education, experience, skills, personality and son on. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Writing job description • Job enrichment and job enlargement: • The difference between job enrichment and jobenlargement is quality and quantity. Job enrichment means improvement, or an increase with the help of upgrading and development, whereas job enlargement means to add more duties, and an increased workload. By job enrichment, an employee finds satisfaction in respect to their position and personal growth potential, whereas job enlargement refers to having additional duties and responsibilities in a current job description. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM
Job rotation: moving workers from one job to another to enhance his or her experience and to identify strong and weak points. • De-jobbing: Broadening the responsibilities of the company’s jobs, and encouraging employees not to limit themselves to what’s on their job descriptions. KAMRAN KHAN MIHE HRM