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2. Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) . . Housing as a base from which to receive care National Commission on AIDS, 1992The first step to better health is a roof over your headHousing resident, Chicago HOPWA 2006 . 3. I. Program Structure: Fiscal Year 2008 Funds. F
1. 1 HOPWA Update for 2008 January 2008
Office of HIV/AIDS Housing
Email: HOPWA@hud.gov
Web: see info at AIDS.GOV &
2. 2 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)
3. 3 I. Program Structure:Fiscal Year 2008 Funds FY2008 Appropriations $300.1 million
- $267.4 million to 127 states/MSA by formula
- $29.7 million awarded by competition
- $1.485 million technical assistance
- $1.485 million working capital funds for IT support
Outlays during FY07 $277.8 million
- reimbursements from HUD financial systems for approved grants from prior fiscal years; the FY07data represents a small change from records for FY06 ($308.9 million)
4. 4 Obligation & Expenditure Limits FY08 Formula grants must be obligated by 9/30/09 or cancelled by statutory limit (2 year limit)
FY08 Competitive grants must be obligated by 9/30/10 or cancelled by statutory limit (3 year limit)
FY08 grant usage conditions: competitive/TA with 3 year grant agreements; w. one time extension up to 12 months for cause, approved by Field
Five year maximum or cancelled by statute (i.e. 9/30/14)
5. 5 Appropriation Changes 2008
6. 6 Appropriation Changes 2008
7. 7 Proposed FY2009 Funding Amounts to be proposed in President’s budget statement later in January.
Prior year CDC data allows for estimate that 3 potential new grantees
8. 8 Service Delivery – 103 Competitive Projects Awards in 2008 pending SuperNOFA and renewal notice publication (Statutory priority to renew expiring permanent supportive housing projects that meet program requirements)
103 active grantees rely on 83 project sponsors:
31 projects FY07, w. 27 renewals, 3 new PH, 1 new TH
26 projects FY06, w. 16 renewals, 10 new PH
35 projects FY05, w. 15 renewals, 3 new PH, 17 new TH
11 projects with extensions (6 PH from FY04; 5 PH FY03)
9. 9 Service Delivery - Formula Sponsors 120 Formula grantees rely on 787 project sponsors:
116 govt. agencies $66.8 m
561 nonprofits (secular) $133.7 m
110 nonprofits (faith-based CBO) $33.5 m
Amounts received (n=787):
32 over $1 million
67 $500,000 to 1 million
351 $100,000 to $499,999
337 under $100,000
10. 10 Transparency to public Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (PL 109-282):
requires information on subcontracts of $25,000 or greater (not data on individuals):
primary location -- city, state, congressional district, county
Unique identifier (i.e. Employer Identification Number/EIN) and for any parent entity
Publication on searchable website
11. 11 II. Program AssessmentsManagement Reviews Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) OMB/HUD FY05
Clear purpose & operates without flaws
Strategic Planning toward Long-term outcomes with commitment to achieve goals, linkages in budgets & addresses deficiencies
Program management with accountability, transparency, efficiencies, criteria for competitive processes, oversight
Results (50%) achieving annual goals within Long-term objectives, with cost effective approaches and independent evaluations
12. 12 Management Reviews Absent outcome data, results not demonstrated
Two PART recommendations
formula is out-dated and should be replaced with more current estimate of needs, PLWAs and Housing Costs
Establish long-term Client outcomes
2008 update to PART pending
13. 13 Management Reviews General Accountability Office, Changes Needed to Improve the Distribution of Ryan White CARE Act and Housing Funds, GAO-06-332 HIV/AIDS Funding, 2/06
Reviewed equity in distribution of resources federal HIV/AIDS programs
Recommended using a measure of living AIDS cases
Did not consider housing cost differences
funding is disproportionate per cum. AIDS case, average $306 vs. range of $230 to $626
14. 14 HUD Formula Recommendations
15. 15 Formula Recommendations
16. 16 Formula Recommendations
17. 17 III. Program PerformanceHUD Strategic Framework
18. 18 Profile on HOPWA Use of Funds Source: GAO Analysis of HUD Source: GAO Analysis of HUD
19. 19 Performance Indicators
20. 20 Performance Indicators
21. 21 Performance Indicators Source: PART Update, 1/07
22. 22
Permanent/stable housing arrangements in place & not likely to use more short-term support
Temporary housing situations/avoids homelessness, but likely to need more support
Unstable situations, when former clients are known to be homeless, in jail or disconnected from efforts
Annual Assessments of Status
23. 23 HOPWA Rental Assistance A. Total number households assisted: 17,851
Average Cost: $4,463
Benefits: Ongoing monthly housing subsidy
B. Outcome: 90% Stable (81% continuing); 4% Unstable; 6% TBD
Source: A. Reports submitted for 2005-06 operating year
B. Sample of 95 grantee 2005-06 reports; n = 9,787 Households
24. 24 HOPWA Facility-based Assistance A. Total number of households assisted: 8,774
Average Cost: $5,636
Benefits: Housing with on-site support
Outcome: 75% Stable (56% continuing);
5% Temporarily Stable; 13% Unstable; 7% TBD
Source: A. Reports submitted for 2005-06 operating year
B. Sample of 95 grantee 2005-06 reports, n = 3,142 Households
Note: Operating and Development Costs only; not including supportive service costs
25. 25 HOPWA Short-term Assistance
26. 26 Client Outcomes by Type of Housing
27. 27 IV. Program GuidanceProject Operations & Management Common Project Review Findings
Documentation of client eligibility
Correct rent determinations
Documentation of eligible activities
Timeliness in grant expenditures & reporting
Disbursement to sponsors in timely manner
Proper cost allocation, staff time
28. 28 Confidentiality On names and personal information, required in statute and regulations, 24 CFR 574.440
Only used for limited purposes on program eligibility and assistance needs
Written procedures, staff training
Secure files/IT, limited access
Monitoring of compliance
Source: Guidance in CPD Notice 06-07
29. 29 Short-Term Rent Mortgage & Utilities
30. 30 Administrative Costs
31. 31 Related Project Costs
32. 32 V. Program Changes2008 HOPWA Plans Issuance of updated reporting forms with implementation guidance
Schedule series of area trainings on new tools on performance reporting and oversight
Posting of grantee profiles of annual results
Rollout of IDIS enhancements & redesign
33. 33 2008 HOPWA Report Forms Annual Progress Report -- APR
(Form HUD 40110-C, Expiration Date 12-31-2010)
Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report – CAPER
(Form HUD 40110-D, Expiration Date 12-31-2010)
34. 34 1. Reporting Edits for 2008 (Updating APR, CAPER, IDIS elements) Info on Grantee/Project Sponsor/Subrecipients
Organization and subgrant information revised to cover elements in the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, 2006 (PL 109-282)
Grant Summary in CAPER streamlined similar to the APR and reduced to:
Housing outputs (households by type of housing & area)
Assessing achievement of outcomes, compared w. goal
Coordination with other resources, as est. in Con Plans
Technical assistance needed
35. 35 Reporting Edits for 2008 3. Unmet Housing Needs chart
Assessment for households by type of housing needs, and source for data (e.g. Consolidated Plans or other relevant policy tools).
4. Leveraging of other resource commitments
Consolidated to one chart and streamlined by sources for 2 categories: housing assistance or supportive services.
5. Resource Identification & Technical Assistance
Reported as separate items, to improve accuracy
36. 36 Reporting Edits for 2008 6. Housing Assistance Type
Clarified to include use of master leased units and scattered site leased units reported under facilities (along with PBRA)
Separates output/outcome information in using facilities by type: either Permanent housing facilities or Transitional/Short-term Facilities.
Note: edits maintain 2006 HOPWA matrix for 9 types of housing status results, consistent with HMIS data elements
37. 37 Reporting Edits for 2008 7. Results from use of Short-Term Rent, Mortgage and Utility Assistance (STRMU)
Reformatted to clarify use of short-term tools
Differentiates outcomes for reducing the risk of homelessness, seen in temporary arrangements (with need for more STRMU likely), from stable/permanent results where households are likely to not need additional subsidy
Status of client households reported based on assessment of their on-going housing situation, as known
38. 38 Reporting Edits for 2008 8. Access to Care
Simplified to collect annual results (drops entry/exit reports) and clarify key status-of-care indicators as follows:
Has a housing plan
Contact with a case manager
Contact with a primary health care provider
Access medical insurance/assistance
Access or maintained sources of income/benefits (drops chart on changes in income levels)
39. 39 Reporting Edits for 2008 9. Supportive Services
Streamlined into one common chart on using HOPWA funds for these activities (13 types)
Grantee summaries on services reported by 2 types of project sponsor programs:
Services provided by project sponsors also delivering HOPWA housing assistance
Services provided by project sponsors serving households with other housing arrangements
NOTE: Issuance of new edition of HOPWA report forms with implementation guidance and training plan expected in 2008
40. 40 2. HOPWA Oversight Desk Guide Purpose for new grantee tool:
Assist HOPWA grantees with practical steps in overseeing and supporting project sponsor management
Identifies key HUD regulations and other applicable federal requirements and guidelines
Based on HUD’s CPD Monitoring Handbook 6509.2 (2007 update) covering HOPWA and other programs
Will help standardize HOPWA project reviews and serve as a working desk guide on key program requirements
41. 41 Grantee Oversight Guide Chapters address key program and grant management topics
Gives grantees standard methodology for organizing oversight (key regulations, basic checklists)
Describes oversight through regular business operations (billing, reporting) as well as on-site visits
42. 42 Grantee Oversight Guide Chapters arranged by:
Activities (e.g. Tenant-based Rental Assistance, STRMU, Facilities, Supportive Services)
Management Areas (e.g. Audits, Procurement, Financial Management)
Implements key elements to evidence compliance with relevant HUD Regulations, Notices, OMB Circulars, other HUD publications
Forthcoming: January 2008 along with training web-cast and area training sessions in 2008
43. 43 3. Profile on Timeliness – 2008 Tool Tracking grantee performance based on ratio of 1.5 for balances on hand to 1.0 in new funds pending
Based on CPD standards for CDBG formula programs
HOPWA goal for active use of current funds
Targets technical assistance & CPD guidance on timely use of funds
Review of past financial reports (1/07):
100 top & well operating efforts (ratios below 1.5)
20 needing focus on disbursement efforts (ratios above 1.5)
44. 44 Profiles on Annual Grant Results Along with other CPD programs, HOPWA efforts will have a profile report posted on the HUD web to help disseminate information on results from the use of federal and other funds.
Available funds & ratio of balances to new formula amounts (tracking goal not to exceed 1.5 balance to 1.0 new award)
Expenditures by Type of Activity with charts
Outputs (# of households assisted) & Outcomes (% with stable housing arrangements or reduced risks of homelessness) in charts; and leveraged resouces.