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Aleph One Year On Part Deux

Aleph One Year On Part Deux. Creating and Modifying Patron Records. Interpreting the Patron Tab. Click on the Patron tab and scan the patron’s barcode or enter the UF ID. In the left-hand pane, the following nodes are listed: Cash: lists amount patron currently owes

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Aleph One Year On Part Deux

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  1. Aleph One Year On Part Deux Creating and Modifying Patron Records

  2. Interpreting the Patron Tab • Click on the Patron tab and scan the patron’s barcode or enter the UF ID. • In the left-hand pane, the following nodes are listed: • Cash: lists amount patron currently owes • Loans: Items a patron currently has on loan and due dates/times • Hold Requests: lists items for which a patron has placed a hold request • Proxies/Sponsors: lists approved Proxy borrowers for faculty Sponsors, or faculty Sponsors for approved Proxies

  3. Patron records that can be activated at any service desk • New faculty (generally a problem in the Fall). • Proxy borrowers. • Community College and/or SUL student, staff, and faculty. • Summer program students (if patron record is available). • Faculty affiliates if listed in Central Employment and/or UF Telephone directory. • Emeritus • Spouse records.

  4. Patrons to be referred to Circulation Services • General public. • Shands Hospital employees (non-UF payroll). • Veterans Administration Hospital employee (non-UF payroll). • UF retirees (non-emeritus). • Inactive students (out for more than one semester). • P.K. Yonge students • Summer program student(s) (if patron record not created). • Faculty/staff affiliates not listed in any databases.

  5. How to search for a patron • If you cannot scan the patron barcode, you should be able to bring up the record using their UF-ID. • After clicking ‘go’ or pressing Enter, this will should take you to the patron record. • If you need to find the patron by name, click the patron list icon: • Type in the patron’s name (lastname, firstname), and press the enter key. Double click the name you need, or press ‘Select’. • You can also search by UF-ID from this screen.

  6. Adding their 14 digit barcode • Bring up their patron record. • Click on the Global Information Tab, and then the ‘Additional ID’s’ tab. • Click ‘ADD ID’ • Fill in the following fields: • Key Type: 02 Barcode • Verification Type: 00 • Status: AC Active • Key Data: Scan in their 14 digit number • Verification: Their verification number (month and day of birth) • Continued…

  7. Adding their 14 digit barcode continued… • Click the ‘Save ID’ on the right hand side, and then run the ID through ID Checker to give them computer access. • In addition, delete any old 14 digit barcodes.

  8. Creating a new patron record • Click on the Patron tab. • Click on ‘New Patron’ on the far right side of the patron bar. • In tab (1) of the Global Patron Information window that opens, fill in the UF-ID, Patron name and Verification number (their month and day of birth eg. 0621 for June 21st). • If the patron doesn’t have a UF-ID, the system will generate one. • Add the patron by clicking Update. • Continued…

  9. Creating a new patron record continued… • This will bring you to the Patron node. It should default to the Global Information tab, and the ‘Additional ID’s’ tab should be selected too. • From this screen you can add the patron’s 14 digit library card number (don’t forget the verification number) or their public workstation ID number. • Click ‘Save ID’ • Continued…

  10. Creating a new patron record continued… • Click the Local Information tab • In the 1. General Information tab in the lower pane, select Patron Status and Patron Type from the drop down menus. • After choosing the status of the patron (02 – UF Student, 20 – Faculty etc), click the Get Defaults button on the right of the screen. • Change the Expiration Date to the end of the semester. • Click Update. • Continued…

  11. Creating a new patron record continued… • Select the 3. Addresses tab of the upper right-hand pane. Fill in all necessary information, including e-mail. In the ‘Valid To’ field, change the date to 01/01/2050. • If the address field expires, it creates problems with notices. • Save by clicking Update. • (If you are entering an email address, make sure there is no space before the first character. If there is, it will create an error, and the the email wont work). • Additional addresses may be added by clicking New. Be sure to select the correct Address Type for permanent or mailing addresses. (01 is permanent, 02 is mailing address).

  12. Verifying new faculty • The UF Bridges transition is an ongoing process, and as such, the verification procedures keep evolving, based on your privileges and which databases each of you have access to. • Currently, the best way to verify the status of new Faculty members is through the Set Up HRMS link in my.ufl.edu • Sign In to your account • Click on the Set Up HRMS link. • Keep clicking through until you reach ‘Maintain Time Reporter Data’ • Continued…

  13. Verifying new faculty continued… • Type in the employee UF-ID without the dash. • Click ‘Search’ • This will take you to a screen which tells you whether an employee is active or inactive, and when they began their current assignment.

  14. Verifying new faculty continued… • If Set Up HRMS isn’t an option, you can verify their employment by going through the ‘Lookup an Employees Department’ link in my.ufl.edu • Click on Bridges Transition, and then Lookup an Employees Department’ • Continued…

  15. Verifying new faculty continued… • Fill in their UFID (without the dash) • Hit Search • The next screen will verify whether they are active or inactive

  16. Verifying New Faculty continued… • Many people have just been granted access to the ‘Manage Directory Information’ link through my.ufl.edu • Click ‘Quick Links’, then ‘Admin Menu’ • Then click ‘Directory’ to reveal the Manage Directory Information’ link. • Here you will be able to verify their status by entering their UF-ID number, without spaces

  17. Verifying new faculty continued… • New Faculty members not yet in Aleph should always be given a ‘New Faculty Privilege Activation Form’ to fill out. The faculty member will take this form back to their department, and their department will fill out the pertinent information. When they return the form, please forward it to Library West Circulation Services (currently located in Marston Science Library) for final review. • Form is currently located at: http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/as/forms.html • If you have any doubts about whether you’re activating the patron correctly, please refer them to either Library West Circulation Services, MSL or the Education library.

  18. Creating a Proxy Borrower • Open the Patron List by clicking on the patron icon: • Type in the name of the faculty sponsor, and write down their System ID. For example, “UF00081034”. • Again using the Patron List, bring up and highlight the record of the proxy. • Click Duplicate. • Continued…

  19. Creating a Proxy Borrower continued… • A Global Patron Information window will open. In the UF-ID field, type in a capital “P” followed by the proxy’s original UF-ID. For example, “P0001-1254”. • Next to the proxy’s name, type “ – Proxy”. For example, “Marley, Bob – Proxy”. • Place the expiration date for the proxy (the end of the semester) in the patron name field. • Therefore, the name field should read ‘Marley, Bob - Proxy (expires 12/19/05)’

  20. Creating a Proxy Borrower continued… • In the Sponsor’s ID field, type in the System ID of the faculty sponsor. • Under Proxy Type, select 02 Loans and Hold Requests. • Under Profile, select Faculty. • Click Update. You have now created the Proxy borrower. • To loan to a proxy, type P, followed by their UF-ID (eg P0001-1254) • Continue the loan session as normal.

  21. Creating new patron record for SUL/CC • Currently, the only definitive way to verify patrons from State University Libraries (SUL) and Community Colleges (CC) is by having them sign into their account through their own SUL/CC library homepage. Therefore, if someone is from UNF and wants to check out books here, we will navigate to the UNF library homepage, and then have them sign into their account. • You can find a handy list of SUL and CC library homepages through the University Of Florida library homepage. • On the main library webpage, Under Find, click the Databases & e-Resources link • Continued…

  22. Creating new patron record for SUL/CC continued… • Click on the Other Libraries link on the left hand side of the screen (under the Related Links header). • This will take you to the Other Library Catalogs & Web Sites page • On the right hand side of this page is a link to all the Community Colleges in Florida.

  23. Creating new patron record for SUL/CC continued… • After they have successfully signed into their school’s account, have them fill out a Special Borrowers form. • http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/as/forms.html • Continued…

  24. SUL/CC latest news… • FCLA is in the process of modifying their SUL patron verification checker so it will verify patrons from both Aleph and NOTIS schools.  • http://webluis.fcla.edu/cgi-bin/wlv3/CM2/DGgen/DBpatvv/CM77/P1ccpid • However, this link will only work from selected Circulation IP addresses.

  25. SUL/CC latest news… • FCLA are also in the last stages of testing the Aleph Circ module remote patron registration which will enable the SUL and CC Aleph libraries to verify patrons directly in each others' patron databases, and import the record. After this is implemented, you will only need to use the verification link to check on Phase 3 schools (FIU, FAU, UCF and New College) until they switch to Aleph next summer. • Please contact Matthew Daley at matdale@uflib.ufl.edu for more information.

  26. Creating new patron record for SUL/CC continued… • When filling out the Special Borrower form, SUL/CC students/faculty are required to provide a social security number to create a billable account. • If SSN field is left blank, a proxy number will be created by Library West Circulation Services to create a UF-ID for the patron. • Check Aleph database for possible existing patron record – search by barcode and name. • If patron cannot be located in the database, create a New Patron record. • Leave UF-ID field blank. • Enter name, and verification number (date and month of birth). • Click ‘Update’ • Continued…

  27. Creating new patron record for SUL/CC continued… • Select Local Information Tab. • In the lower ‘General Information’ tab, under Patron Status and Patron Type, select the appropriate category (SUL and Community College students are numbered 70 through 76). • Currently, library privileges are identical for all SUS and CC categories. This may change in the future. • Select the ‘Get Defaults’ button. • Continued…

  28. Creating new patron record for SUL continued… • After clicking ‘Get Defaults’, the default date it will give you is 05/15/2010. For students and staff, change this to the last day of the current semester. SUL and Community College faculty expire at the end of the UF academic year. • Click on the ‘Addresses’ tab. Fill in all necessary information - address, e-mail and telephone number and save by clicking Update. • In ‘Valid To’ field enter a date of two years from application date. • In ‘Address Type’ field, select 02 • Click ‘Update’ button. • Continued…

  29. Creating new patron record for SUL continued… • Select Global Information Tab. • Select Additional IDs tab. • Click ‘ADD ID’ Fill in the following fields: • Key Type: 02 Barcode • Verification Type: 00 • Status: AC Active • Key Data: Scan in their 14 digit number • Verification: Their verification number (month and day of birth) • Run ID through ID Checker • Briefly explain to patron the workstation logon procedure and loan policy (ten book limit, no remote access to proprietary databases, verification number, etc.). • Route completed application to Circulation Services – Library West.

  30. Emeritus and Spouse • Emeritus – It is very difficult to obtain an Emeritus card, so if an emeritus professor comes to get their card activated, assign them the Patron status category of 25, and have them fill out a Special Borrowers form. • Spouse – You need to verify that their husband/wife is registered for the current semester, and that they are indeed married. (Contact HUB Services to verify). Have them fill out a Special Borrowers form. • Forward completed Special Borrowers form(s) to Circulation Services – Library West. • Again, if you have any questions regarding the activation of patron accounts, please refer them to Library West Circulation Services, MSL or the Education Library.

  31. Questions? .

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