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Reporting sheet 3 QNT_SW State & quantity of surface water resources. Maggie Kossida ETC/W National Technical University of Athens - NTUA Joint EIONET NRC Freshwater & SoE DG Meeting 3 rd October 2007, Copenhagen.
Reporting sheet 3 QNT_SWState & quantity of surface water resources Maggie Kossida ETC/W National Technical University of Athens - NTUA Joint EIONET NRC Freshwater & SoE DG Meeting 3rd October 2007, Copenhagen
Serial number: 3Reporting sheet code: QNTReporting sheet name: State and quantity of water resources Note: this reporting sheet covers both SW and GW resources • What should be reported? • Why is it needed? • How should it be reported? • Data • Determinands • Treatment of data before reporting • Station selection and information Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Activitities in relation to water quantity Task 30 IRENA Update (water use, water abstr, agr. share of water use) Task 26 CSI18 Update (use of freshwater resources) Eurostat data tables Outputs CIS WG on Water Scarcity • Task 23 Background notes • Household water use • Tourism water use • 3) Agriculture water use • 4) Water pricing • 5) Desalination & reuse • Task 8, 9, 10 • Working • Database • Checking of 2006 • delivery • Test 2007 update 2008 report on water resources Task 5 SOE Reporting sheets 2008 report on climate impacts Task 14 Climate change & water demand (CC impact on flow regime, sectoral water demand etc.) Task 11 SOE data flow in WISE Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) Overall purpose: • provide representative periodic assessments of the status and trends in the availability and use of freshwater resources • adequately monitoring the progress along with the European policy objectives • improve water facts today to facilitate policy decisions and issues What is needed ? • Three main questions to adequately capture the drivers, pressures • and state of freshwater resources are important: • What variables are useful? • What spatial and temporal scales are appropriate? • How to build on existing effort and where to expand? Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Need for more detailed and less aggregated data Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) Why is it needed ? • Adequately formulate indicators • Assess the state & trends of the WR and associated pressures • Monitor the progress with European policy objectives • Broader assessment of specific water-related issues in the relevant conceptual ecosystem frameworks • Assess the impact of specific sectors, driving forces & responses Water Scarcity and Drought Communication 18th July Communication from the COM to the EU Parliament & the Council addressing the challenge of ws & drought in the EU {SEC(2007)993}{SEC(2007)996} The issue: reliable info is indispensable for decision-making, shared definitions are necessary, WISE provides the ideal platform to integrate and disseminate such information Way forward: present an annual EU assessment, based on agreed indicators and data provided by MS and stakeholders to the COM or EEA on a yearly basis Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) Eurostat/ OECD Joint Q. Water resource and use at country level Information used by other organisations National montoring and characteri-zation Water quantity information in WISE Reporting sheet Water resource and abstraction Aggregated by RBD WFD Art. 5 & 2010 • SoE reporting • Trend in water abstraction • Water use by sectors • Indicators Reporting sheet River flow Selected gauging stations Hydrological Services, drought monitoring Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) How should it be reported ? • Data on Freshwater Resources Availability • Status and trends in the hydrometeorological parameters and the hydrological freshwater resources budget • Spatial aggregation: RBD level (scaled down to reflect spatial variability of WR and support adequate analysis) • Temporal aggregation: monthly basis (allow distinguishing seasonal patterns and assessing dry periods within a hydrological year, as well as investigating additional indices such as the “Dry season flow index, WRI) • Some additional data will be collected on surface water storage volume for the natural or man-made reservoirs in the RBD, and groundwater levels and storage for the main aquifer systems (comprehensive of the water resources’ availability trends over long-term and deeper assessment of water scarcity issues) • Streamflow data will be also compiled for selected gauging stations on a daily time step (provide a more complete national picture and assess additional hydrological trends, such as flood patterns, changes in the 7-day low flow etc.) Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Currently vs. Suggested @ RBD Data on Freshwater Resources Availability Per capita /country Source: Jucar pilot river basin report River runoff Source: Meteonet CHI NTUA Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) How should it be reported ? • 2. Data on surface water & groundwater abstractions @ RBD level • enhance the assessment, complimentarily with the OECD/Eurostat work, by including the aspects of seasonality, temporal and spatial variability • Annual assessments at national level do not reflect regional trends and patterns… • thus a regionalization at RBD level is required, and a seasonal scale analysis is needed to accurately capture the evolution of water abstractions by source and sector Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Currently vs. Suggested @ RBD Data on surface water & groundwater abstractions WEI = Total water abstraction/year (as % of long-term FWR in 1990 and 2002) Water use by sectors – RBD Loire-Britany Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) Water Resources Availability Streamflow at selected gauging stations_Specifications: Daily data for the representative gauging stations (minimum of 10 years continuous measurements is desirable). Each representative GS and year should be described by a set of summary statistics (mean, maximum, mean annual minimum flow (MAM), etc.) Representative GS: such as downstream stations at the main catchments and main tributaries. Stations may also be selected to describe natural flow such as stations unaffected by reservoirs or water abstractions. One GS/1000 km2 may be used as an indicative density Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Reporting sheet QNT_SW (3) • Sectors: • public water supply (if possible separate between domestic, commercial, tourism and industrial purposes) • Agriculture • manufacturing industry split by abstraction for industrial processes • production of thermoelectric power (cooling) • Tourism • Mining • Hydropower • Livestock • Fish farms Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Austria, France, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden, Eurostat, WMO main MS comments General: • Data availability – not scored as a non delivery • Transnational RBD MS part (if not conflict w/ int. conventions) • No water scarcity problems communication 18/07, water accounts • Methods and standards of measurement should be discussed in more detail • Hydrological vs. Calendar year review periods of MS Water Resources availability: • The code QNT_SW refers only to SW, move GW to QNT_GW as pressure data, also problem w/monthly we need seasonal trends • LTAA, ref. period WMO 1971-2000, also specify standards • For internal flow (water budget) assumption that MS have calibrated model Water abstractions: • Tourism and Industry are mentioned twice not always connected to PWSS • Data availability, Monthly is difficult, agencies may gather info once a year at least seasonal is important Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Test data exchange for quantity during 2008 2009: Regular reporting of quantity data according to the agreed structure Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
Thank you for your attention ! Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA