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Job Aid Visitation Process and Techniques | Enhancing Innovation Understanding

A visitation guides you to study innovation in action, focusing on appropriateness and client needs. Learn steps, tips, and key factors to ensure successful visits and gather valuable insights.

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Job Aid Visitation Process and Techniques | Enhancing Innovation Understanding

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Instructional DevelopmentProcess and Technique Castelle G. Gentry Michigan State University

  2. Job Aid/Visitation Presented by C. Colette Thompson

  3. Description A visitation is a carefully planned trip to some location to study some process or activity operating in another environment, for the purpose of determining the appro- priateness of the process

  4. Use Rationale Reading about an innovation or hearing about it, is a far cry from actually seeing it in operation and being able to question those running the system

  5. Establish the need for the visit. Determine the appropriate site for the visit Critical Steps

  6. Get the client to agree to visit the site where innovation is in operation

  7. Critical Step • Arrange for release of the client for visitation.

  8. Critical Step • Get agreement from site personnel for the visit

  9. Critical Step • Establish clearly specified objectives for the visit

  10. Critical Step • Establish criteria to be applied to an innovation, during the visit, to determine if it meets the client’s needs.

  11. Critical Step • Brief the client prior to visiting the installation.

  12. Critical Step • Get agreement on who will be responsible for specific tasks during the visit

  13. Critical Step • Schedule the visit with site personnel

  14. Critical Step • Send an abbreviated statement of expectations to the site

  15. Follow a plan during the visit • Be on time • Refrain from being critical of the innovator or of the innovation • Ask general questions of a specific contact, initially, to ensure that you are not curtailing innovator response, then get more specific in the latter part of meeting

  16. Visit • Use planned times to correct and consolidate notes on the most recent contacts

  17. Visit • Ask for examples of actual incidents to support any declarative statements made by site personnel about innovation

  18. Visit • Always ask each contact at the end of an interview. “What are the major problems that we should look out for if we adopt this innovation

  19. Visit Meet periodically with other team members to share information and questions, so that they can be on the lookout for answers and corroboration of information

  20. Visit • Be on the lookout for, and collect, programs materials, especially those that site personnel have added to make the innovation work

  21. Critical Step Generate an initial report on the visitation

  22. Critical Step • Get additional input and recommendation from clients

  23. Finial Critical Step in the Job Aid Visitation • Write and submit the final report with recommendations

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