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Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2013: Classification spotlights

Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2013: Classification spotlights. Additions to the ConvNet Image Classification Pipeline Andrew Howard – Andrew Howard Consulting. Changes to Training:

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Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2013: Classification spotlights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2013: Classification spotlights

  2. Additions to the ConvNet Image Classification PipelineAndrew Howard – Andrew Howard Consulting Changes to Training: Use more pixels: Train on square patches from rectangular imageinstead of cropped central square Additional color manipulation of contrast, brightness, color balance used on training patches Use Patches From: Instead of Patches From: Changes to Testing: Make Predictions at different scales and different views which use all pixels Previous: Used 10 predictions (2 flips * 5 translations) This Submission: Used 90 predictions (2 flips * 5 translations * 3 scales * 3 views) The number of predictions can be reduced with no loss of accuracy with stagewise regression View 1: View 2: View 3: Higher Resolution Models: Use a fully trained model and fine tune on image patches from a higher resolution image This can be trained in about 1/3 the number of epochs Predictions on higher resolution images give complimentary predictions to the base model Final Vision System achieves 13.6% error and is made of 5 base models and 5 higher resolution models Structure is the same as last year with fully connected layers twice as large, which doesn’t add much value

  3. CognitiveVision team Cognitive Psychology Inspired Image Classification using Deep Neural Network Kuiyuan Yang, Microsoft Research Yalong Bai, Harbin Institute of Technology Yong Rui, Microsoft Research

  4. CognitiveVision team Our Classification Scheme Given a image, predict its basic category firstly. Basic Category Classification … Dog Cat Easy to distinguish Predict sub category Dog Classification Cat Classification dalmatian French bulldog Egyptian cat … tiger cat Maltese dog English setter Siamese cat

  5. Caffe: Open-Sourcing Deep LearningYangqing Jia, Trevor Darrell, UC Berkeley • Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Extraction • Seamless switching between CPU and GPU • Fast computation (2.5ms / image with GPU) • Full training and testing capability • Reference ImageNet model available • A framework to support multiple applications: Your next Application! Classification Embedding Detection Publicly available at http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/

  6. Experiments for large scale visual recognition + We tried: Deep CNN (following Krizhevskyet al’12) Low level features &spatial granularities Where did we fail? top 1 acc = 0.567 Appliance and instrument are confusing for us, including - TV vs. Screen, - Coffee mug vs. Cup, - Flute vs. Microphone, - … Television (0.18) Hair spray (0.18) Coffee mug (0.10) Flute (0.10)

  7. Agenda 8:30Classification&localization 10:30 Detection Noon Discussion panel 14:00 Invited talk by Vittorio Ferrari: Auto-annotation and self-assessment in ImageNet 14:40 Fine-Grained Challenge 2013 Spotlights 9:50 9:35 8:50 9:20 9:05 Spotlights 11:10 11:40 11:30 10:50 http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2013/iccv2013

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