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Military Tecnology in the M iddle A ges

Military Tecnology in the M iddle A ges. By : valentina puerta 7.2. I ntoduction.

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Military Tecnology in the M iddle A ges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MilitaryTecnology in theMiddleAges By : valentina puerta 7.2

  2. Intoduction • In thispowerpointimgoingtotellyouaboutmilitaryservice in de middleages .Militaryservicestartedwhenmenswherereallyyoung .Dourigthemiddleagesmostmenchooseto do militaryservicebecauseeavethougit was harditgave honor tothefamili,witch was veryimportant . Militarymade a jugeimpact and change in ourworld . In doestimsit was use togainlandmoslynowits use more forprotection.

  3. Time line

  4. Weaponry • Douring de middleageswepons and armorswherevery importante the use toprotectthemself and atac, someexamples are one of themostcomonswore was • thearmingsworsmostly use by thevikings. • one of themost popular istheflais • Catapultsalsoplayan importan role in themiddleagestheywherestonethrowers .

  5. MilitaryOrganization • Military was largelydesorganized males fromthekingdomewereobligatedtoservicefor 40 years at the time becauseiftheytaketoomanycitizensthetown can getweakenbecause no onewill be working and producinganything. • Preperingfor was wasdifferenttheyneededtopracticehard and trainbuttheyyalsoneededto do a starregy of atcac • Military was dominated by fuedalsystem

  6. PracticeForWar • Knightspracticeforwarmostly in tournamentsof archery , handtohandconvatusingswords and otherkind of weapons • In warthere was a hugeproblemtheamorurwas veryexpensibe and ifthey don t haveittheycouldgetreallyhurtorbesidsthatdyearmous are madeout of manychains and ironplates so they can be wellprotect

  7. Ways of Atac • in the middle ages they had mady was of atac and strategios this one was one oofitthe tortoise : groups of 27 men stand in a rectangle with their shields overlapping to form a shell, protecting the soldiers from arrows and rocks as as the troops progressed towards the enemy. Another tactic the Romans had was to use three levels of soldiers each in their own places. At the front would be the legion's soldiers who were the first to battle the enemy; next came the Ausilia, the soldiers on the flanks who protected the legion's soldiers from attack from the sides; and finally came the cavalry, who rode horseback and came in to finish the damage once the infantry had done their part . http://www.medievalwarfare.freehomepage.com/custom.html

  8. MilitaryPeople • Fredericbrabarossa : famousforfighting in the3rd crusade • Joan of arc : famousforrousingthefrenchangainsengish in the100 yearwar • peterhermit : famousforfightingthe1st crusadse

  9. Complishments • In themiddleagestheywherenotmanymayorsacomplismentsbecauseit was mostly a war time and theemipre was veryweaken in thoes times .

  10. Conclution • In conclutionthemiddleageshadmanywarsthatdid no letusevolutionest i hope youenjoy mi presentationthankyou .

  11. Bibliography • http://www.medievalwarfare.info/weapons.htm#armingsword • http://medievallifestyle.com/siege-engines/catapult.html • http://www.thefinertimes.com/Middle-Ages/military-in-the-middle-ages.html • http://www.medieval-life.net/knight_training.htm • http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/middle-ages-knights.htm • http://www.medievalwarfare.freehomepage.com/custom.html • http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/middle-ages-people.htm • http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/middle-ages-battles.htm • http://www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_crusades.php

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